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Cand sfaturile sau argumentele noastre par sa treaca pe langa urechile lui Vlad, ne-am dat seama ca una dintre solutii este sa apelam la carti pentru copii.


EN: When our advice or arguments seem to just fly by Vlad’s ears, we realized that one of the solutions is to turn to children’s books.

Acum cateva saptamani, am intrat in Carturesti si am dat peste o carte cu Bunele Maniere pentru copii. Am rasfoit-o si am zis hai sa incercam si varianta asta. Nu am cumparat doar una, ci trei carti diferite, toate tratand acelasi subiect, dar in moduri diferite. O sa isi dea doctoratul in Bune Maniere…

La casa am intrebat si daca nu au carti cu retete pe care le-ar putea face si copiii sau povesti legate de alimentatia sanatoasa, care sa influenteze pozitiv meniul lui Perfectu’. Sincer, chiar pentru acele carti intrasem in librarie. Nu am gasit nimic tentant, asa ca m-am intors acasa doar cu cele 3 carti legate de Bunele Maniere. Au avut un succes neasteptat! Pare ca daca ii citesti dintr-o carte ceva ce deja i-ai spus ca parinte, intelege ca nu e doar o pacaleala de-a ta, ci ca e ceva “verificat”. Dintr-odata regulile de la masa, din supermarket, de la locul de joaca ii erau explicate exact la fel cum i le explicasem si noi, dar de o “persoana avizată” dinafara familiei. Bingo!

Daca cu Bunele Maniere avem sanse de reusita prin aceasta tehnica, atunci obligatoriu trebuie sa gasim carti si legate de alimentatia sanatoasa, dar scrise pe intelesul lui Vlad. Doar ce m-am gandit la asta si se pare ca am pus Universul in miscare, pentru ca am primit de la Bonduelle fix cartea de care aveam nevoie: Aventurierii din Bonduellia.

Va recomand aceasta carte, care ii va purta pe micuti în incredibila lume Bonduellia, unde ii vor avea ghizi pe cei patru aventurieri: Ciupercica cea Cochetă, Fasolica Exploratoarea, Ardellino Atletul și Păstăielli Familistul! Povestea e foarte simpatica, pastrand in acelasi timp componenta educativa. Intr-un fel isteț si atractiv sunt introduse informatii legate de importanta consumarii legumelor. Pe langa povestea aventurierilor, cartea contine multe jocuri, stickere, care stiti cat de mult ii pot atrage pe copii.

Probabil va intrebati deja cum puteti intra in posesia ei, dar si a jucariilor din imagini, reprezentadu-i pe cei 4 aventurieri. Ei bine, “Cutia aventurierului” care contine 4x conserve si un aventurier de plus mai este disponibila in magazinele Cora si Auchan din toata tara.

Si m-a mai impresionat un lucru la aceasta campanie Bonduelle. Impreuna cu actrita Adina Lucaciu, au înregistrat cartea “Aventurierii din Bonduellia” pentru a o distribui către copiii nevăzători din întreaga țară. Felicitari pentru acest gest, echipei!

Statisticile despre problemele legate de dieta celor mici au transformat alimentația sănătoasă într-o preocupare serioasă pentru majoritatea părinților, si ma bucur ca sunt branduri care isi propun sa fie un partener de nădejde în educarea copiilor.

Noi ne intoarcem la legumele noastre acum. Va las mai jos si o reteta pe care am filmat-o recent: Chiftele cu fasole. Sa imi spuneti cum v-au iesit si daca au avut succes in familie! Noua ne plac “enorm de mult”.

In poze port: rochie H&M, pulover bej Rogue8, tenisi Superga. In video si in pozele de making of port pulover portocaliu COS.


Acest articol a fost sponsorizat de Bonduelle. Multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: A few weeks ago, I came across a book with Good Manners for children in Carturesti. I skimmed through it and thought we should we give it a go. We bought not only one, but three different books, all with the same subject, but approached differently. He’ll get his PHD in Good Manners some day…

I also asked about some books with recipes which kids could prepare or with stories about healthy eating, so our Perfect One’s menu could be positively influenced. To be honest those are the ones we were actually looking for. We didn’t find anything tempting, so we got back home only with the 3 books about Good Manners. They had quite an unexpected success! It looks like if you read to him something which you have already talked to him about before, he understand it’s not some sort of scam, but that’s “verified”. All of the sudden the table, supermarket or playground rules were explained to him just like we do, but it was by an “approved person” outside the family. Bingo!

If we can succeed through this technique with Good Manners, then we have to also find books about healthy eating, written so Vlad can also understand them. This thought merely crossed my mind and it seems like I set the Universe in motion, because I received from Bonduelle precisely the book I needed: The Adventurers from Bonduellia.  

I recommend this book, which will take your little ones to the incredible world of Bonduellia, where they will be guided by the four Adventurers: Ciupercica cea Cochetă, Fasolica Exploratoarea, Ardellino Atletul and Păstăielli Familistul! The story is very cute, while also maintaining the educational component. Information about the importance of eating vegetables are introduced in very smart and attractive manner. Beside the adventurers’ story, the book contains lots of games, stickers, which you already know are very appealing to kids.

You’re probably already wondering how you can get one, but also the toys in the images, representing the 4 adventurers. Well, “The Adventurer’s Box” which contains 4 cans and a stuffed adventurer is still available in the Cora and Auchan stores throughout the country.   

And I was also impressed by the fact that, together with the actress Adina Lucaciu, they recorded the book  “Aventurierii din Bonduellia” to share it with blind children in the entire country. Congratulations to the team for such a gesture!

The statistics about the problems in kids diets have transformed healthy eating habits into a serious concern for most parents, and I am glad to see brands who aim to become a trusted partner in the education of children.

Back to our vegetables now. You can watch a recipe I recently taped: Bean “meatballs”. Tell me how they turned out and if they were a success at the dinner table! We like them “a lot”.

In the pictures I am wearing: H&M dress, Rogue8 beige sweater, Superga sneakers. In the video and in the making of pictures I am wearing COS orange sweater.

This article was sponsored by Bonduelle. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.

  • Gabi/ 15.11.2018Reply

    Stiu ca si cartile lui Alec Blanche ataca problema alimentatiei: Erus si Valea Rabdarii, Erus si Valea Generozitatii

    • Dana/ 15.11.2018Reply

      Le avem si pe acelea, dar inca nu am apucat sa le citim. Am avut o tentativa, dar a adormit la prima pagina 🙂

  • Emilia/ 19.11.2018Reply

    E minunata masa din living. De unde este??

    • Dana/ 19.11.2018Reply

      Multumim. Am cumparat-o acum cativa ani de la BoConcept.

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