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Ca in filmele SF

Ca in filmele SF

A trecut mai mult de doua luni de cand am o masina de spalat noua, isteata foc, care merita un review pe cinste. Asadar, pentru cei care isi doresc sa isi schimbe masina de spalat veche, iata de ce mi se pare ca masina mea de spalat s-ar potrivi intr-un decor de film SF si de ce, bineinteles, recomand Samsung QuickDrive.


EN: It’s been over two months since I own a new washing machine, which is really smart and is worth a great review. So, for those of you looking to change the old washing machine, here’s why I believe mine looks like it’s from a Si Fi movie and why I recommend Samsung QuickDrive.

Masina de spalat, ca aragazul sau televizorul din living, nu ti-o schimbi ca pe un smartphone. Ea e menita sa te ajute multi ani, fara sa inunde casa cand ti-e lumea mai draga sau sa inceapa sa scoata hainele imbacsite cu detergent sau la fel de murdare precum au intrat in cuva. Asadar, e musai ca inainte sa cumperi o masina de spalat, sa faci o documentare mai serioasa si sa te asiguri investestitia se justifica pe termen lung.

Prima oara recunosc ca am apreciat designul. Chiar daca nu e criteriul eliminatoriu pentru mine, conteaza totusi foarte mult ca inclusiv masina de spalat – vazuta pe vremuri exclusiv ca un aparat utilitar – sa aiba acum un design cool, inovator. Iar Samsung QuickDrive are, nu puteti nega asta 🙂

Al doilea lucru pe care l-am observat a fost faptul ca are doua usi in loc de una pentru cuva. Prin usita poti adauga rufe in timp ce masina merge deja. Nu stiu cum sa va zic, dar asta mi se pare evolutie, nenica. De cate ori nu am ajuns sa spal de mana haine de care aveam nevoie repede, dar pe care uitasem sa le pun in masina de spalat. Spalam in tandem cu masina, chestie care era foarte frustranta. Va suna cunoscut?

Un alt avantaj incontestabil al acestei masini este ca are programe care spala rapid. De obicei, masinile de spalat au programe super lungi, care necesita ore bune din programul tau. Or, de-aia ii zice “Quick Drive”, pentru ca este cu adevarat “quick”, existand un program complet de spalare in 39 de min, iar altul “super speed” de doar 15 min!

In plus, masina are o functie speciala numita Eco Bubble, care iti permite sa speli foarte bine la temperaturi scazute. De aici rezulta o serie de avantaje:

1. consum mai mic, 2. poti amesteca hainele, fara sa fii nevoit sa le separi in functie de temperatura, 3. economisesti astfel timpul tau pretios, 4. masina este mai prietenoasa cu mediu.

Si ceea ce acum 10 ani ar fi sunat ca un scenariu de film SF, masina Samsung QuickDrive se conecteaza la smartphone prin aplicatia SmartThings, putand fi controlata de la distanta. Adica poti fi la restaurant sau inca in trafic, dar daca ai deja hainele bagate in cuva, poti porni masina de spalat si poti alege si personalize programul de spalare (cate grade, cate turatii etc) de pe mobil. Sau poti programa ora la care sa inceapa un program anume. Poate vrei sa spele peste noapte, iar dimineata cand suna ceasul, sa intinzi hainele proaspat spalate – pe post de gimnastica matinala.

Efectiv nu iti vine sa crezi cat de mult s-au dezvoltat astfel de aparate casnice si cat de mult iti simplifica existenta, adaptanadu-se permanent nevoilor noastre.

Daca mai sunt persoane care au deja acest model, le invit sa adauge un review. Suntem generatia care cautam pe net astfel de recomandari inainte de a face o achizitie importanta pentru casa, asa ca orice review este mai mult decat binevenit.

In poze port: rochie Ludmila Corlateanu.

Acest articol a fost realizat cu sprijinul Samsung Romania, dar continutul imi apartine in intregime. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: Just like in the case of the stove or living room TV, you don’t change your washing machine like you do with a smartphone. It’s meant to help you out for many years, without flooding your house or ruining your clothes because they’re not properly rinsed out. So, before buying a washing machine, it’s absolutely necessary to do a research and make sure that the investment is justified on the long run.

I must admit that the first thing I appreciated was the design. Even it’s not an essential condition, it still matters that the washing machine- which in the old days was considered to be merely an utilitarian device- also has a cool, innovating design. And Samsung QuickDrive really has that, there’s no denying:)

The second thing I noticed was the fact that it has two doors instead of one. Through the little one you can add laundry while it’s already working. I don’t know how to say this, but I find this is true evolution. I can’t recall how many times I ended up washing some clothes I needed by hand, because I forgot to load them in the washing machine. It was very frustrating that both I and the washing machine were washing at the same time. Does that sound familiar?

Another undoubtable advantage of this machine is that it has programs for quick washing. Usually the programs are super long and they take up hours of your time. Well, that’s why they call it “Quick Drive”, because it really is “quick”, with a full washing program of 39 de min, and another “super speed” one of only 15 min!

Also, it has a special feature called Eco Bubble, which allows you to was your clothes thoroughly at low temperature. Hence a series of advantages:

1. lower consumption, 2. you can mix the clothes, they don’t need to be separated according to temperature, 3. you save your precious time, 4. it is friendlier with the environment.

And what  10 years ago could have sounded like a Sci Fi movie script, the  Samsung QuickDrive washing machine connects to your smartphone through the SmartThings app, allowing you to control it from the distance. So you can be at a restaurant or in traffic, but if your clothes are already loaded, you can start the washing machine and choose and personalize the program (degrees, turns, etc.). Or you can schedule the time a certain program should start. Maybe you want to wash overnight, and when you wake up in the morning, hang out the freshly washed laundry- as a sort of morning workout routine.

It’s unbelievable how these household appliances have evolved and how much they simplify your existence, by constantly adjusting to our needs.

If there are others who already own this model, please leave a review. We are the generation who looks for such recommendations online before buying an important appliance for the house, so any review is more than welcome.

In the pictures I am wearing: Ludmila Corlateanu dress.

This article was made with the support of Samsung Romania, but its content belongs to me entirely. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.

  • Andreea Manole/ 22.01.2019Reply

    Ehe, si eu tot pentru design mi-am cumparat Samsung acum 3 ani. S-a dovedit o decizie foarte proasta, nu m-am asteptat sa fie atat de ineficienta fata de cea pe care o aveam la fosta resedinta. Haine neclatite, nu spala chiar cel mai bine, dar….e frumoasa si are cantecel, atat la sfarsit, cat si la inceput :)))

    • Dana/ 23.01.2019Reply

      Vorbim de acelasi model? Mi se pare ciudat… haine neclatite?! Chiar nu ni s-a intamplat pana acum. Si stiu sigur asta, pentru ca era una dintre marile probleme la vechea masina de spalat. Iar diferenta acum e evidenta. Daca e aceeasi, te sfatuiesc sa iti personalizezi un program si sa pui 2 clatiri, in loc de una. Singura noastra “problema” a fost cu doamna care face curatenie, care ne-a marturisit ca atunci cand alegem un program cu uscare rapida si cu viteza mare de rotatie la final, hainele se calca mai greu dupa 🙂 ceea e ce absolut logic si normal sa se intample, de fapt. Partea cu cantecelul m-a amuzat 🙂

  • Roxy/ 22.01.2019Reply

    Wow deci treaba cu doua usi este o idee geniala,eu mereu uit haine ??
    Si eu am masina de spalat tot Samsung,dar una mai veche ?

  • Amy/ 22.01.2019Reply

    Samsung nu e chiar cel mai bun producator atunci cand vine vorba de electrocasnice, am avut experiente neplacute cu ultimele lucruri achizitionate “made by Samsung”, asa ca ma feresc si incerc sa gasesc intotdeauna alternative. Nu contest, designul e misto, dar cam atat. 🙂

  • Crina/ 23.01.2019Reply

    Ador aceasta masina de spalat! Am achizitionat-o de curand si deja m-am indragostit de ea. Faza cu 2 usi mi se pare genial…mereu uit sa bag cate ceva la spalat, iar asta m-a ajutat enorm!!! ?

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 23.01.2019Reply

    Such a beautiful dress!

  • Sorina/ 23.01.2019Reply

    Nici ca se putea cu un asemenea decor (inclusiv masina de spalat) sa nu te imbraci cu aceasta rochie superba ?!

    • Dana/ 23.01.2019Reply

      Efectiv m-am asortat cu decorul :)))

  • Adriana Barar/ 08.02.2019Reply

    Suna interesant – un fel de too good to be true:P
    Si eu imi voi schimba curand masina de spalat, asa ca o sa pun si varianta asta pe lista.
    Cel putin ca design e super.

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