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Copiii de la tara

Copiii de la tara

Intamplari din weekendul petrecut la munte, cu ocazia implinirii varstei de 33 ani…


EN: Stories from our weekend in the mountains, for my 33rd birthday…

Am dormit prima noapte in Cloasterf. Vlad ne-a dat trezirea la 7, in conditiile in care in timpul saptamanii facem mari eforturi sa il trezim la 8 jumate, ca sa ajunga la timp la gradinita. Cand am deschis usa camerei, ne-a izbit aerul rece, de munte. Cu toate acestea, la micul dejun, Vlad era in tricou, eu putin stresata, pana cand o vad pe fetita cuplului care avea grija de pensiune in pijama si in picioarele goale, alergand prin curte. A fost randul mamei ei sa se streseze. Fetița era doar cu putin mai mare decat Vlad, dar cu un cap mai înaltă. “E foarte înalta” ii spun tatalui. – “Da, pentru ca a fost alaptata pana la 4 ani” imi raspunde. Aflu mai tarziu ca e vegetariana, la fel ca parintii, ca a fost nascuta in apa si ca urmeaza sa faca home schooling.

Plecam la o scurta plimbare prin Cloasterf, ne minunam la fiecare casa saseasca in parte, cand o alta fetita de vreo 6 ani trece pe langa noi pe bicicleta. Ne salutam. Admir independenta ei, diferita de a lui Vlad, cumva mult mai matura. Mai responsabila. Dupa vreo 15 minute, trece iar pe langa noi, in sens invers. Radu o intreaba: “Ce ai cumparat?”. Fetita se opreste, se uita circumspect la noi si raspunde timid: “Chips.” Ridica apoi incet de tot o punga Chio din sacosa de cumparaturi, pusa in cosul bicicletei roz cu roti ajutatoare. “A venit painea?” continua Radu. – “Nu, nu a venit. Pâinea e cea de ieri.” ne raspunde prompt, cat sa ne demonstreze ca stie tot ce se misca in satul ei.

A doua noapte am petrecut-o la Mesendorf. Imaginile de acolo sunt. Vlad a fost impresionst de livada: “Vino mama sa mananci prune! Sunt duuuuuulci, ca viața!”. Se catara in toti merii, gusta din fiecare si pastra pentru mai tarziu cele mai bune fructe. A mancat pe putin 1 kil de mere si prune in doar cateva ore. Ii placea senzatia de autonomie, ca poate sa isi procure singur de mancare. De-aia mi-a si spus foarte serios: “Sa stii ca eu as putea sa traiesc aici. M-as putea acomoda aici.” Ii placea inclusiv sa arunce pe jos cate un mar inca neterminat, cautand altul mai dulce. Ii dadea o satisfactie de pui de mosier.  “Daca as avea o ferma a mea, as vrea sa am o vaca, o oaie, trei câini, trei pisici si sapte soareci.” – “Sapte soareci?” intreb eu. “Si un cal si un unicorn.” imi raspunde el. A fost dezamăgit de comentariul meu, ca unicornii nu exista in realitate, asa ca la doua zile dupa mi-a spus ca l-a taiat de pe lista. Mi-a parut rau. M-am simtit prost, asa ca l-am sfatuit sa nu renunte la unicorn, sa il treaca pe lista de “animale imaginare” si sa-l lase sa traiasca bine-mersi in imaginatia lui.

In ultima zi am facut o tura cu bicicleta din Bunesti pana in Viscri si inapoi. Pe drumul de întoarcere, Vlad a adormit in scaunul lui, adus special de la Bucuresti, si montat pe o bicicleta de munte închiriata de acolo. Era un apus superb, era perfect. Am trecut pe langa un grup de copii din Bunesti care ne-au salutat cu respect, vizibil emotionati: “Good morning!”. Si ce daca era 6 seara?! Era engleza lor “de la” si “pentru” turisti. M-am emotionat.

Si ei sunt copiii de la tara, in 2018.

In poze port: blugi albastri Asos, blugi gri Zara, pulover gri Asos White, botine & Other Stories.

EN: On our first night we slept in Cloasterf. Vlad woke us up at 7 am, while on weekdays we can hardly wake him at 8.30, so he get to kindergarten on time. When we opened the door to our room, the fresh chilly mountain air hit us right in the face. But nonetheless, for breakfast, Vlad wore a t-shirt and I was a bit stressed, until I saw the daughter of the couple who takes care of the pension, in her pajamas and bare feet, running through the backyard. It was her mother’s turn to stress out. The girl was just a bit older than Vlad, but she was much taller. “She’s very tall” I tell her father. -“Yes, because she was breastfed until the age of 4” he answers. I later find out she’s vegetarian, like her parents, that she was born in water and that she’s going to be home schooled.

We leave for a short walk around Cloasterf, we gaze at every Saxon house, when another girl, about 6 years old drives her bike past us. We say hello. I admire her independence, different than Vlad’s, somehow more mature. More responsible. After 15 minutes she walks by us again, on her way back. Radu asks her: “What did you buy?”. The girl stops, looks at us and answers shy:” Chips.” She then lifts up a bag of Chio from her shopping bag, placed in the basket of her pink bicycle. “Has the bread arrived?” Radu continues. -“No, it’s not here yet. They have the same bread from yesterday.” she answers promptly, to prove that she knows everything that’s going on in her village.  

We spent our second night in Mesendorf. That’s where the images are from. Vlad was impressed with the orchard “Mum, come and have some prunes! They’re as sweeeeet as life!”. He climbed in all apple trees, tasted from each one and kept the best fruit for later. He ate at least 1 kilo of apples and prunes in under a few hours. He liked the feeling of autonomy, that he can get the food himself. That’s why he told me in all seriousness: “I could live here. I could get used to this.” He also liked throwing an unfinished apple, to look for a sweeter one. He had a satisfaction of a young farmer boy. “If I had my own farm, I would like to have a cow, a sheep, three dogs, three cats and seven mice.” – “Seven mice?” I ask. “And a horse and a unicorn.” he answers. He was disappointed by my comment that unicorns don’t really exist, so two days later he told me that he cut it off his list. I felt sorry for him. I felt bad, so I advised him to not give up on the unicorn, to put him on his list of “imaginary animals” and leave it be alive and well in his imagination.  

On the last day we took a bike tour from Bunesti to Viscri and back. On the way back, Vlad fell asleep in his chair, we brought from Bucharest, and put on a mountain bike we rented from there. We saw the most perfect sunset, it was beautiful. We went past a group of children from Bunesti who greeted us with respect, visibly emotional: “Good morning!”. So what if it was 6?! It was their English “from” and “for” tourists. I was touched.   

They are also the children from the countryside, in 2018.

In the pictures I am wearing: Asos blue jeans, Zara grey jeans, Asos White grey sweater, & Other Stories ankle boots.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 21.10.2018Reply

    Perfect place 🙂

  • Catalina/ 22.10.2018Reply

    Bună, Dana! Am o intrebare, cum ai găsit cazarile? ?

    • Dana/ 22.10.2018Reply

      Booking si prin recomandare. Mesendorf49 e contul lor de Instagram.

      • Catalina/ 30.10.2018Reply

        Mulțumesc mult! O zi faină!?

  • Alina/ 22.10.2018Reply

    Orice gospodarie care se respecta are si soricei :)) E logic sa gandeasca asa :))

  • Denisa/ 07.02.2020Reply

    Superbă cazarea la Meșendorf, am trecut-o pe listă. Am fost și noi anul trecut în Viscri, e de poveste zona, acum căutăm idei să ne reîntoarcem 😀

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