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Mos Nicolae 2018

Mos Nicolae 2018

Hai sa va arat cum ne-am gasit ieri dimineata ghetutele pline…


EN: Let me show you how, yesterday morning, we found our boots filled with presents…

Ca niciodata, Vlad s-a trezit singur la 7 dimineata si a luat-o la fuga pe scari, sa vada ce i-a adus Mos Nicolae anul acesta.

L-am intrebat ce isi doreste, iar raspunsul lui a fost: “Carti, din setul cu De ce? si Cum?, pe care le-am vazut la Carturesti”. Si ce se vezi, Mosul i-a implinit aceasta frumoasa dorinta. In plus, a tinut cont si de alte dorinte fierbinti din ultimele luni: “un evantai rosu cu verde” si “o perna de avion”. Sa ne intelegem, am cautat vara aceasta in toate magazinele posibile din Sicilia un astfel de evantai, dar nu l-am gasit. Are o pasiune pentru ele de cand era foarte mic. Dar Mosul domne’ le gaseste pe toate! Iar despre perna de avion, am vorbit in ultima vacanta din Ungaria, cand in aeropoturi imi arata toti pasagerii cu astfel de perne, dar si toate magazinele care le aveau expuse la raft. I-am promis ca poate ii aduce Mosul una pentru excursia in Sri Lanka.

Desigur, Mos Nicolae nu a uitat nici ca in ultimii doi ani Vlad i-a cerut acadele si pentru mine si Radu, nu doar pentru el, asa ca in ghetutele lui i-a asezat 3 acadele in forma de inimioara.

Dar hai mai bine sa urmariti videoul si va mai povestesc dupa ce s-a intamplat:

Ce m-a impresionat a fost ca s-a gandit sa ii lase lui Mos Nicolae o ciocolata, dar nu ca sa o manance, ci ca sa o ia cu el si sa o dea mai departe copiilor saraci. A doua zi dimineta, magie, cicolata disparuse, fiind preluata de destinatar.

Cel mai mult s-a bucurat de carti, punandu-ma sa ii citesc pe loc cat mai mult din fiecare. Si perna de avion a avut mare succes, alegand sa o ia cu el ieri in drumul spre gradinita cu masina: “Pai daca adorm pe drum?” Asta in conditiile in care noi stam la 7 minute cu masina de gradi. Culmea e ca si-a pus perna in scaunul lui de masina, si-a tras caciula pe ochi, si in cateva minute mai avea un pic si adormea!

Cat de frumoase sunt sarbatorile de cand sunt parinte. Efectiv nu ma mai satur de astfel de momente. Abia astept Craciunul!

EN: Vlad woke up on his own at 7 am, which hardly ever happens and he ran up the stairs to see what St Nicholas brought him this year.

We asked him what he wants and his answer was: “Books, from the set Why? and How?, which we saw in Carturesti”. And it just so happens that St Nicholas fulfilled this beautiful wish of his. He also considered other strong desires he has had in the past months: “a fan with red and green” and “an airplane pillow”. Let me be clear, this summer we have looked all over Sicily for such a fan, but we couldn’t find one. He has always had a passion for them. But St Nicholas seems to find everything! As for the airplane pillow, we talked about it on our last vacation in Hungary, when he would point out all the passengers in the airport who had them, but also in all the shops which had them on display. We promised that maybe St Nicholas will bring one for the trip to Sri Lanka.

Of course, St Nicholas didn’t forget that in the past 2 years, Vlad asked for popsicles for me and Radu also, not just for himself, so he placed 3 heart shaped ones in his boots.

But first watch the video above and then I’ll tell you more.

What impressed me was that he thought about leaving a chocolate for St Nicholas, but not to eat, it was for him to give it to poor children. the next morning, magic, the chocolate had vanished, because it was taken by its recipient.

He was happiest about the books, making me read them to him right there and then. The airplane pillow was also a big hit, he chose to take it along on his drive to kindergarten: “What if I fall asleep on the way there?” We live about 7 minutes away from kindergarten. Funny thing is he put the pillow in his car seat, pulled his hat over his eyes and he was very close to falling asleep!

The holidays are so beautiful since I became a parent. I can literally not get enough of such moments. I can hardly wait for Christmas!

  • Roxy/ 07.12.2018Reply

    Este un scump ?

  • Gabriela/ 07.12.2018Reply

    Cât e el de atent cu nevoile voastre prima data apoi el ….superb !!!si așa Perfect

  • Alina/ 07.12.2018Reply

    Dragul de el, cat de generos este! Sa aveti sarbatori dulci!

  • ELA/ 07.12.2018Reply


  • Silvia/ 08.12.2018Reply

    Noi plecam peste doua saptamani in Sri Lanka 😀

  • Diana/ 10.12.2018Reply

    Imi poti spune cine este autorul cartilor pe care le-a primit Vlad, te rog?

    • Dana/ 10.12.2018Reply

      Sunt carti Larousse de la editura Rao.

  • Diana/ 11.12.2018Reply

    Mulțumesc frumos pentru răspuns! 🙂

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