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Schimbari drastice pentru parul meu

Schimbari drastice pentru parul meu

Gata! Oficial mi-am gasit cea mai cool coafura, pe care as purta-o in fiecare zi vara aceasta. De cand am participat la Hair Fashion Night, rog toti hairsylistii pe care ii intalnesc sa imi aranjeze parul asa. Si cu ocazia aceasta, va spun si ce planuri mai am cu parul meu, ca sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti.


EN: It’s done! I have officially found the coolest hairdo, which I would wear every day this summer. Ever since I have attended Hair Fashion Night, I keep asking all the stylist I meet to do my hair like that. And on this occasion, I want to tell you about the plans I have for my hair, so you can tell me your opinion.

De curand am participat la prima editie Hair Fashion Night by L’Oreal Professionnel de la noi din tara, si a fost de-men-ta! Hair Fashion Night este cel mai mare eveniment dedicat hairstylingului profesional si se desfasoara in aceeasi noapte in toata lumea. Astfel, timp de o noapte, zeci de hairstylisti talentati de la noi s-au adunat sa lucreze in paralel si sa experimenteze cele mai noi tendinte in materie de hairstyling. Cand am intrat, zeci de uscatoare de par, de ondulatoare, de perii se invarteau prin aer, oriunde priveai cu ochii.

Venisem cu parul proaspat spalat, dar nearanjat, ca sa descopar acolo ce look mi se recomanda, la lungimea mea de par. “Bucle?” – “Pai am eu par de bucle?” – “Cum sa nu, e suficient de lung”. Hairstylistul Camelia Tugearu a folosit un ondulator incredibil de subtire, pe care vreau neaparat sa mi-l cumpar, in speranta ca ceva – ceva cret tot o iesi si din mana mea. Eu foloseam acasa ondulator conic, dar cel subtire pe care l-am testat acolo e mult mai potrivit pe un fir de par scurt ca al meu. Rezultatul a fost surprinzator! Mi-a placut la nebunie de cand m-am privit prima oara in oglinda. Pot sa ma laud (de fapt e meritul oamenilor astora talentati, nu al meu) ca de fiecare data cand am parul asa aranjat mi se spune ca arat super “fresh”, “young”, “wild”. Nu, nu ma complimenteaza strainii, dar ce sa faci, toata lumea foloseste engleza la capitolul “hairstyling”. Iar “wild” era atat datorita buclelor, cat si datorita produselor de styling, care nu l-au incarcat excesiv, dar i-au dat acel efect de sare de mare in par.

Asa cum sriam si in titlu, am planuri drastice pentru parul meu:

1. Ma tund din nou scurt – stiuuuuu, unii dintre voi ma vor cu parul lung, doar ca e foarte probabil sa mai filmam ceva pentru lungmetraj si sa trebuiasca sa am din nou fix aceeasi tunsoare. Se numeste “racord”. Mda, poate fi frustrant, dar face parte din riscurile meseriei.

2. Dupa ce ma asigur ca filmarile pentru lungmetraj s-au incheiat, ma voi vopsi! Mi-ar placea un blond nordic.

3. Iar dupa ce voi fi blonda, vreau neaparat sa incerc rozurile si movurile pe care le-am vazut la Hair Fashion Night si care inteleg ca tin cam 2 saptamani. Mi se par perfecte nuantele pentru un look boho si relaxat vara aceasta. Dar se aplica pe parul blond, asa ca mai intai blond sa fie.

E ciudat ca vreau sa fiu roz sau mov? Va dati seama cam ce extrema e asta, avand in vedere ca acum am parul 100% natural si ca in viata mea nu am testat nimic altceva in afara de diverse nuante de blond (cu suvite si fara).

Deci, ce ziceti? Scurt? Lung? Vopsit? Blond? Curcubeu? Natural?

La eveniment am purtat: bustiera Stradivarius, pantaloni BSB, clutch Moon negru cu fata detasabila Neon Pink.

EN: Recently I have attended the first edition of Hair Fashion Night by L’Oreal Professionnel in our country, and it was mad-ness! Hair Fashion Night is the biggest event dedicated to professional hairstyling and takes place on the same night all around the world. So, for one night, tens of talented hairstylists from our country have come together to work at the same time and to experiment the newest trends in hairstyling. When I arrived, tens of blow driers, hair curlers, brushes were swirling in the air, everywhere you looked.  

I had come with my hair freshly washed, but messy, so I can discover the look which is recommended to me, for my hair length. “Curls?” – “Is my hair right for curls?” – “Sure it is, it’s long enough”. The hairstylist Camelia Tugearu used an incredibly thin hair curler, which I really want to buy, in the hope that something curly is gonna come out of my hands.  At home I used a conical curler, but the thin one I have tried out there is more suitable for short hair like mine. The result was surprising!  I loved it ever since I took a look in the mirror. I can brag (actually the credits go to these talented people, not to me) that every time I wear my hair like that, people tell me I look super “fresh”, “young”, “wild”. No, I don’t receive compliments from foreigners, but what can you do, everyone speaks English when it comes to hairstyling. And “wild” was due  both to the curls and the styling products, which made it look naturally, with an effect of salt water in your hair.

As I wrote in the title, I have big plans about my hair:

1. I am cutting it short again- I knooow, some of you want me to have long hair, but it’s highly probably that we’ll be shooting for our motion picture again and I will have to have the exact same hair cut. Well yes, it can be frustrating, but it comes with the job.

2. After I make sure that shooting is over, I will dye my hair! I would like a Nordic blonde.

3. And after I’ll be blonde, I really want to try out the pinks and purples I have seen at Hair Fashion Night and which last for about 2 weeks from what I understood. I think they’re perfect for a boho relaxed look this summer. But they can only be applied to blonde hair, so blonde it is.  

Is it weird that I want to be pink or purple? Can you imagine how huge the difference would be, since my hair is 100% natural right now and that I have never ever tried any other color than blonde (with and without highlights).  

So, what do you think? Short? Long? Dyed? Blonde? Rainbow? Natural?

At the event I have worn: Stradivarius bustier , BSB pants, black Moon clutch with detachable cover Neon Pink.


  • Amy/ 04.07.2017Reply

    Suuper! Imi place la nebunie cum iti sta si nu-mi imaginam ca parul tau e facut cu ondulatorul. ???

  • Ralu/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Esti minunata dar eu m-am indragostit de coafura pe care ai postat-o pe facebook mai devreme ( im care prezentai una din noile fete moon)
    Sunt sigura ca te prinde orice! Felicitari pentru curaj!

  • Sorina/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Deja ne ai adus la cunostiinta ceea ce intentionezi sa faci ?! Deci indiferent ce urmeaza sa faci sigur va fi fain ?! Doar sa nu te faci blond alb, cred ca te va imbatrani. Rog/mov…merita poate ??!

  • Andreea K/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Mie imi place cum iti sta cu parul scurt indiferent de nuanta!

  • Catalina/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Incearca mov! Cred ca ti-ar sta foarte bine!

  • Heureux/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Buna, Dana. Eu zic sa revii la blondul de dinainte, te avatajeaza cel mai mult. Nu mi te pot imagina mov sau roz in par, cred ca ar fi o schimbare drastica, care nu te caracterizeaza. Si da, lung. Dana, parul lung intinereste. Cat de bine arata parul tau lung facut cu ondulatorul conic… O sa te saturi la batranete de parul scurt. Dar alegerea iti apartine, chiar daca ai vrut sa stii si parerile noastre.

  • Alina/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Daca Vlad va aproba schimbarea, sigur inseamna ca e ok 😀

  • Roxy/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Eu spun ca iti sta foarte bine si cu parul scurt,dar totusi eu prefer parul lung.Sunt curioasa cum iti sta cu blond nordic ?

  • Cami/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Abia astept sa vad cum iese! Ne place sau nu, tu sa fii fericita 🙂

  • Lia/ 06.07.2017Reply

    Scurt si vopsit mov la radacina si roz spre varfuri.

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