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Bruschete pentru Fete

Bruschete pentru Fete

Oficial, declar deschisa terasa casei mele pentru prieteni. Weekend-ul acesta ii astept (si sper sa ii impresionez) cu o reteta noua, perfecta pentru genul acesta de intalniri: bruschete cu macrou.


EN: My terrace is officially open to our friends. I am expecting them this weekend (and I hope I’ll impress them) with a new recipe, perfect for this kind of get-togethers: mackerel bruschetta.  

In perioada liceului eu si prietenele mele pregateam un singur fel de mancare pentru intalnirile noastre: salata de ton cu porumb. Bianca, Mushi, Andreea, Raluca – mai tineti minte?? Ce vremuri superbe. Sigur, mai stiam sa facem si alte retete, dar asta era singura din categoria “sanatoase” si “care nu ne ingrasa” – caci doar prin liceu apar si temerile de acest gen. Iar tonul de la RIO Mare, cu sinceritate va marturisesc, era votat ca cel mai bun.

Asadar, cand RIO Mare mi-a propus sa incerc noua lor gama Grilled Mackerel, m-am gandit instant la o reteta pentru aceleasi prietene din liceu, pe care le astept weekend-ul acesta la mine in vizita, pe terasa casei, unde a inflorit magnolia.

Macroul este un peste cu continut ridicat de Omega 3, proteine, vitamine (E, K, D, A, C, B-uri), minerale (calciu, potasiu, seleniu, magneziu), iar macroul la gratar de la RIO Mare este un produs premium, care poate fi consumat atat ca atare (direct din conserva), cat si incalzit (la cuptor). Ce m-a surprins placut de la prima gustare este gustul de peste la gratar. Este exact aroma aceea specifica gratarului, care il face foarte diferit de orice alt peste la conserva mancat de mine pana acum. Trebuie sa il incercati si voi, si o sa va dati seama din prima despre ce vorbesc. Au diverse sortimente dintre care puteti alege (macrou in ulei de masline extra virgin, macrou in suc natur, macrou in sos cu chilli), dar eu l-am ales pentru bruschetele mele pe cel in ulei de masline.


Aveti nevoie de:

  • 1 conserva RIO Mare Grilled Mackerel in ulei de masline
  • paine de secara
  • rosii cherry
  • 1 avocado (pentru 5 felii de paine)
  • ardei jalapeno
  • 1 lime
  • ulei de masline
  • sare, piper


Mai intai prajiti in putin ulei de masline feliile de paine de secara. Puteti sa le decupati intr-o forma anume, dar mie mi-a placut sa le las asa, intregi. Avocado copt si zdrobit cu furculita se amesteca cu ulei de masline, suc de lime (pus dupa gust), sare si piper. Am taiat si un varf de ardei jalapeno, caci imi place mancarea iute. Dar ardeiul sau un sos iute de chilli sunt optionale. Pasta rezultata se intinde in strat mai generos peste feliile de paine. Deasupra se asaza rosiile cherry (6 – 8 bucati) taiate cubulete. Iar peste toate, taiat bucati, macroul la gratar. Eu l-am folosit pe cel in ulei de masline, dar pentru aceasta reteta il puteti folosi si pe cel in suc natural. Inca putin lime deasupra bruschetelor si … gata! In 15 minute le aveti in farfurie. Si in 5 minute eu si Radu le-am terminat.

Incercati reteta de mai sus si imi spuneti cum v-a iesit? Iar daca vreti sa stiti ce alte retete puteti face cu noua gama Grilled Mackerel, intrati pe site-ul RIO Mare.

Pofta buna!


In poze port: bluza, pantaloni si tenisi toate H&M.


EN: During high school me and my friends used to prepare one single dish for our get-togethers: tuna salad with corn. Bianca, Mushi, Andreea, Raluca – do you remember?? What great times. Of course, we knew how to make other recipes as well, but this was the only one from the “healthy” category which “didn’t make us fat”- because during high school you start caring for things like that. And the tuna from RIO Mare, I must honestly confess, was voted as being the best.

So, when RIO Mare proposed I should try their new products with Grilled Mackerel, I instantly thought about a recipe for the same high school friends, who I’m expecting this weekend on my terrace, where my magnolia is in bloom.  

Mackerel is a fish with a high content of Omega 3, proteins, vitamins (E, K, D, A, C, B), minerals (calcium, potassium, selenium, magnesium), and the grilled mackerel from RIO Mare is a premium product, which can be serves as is  (straight from the can), but also heated up (in the oven). I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of grilled fish. It’s that grill specific flavor, which makes it very different from any other canned fish I have tasted so far. You have to try it yourselves, and you’ll tell right away what I am talking about. They have different flavors you can choose from (mackerel in extra virgin olive oil, mackerel in natural juice, mackerel in chili sauce), but I for my bruschetta I chose the one in olive oil.


You need:

  • 1 RIO Mare Grilled Mackerel in olive oil can
  • rye bread
  • cherry tomatoes
  • 1 avocado (for 5 slices of bread)
  • jalapeno peppers
  • 1 lime
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper

First you must fry the rye bread slices in a bit of olive oil. You can cut them in any shape you wish, but I liked leaving them whole. The ripe avocado crushed with a fork must be mixed with some olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. I also cut the tip of a jalapeno pepper, because I like spicy food. But the pepper or a hot chili sauce are optional. The paste you get must be spread in a thick layer on the bread slices. You place the cherry tomatoes on top (6-8 pieces) cut into pieces. And on top of it all, cut into slices, the grilled mackerel. I used the one in olive oil, but for this recipe you can also use the one in natural juice. Some more lime on top and… you’re done! In 15 minutes they are on your plate. And in 5 minutes Radu and I finished them.  

Try the recipe above and tell me what you thought of it, will you? And if you want to know what other recipes can be prepared with the Grilled Mackerel products, go to the RIO Mare website.

Enjoy your meal!

In the pictures I am wearing: H&M top, pants and sneakers.

  • patrisia/ 14.04.2018Reply

    Arata bine bruschetele !

  • patrisia/ 14.04.2018Reply

    Arata bine bruschetele !

    • Dana/ 14.04.2018Reply

      Si sunt super bune la gust. Daca le incerci, sa imi spui ce nota le dai 🙂

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 14.04.2018Reply

    Looks great! 🙂

  • Racumin Foam/ 15.04.2018Reply

    Arata foarte bine bruschetele, iar tie iti sta foarte bine cu breton si machiata asa! Eu si prietenele mele bem intotdeauna cafea si una dintre noi trebuie neaparat sa aduca ceva facut in casa cu care sa ne impresioneze.

  • Mia/ 20.04.2018Reply

    Mie-mi plac mult salatele de la Rio. Pacat ca la noi sunt destul de scumpe. In Italia le-am gasit muult mai ieftine.

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