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Pentru mine, in 2019

Iata ce planuri am legate de alimentatie si ingrijirea pielii in 2019:


EN: Here are my plans for 2019 regarding nutrition and skin care:

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3, 2, 1… Pofta buna!

Sigur nu va spun absolut nimic nou, ca suntem cu totii in aceeasi mare nebunie. Totusi, cum sa facem sa castigam putin mai mult timp? Ma gandesc la asta la fiecare inceput de zi, cand incerc sa o organizez cum pot eu mai bine, mai eficient. Fac asta pentru ca timpul cu Vlad este important, pentru ca timpul cu Radu este important, pentru ca timpul nostru ca familie este important, dar si timpul meu, doar pentru mine, conteaza. Ei bine teoria e frumoasa, insa cand vine vorba sa imparti totul la 4… la 6, la 8, in functie de proiecte, de evenimente, de vreo filmare, practica devine tare grea! Cum sa faci?


EN: I’m sure it’s no news that we are all in the same madness. How can we gain a little bit more time? I think about that every morning, when I try to organize everything as good as I can, as efficient as possible. I’m doing this because the time I spend with Vlad is very important, the time I spend with Radu is important, our time as a family is important, but so is my time, just with myself. Well theory is great, but when it comes to dividing everything by 4… or 6, or 8, depending on projects, events, shootings, practice gets very difficult! How do you do it?

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La prima ora

Cum te simti cand te trezesti dimineata, te uiti pe fereastra si vezi cum prima zapada a acoperit copacii, masinile, strada…? Si apoi fugi in bucatarie si, inainte sa se scoale copilul si sa inceapa agitatia, savurezi prima cafea a zilei. Cum te simti in momentul acela, la prima cafea a zilei, de la prima zapada a anului?


EN: How does it make you feel when you get up in the morning, look out the window and see how the first snow has covered the trees, cars, street…? And then you run to the kitchen and, before the child wakes up and the hustle begins, you savor the first cup of coffee of the day. How do you feel in that moment, on your first cup of coffee of the day, for the first snow of the year?

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Startul zilei

Nu inteleg cum pe unii cafeaua ii agita. Pe mine, in primul si in primul rand, cafeaua ma calmeaza, ma face sa vad cu alti ochi programul incarcat al zilei, ba chiar si furiile copilului. Asadar, lasa-ma sa imi beau latte-ul de dimineata si promit sa fiu OK, sa fiu rabdatoare, creativa, inspirata, jucausa… Ca doar dupa ce mi-am baut cafeaua mi-a venit ideea sa montez fix in centrul livingului un leagan. Abia astept sa se intoarca Vlad azi de la gradinita, sa vad cum va reactiona. Cred ca ne vom bate pe el…

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Coltul neplictisitor

Inovatia si creativitatea isi au de cele mai multe ori originea in largirea surselor de inspiratie. De foarte multe ori in moda, de exemplu, creatorii si-au gasit inspiratia in domenii complet adiacente, precum arhitectura sau… botanica si zoologie. Aceste intersectii pot avea rezultate surprinzatoare, unice. Exact acelasi pincipiu a stat la baza uneia dintre cele mai dragute provocari pe care le-am primit vreodata, care poate fi sintetizata prin intrebarea: “Ce au in comun ciocolata si design-ul interior?”


EN: Innovation and creativity often come from broadening your sources of inspiration. Very often in fashion, for example, creators have found their inspiration in areas completely adjacent, like in architecture or… botany and zoology. These intersections could have surprising, unique results. This exact same principle was the foundation of one of the nicest challenges I have ever received, which can be summarized in the question: “What do chocolate and interior design have in common?”

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5 retete cu iaurt


Azi va propun 5 retete ce au la baza iaurtul, pe care le puteti pregăti în doar câteva minute și le puteti mânca la orice ora din zi (sau noapte – eu chiar va inteleg….).


EN: Today I have for you 5 recipes based on yoghurt, which you can prepare in just a couple of minutes and you can eat any time of day (or night- no judgement on my side…). 

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Magie in Bucatarie (IV): Penne cu legume

Stiti scuza cu “nu am timp sa gatesc”? Si eu o folosesc, deseori. Dar adevarul e ca poti sa inveti cateva retete super rapide, care sa fie sanatoase si care sa iti creasca si increderea de sine – ca deh, e o mancare facuta de tine, cu manutele tale, pentru prietenii si familia ta! Asta e una dintre retetele de acest gen: penne cu broccoli, fasole verde si crema de branza. Noi facem deseori paste pentru Vlad. Sper doar ca treptat sa il conving sa adauge cat mai multe legume alaturi de ele.


EN: You know the excuse of “I don’t have time to cook”? I use it often myself. But the truth is you can learn a few super quick recipes, which are also healthy and which boost your self-esteem- because, after all, it’s a meal you cooked yourself, with your own hands, for your friends and family! This is one of those recipes: penne with broccoli, green beans and cream cheese. We cook pasta for Vlad very often. I only hope that, in time, I will be able to convince him to add as many vegetables as possible.

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