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Cum ai grija de haine

Cum ai grija de haine

Stiti deja cat de importante sunt hainele pentru mine, la urma urmei sunt prima noastra “față”, ceea ce se vede inainte ca noi sa apucam sa ne prezentam. Asa ca hainele ma reprezinta si cred ca trebuie sa arate bine si sa imi spuna povestea asa cum stiu ele mai bine, iar pentru asta merita ingrijire speciala.


EN: You already know how important clothes are to me, after all they are our first “face”, what you see before we get to introduce ourselves. So clothes represent me and I think they have to look good and tell my story as good as they can, and for this they deserve extra care.

Am primit provocarea de la Andreea Raicu, care m-a indemnat sa va povestesc cum am eu grija de hainele mele. Va spuneam niste mici trucuri de a avea grija de haine si m-am gandit sa mai completam putin lista aceea, mai ales ca atunci cand e vorba de tesaturi speciale- asa cum sunt hainele tricotate sau cele din materiale delicate, in general nu prea avem multe indicii. Asa ca am cautat sa va zic ce fac eu si daca aveti recomandari si completari, abia astept sa le primesc de la voi!

  1. Mereu citesc eticheta. Stiu ca suna foarte evident, insa adevarul e ca putini dintre noi citesc etichetele hainelor, cu atat mai mult daca obisnuim sa cumparam tesaturi asemanatoare- ce rost ar avea sa citim la infinit cum se spala un tricou de bumbac? Sunt insa anumite haine care au nevoie de ingrijire speciala- culorile se spala la temperaturi mici sau cu apa rece pentru a conserva  nuantele.
  2. Am descoperit ca spalarea manuala se poate intampla si in masina de spalat! Contraintuitiv, insa foarte multe masini de spalat au aceasta functie care este obligatorie la tricoturile fine sau la matasea delicata. Eu una m-am bucurat ca un copil cand am descoperit acest detaliu la masina mea de spalat!
  3. Nu aglomerez masina de spalat- e important sa lasi suficient loc hainelor tale in masina de spalat astfel incat detergentul si apa in care sunt clatite sa fie distribuite uniform. Astfel poti preveni acele urme albe care apar uneori pe hainele colorate- acelea sunt urme de detergent si le poti preveni foarte usor.
  4. Foloseste un detergent special asa cum este Perwoll Renew Color, special formulat pentru culori, Perwoll Care& Repair care previne scamosarea si e ideal pentru tricoturi, precum si Perwoll Wool&Silk, care are grija de tesaturile delicate precum lana, casmirul sau matasea. In plus, am descoperit ca detergentul lichid este mult mai bun pentru tesaturile delicate si pentru culori, dar si pentru hainele albe sau negre pentru ca le pastreaza stralucirea.
  5.  Tricoturile se spala exclusiv pe programul special. Temperaturile mari si centrifuga prea puternica pot face dintr-un pulover oversized unul potrivit pentru un bebelus, mi s-a intamplat de vreo 2 ori si m-am suparat foarte tare cand mi-am dat seama ca am strictat niste haine din simpla neatentie.
  6. Intoarce rufele colorate pe dos- inclusiv blugii. Daca hainele au finisaje speciale, de obicei in cazul celor colorate, va ajuta sa le speli pe dos pentru a le proteja. Acum spre exemplu fac asta si cu noile hanorace Moon, pentru ca vreau sa le protejez zona de pe piept dar si sa le mentin culoarea vibranta cat mai mult timp.
  7. Nu usuc hainele colorate la soare. Eu din experienta va spun ca niste blugi negri sunt acum un frumos gri- singura mea bafta e ca macar e uniforma greseala si ii pot purta in continuare
  8. Usuc tricoturile si hainele din tesaturi delicate pe suprafete plate. Mai precis in loc sa le atarn pe uscator asa cum as face-o cu orice alta haina, aleg sa le intind pe-a lungul, astfel incat acestea stau intinse. Astfel isi pastreaza forma mult mai bine- apa se poate strange in zona de jos si poate trage de tesatura si deforma haina.

Eu dau mai departe leapsa catre Ioana Chisiu si o provoc si pe ea sa ne dea cateva sfaturi despre cum putem sa mentinem cat mai bine calitatea hainelor noastre si sa ne spuna ce inseamna stilul pentru ea!

Nu uitati ca daca aveti o piesa dintr-un material delicat o puteti fotografia si incarca pe puteti castiga premii saptamanale, inclusiv o tinuta pentru Revelion!

In video am purtat: kimono vintage cumparat din Amsterdam, curea vintage luata de la V for Vintage.

EN: I received the challenge from Andreea Raicu, who encouraged me to tell you about how I take care of my clothes. I have told you some small tricks for taking care of clothes and I thought about adding some more to that list, especially when it comes to special fabrics- such as woven clothes or those made from delicate fabrics, in general we don’t have too many clues. So I wanted to tell you what I am doing and if you have any recommendations or anything to do, I can hardly wait to receive them from you!

  1. I always read the label. I know that sounds pretty obvious, but the truth is few of us do, especially since we are used to buying clothes made from similar fabrics- what’s the point of endlessly reading about how to wash a cotton t-shirt? But there are some clothes which need extra care- the colors are washed at low temperatures or with cold water to preserves the tones.
  2. I have discovered that manual wash can also happen in the washing machine! It doesn’t make much sense, but a lot of washing machines have this function which is mandatory for fine fabrics or delicate silk. I for one was as happy as a child when I discovered this detail at my washing machine!
  3. I don’t put too much into my washing machine- it’s important to leave enough room so the detergent and water in which they are rinsed can be distributed evenly. In this way you can prevent those white marks which sometimes appear on colored clothes- those are detergent remains and you can prevent them very easily.
  4. Use a special detergent such as Perwoll Renew Color, specially made for colors, Perwoll Care& Repair which prevents fuzzy fabrics and is ideal for knits, cashmere or silk. Plus, I have also discovered that liquid detergent is much better for delicate fabrics and colors, but also for white or black clothes, because it maintains their shine.  
  5.  Knits must only be washed on the special program. High temperatures and a too strong centrifuge can turned an oversized sweater into one suitable for babies, it happened to me twice and I was very mad when I realized that I destroyed some perfectly good clothes out of pure negligence.
  6. Turn colored clothes inside out- including jeans. If the clothes have special finishing, that’s usually the case for colored clothes, that helps you protect them. Now for instance I am doing that with my new Moon hoodies, because I want to protect the front part but also maintain their vibrant color for as long as possible.
  7. I don’t dry colored clothes in the sun. From my experience I tell you that some black jeans are now a nice shade of grey- my only luck is that the mistake was evenly made and I can keep wearing them.
  8. I dry knits and delicate fabrics on flat surfaces. To be more precise, instead of hanging them on the dryer as I would do with any clothes, I choose to lay them out, so they can be straight. That’s how they keep their shape longer- the water can pull down on the fabric and deform its shape.

I pass on this challenge to Ioana Chisiu and I encourage her to give us some advice about how we can maintain the quality of our clothes for a long period of time and to tell us what style means to her!

Don’t forget that if you have an item made from a delicate fabric, you can take a picture of it and upload it to, where you can win prizes every week, including an outfit for New Year’s Eve!

In the video I have worn: vintage kimono bought from Amsterdam, vintage belt bought from V for Vintage.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 05.12.2017Reply

    You’re great! Love your vlogs 🙂

  • Denisa/ 06.12.2017Reply

    Super interesant subiectul.
    Dupa cateva surprize la scosul rufelor din masina de spalat, am inceput sa citesc si eu etichetele.
    Problema e ca pe mine ma deranjeaza etichetele si le tai mai mereu uitand bineinteles indicatiile pretioase?.
    Nu am solutii sau trucuri pe subiect, ma bucur cand le postezi tu si cand le descopar si in comentarii.
    Toate cele bune!

    • Lora/ 06.12.2017Reply

      Ma regasesc 100% in comentariul tau, Denisa. Credeam ca numai eu tai toate etichetele de la haine (pur si simplu nu le suport) :)))

  • sorina/ 08.12.2017Reply

    Superb kimonoul acesta pe tine :)!!!!

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