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Digital Diva of the Year 2017

Digital Diva of the Year 2017

Multe s-au mai intamplat de cand nu v-am mai scris: o plecare la Cannes, una la Berlin si si si… marele premiu Digital Diva of the Year 2017 castigat!


EN: A lot has happened since I last wrote to you: a trip to Cannes, one to Berlin and and and… the big Digital Diva of the Year 2017 award I won!

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Am primit vestea ca am castigat premiul Digital Diva of the Year 2017 exact cu o zi inainte de a pleca la Cannes. Organizatorii stiau deja ca voi fi plecata si ma anuntasera inainte de eveniment, tocmai ca sa am timp sa realizez un filmulet de multumire adresat celor care ma votasera. Tot in acelasi mail scria ca am obtinut si locul 3 la sectiunea Best Fashion Blog si locul 1 la sectiunea Best Use of Photography.  Nu pot sa va descriu reactia de bucurie traita pe moment. Asta si pentru ca nu ma asteptam. Nu stiu cum s-a intamplat, dar acesta a fost primul an in care am uitat si sa va invit pe voi, prietenii acestui blog, ori pe cei care imi urmaresc Instagramul sau pagina de Facebook, sa ma votati, daca va doreati sa o faceti. Traiam cu senzatia ca mai e timp, mai e timp, mai e timp, pana cand am primit mailul de felicitare. Nici macar eu nu m-am votat! Caci doar va inchipuiti cum se face: cand esti nominalizat la mai multe categorii, intri nene si te votezi la toate. E ca votul presedintelui, singurul care nu e secret. E singurul om care stii sigur ce va urma sa voteze cand trage draperia. Asa si cu bloggerii nominalizati, se auto-voteaza la toate sectiunile. Ei bine, eu nici macar asta nu am apucat sa fac. I-am si zis lui Radu ca imi pare rau ca nu l-am votat la Best Use of Photography – care e mai mult premiul lui – , dar ca uite ca l-au votat atat de multi alti oameni, fara sa-i fi anunatat macar de dinainte, incat tot a castigat locul 1.

Chiar sunt mandra de mine pentru ca primesc acest titlu de Digital Diva of the Year pentru al doilea an consecutiv. Lasand deoparte analiza titlului, ca la scoala, cu ce inseamna “diva”, de ce “diva”, etc…. chiar e un titlu care ma onoreaza, care ma bucura, care ma responsabilizeaza. E un sentiment foarte placut sa vezi ca munca ta e apreciata. Acest premiu vine ca o confirmare a celui de anul trecut, dar si ca o confirmare a activitatii mele din mediul online din ultimii 7 ani. Am nevoie, macar din cand in cand, ca tot omul, si de astfel de confirmari. De un vot de incredere din partea blogosferei, din partea breslei. Drept urmare, va multumesc pentru aceasta surpriza extrem de placuta.

Felicit toti nominalizatii de la toate categoriile si le multumesc ca sunt din ce in ce mai buni. Caci doar asa ne putem trage unul pe altul, doar asa putem evolua si putem avea impreuna un glas puternic. Fiecare are locul lui in blogosfera, fiecare are traseul si publicul lui. Cand mi-am deschis blogul, nu aveam cum sa anticipez ce va insemna blogosfera romaneasca in doar cativa ani, evolutia fiind fantastic de rapida. Dar ma bucur ca ocup un loc al meu, ca aici ma pot exprima liber, ca pot fi autentica, ca pot fi o prezenta constanta, ca pot avea un mesaj, ca imi pot tine aproape o comunitate care a dat dovada in timp de maturitate, fidelitate si frumusete interioara, o comunitate asa cum mai rar intalnesti in mediul online. Felicitari voua si multumesc inca o data.

P.S. Ca sa nu uit si de data aceasta, ma puteti vota inca (sper cel putin sa nu fie prea tarziu) la Elle Blogging Awards, sectiunea Best Celebrity Blog. Desigur, daca simtiti ca e cazul.

In poze port: top si basca perle ambele Parlor, pantaloni COS, pantofi Uterque. Sa urmariti si video cu tintuta in miscare, pentru a simti un pic din atmosfera locului. Cat de curand poze noi de la Cannes si detalii despre aceasta experienta.

EN: I received the news that I have won the Digital Diva of the Year 2017 award exactly one day prior to leaving for Cannes. The organizers already knew that I would be gone and they let me know before the event, so that I would have time to make a thank you video to those who had voted for me. The same email said that I had also won 3rd place in the category Best Fashion Blog and first place in the category Best Use of Photography.  I can’t describe the feeling of joy I had in that moment. Because I really wasn’t expecting this. I don’t know how it happened, but this is the first year I forgot to invite you, friends of this blog, or those who follow my Facebook or Instagram pages, to vote for me, should you wish to do so. I was under the impression that there is still time, until I received the congratulations email. I didn’t even vote for myself! Because surely you can imagine how it’s done: when you are nominated for more categories, you log in and vote away for all of them. It’s like voting for the President, the only one which isn’t secret. It’s the one person you know exactly who he’s going to vote for as soon as he closes the curtain. It’s the same with the nominated bloggers, they vote for themselves in every category.  Well, I didn’t get around to that either. I told Radu that I was sorry for not voting for him for Best Use of Photography – which is basically his award-, but he was voted by so many people, without even announcing them in advance, that he won 1st prize.

I am really proud of myself for receiving this title of Digital Diva of the Year for the second year in a row. Leaving aside the analysis of the title, about what a “diva” actually means, why “diva”, etc… it’s a title which I am really honored of, which brings me joy, which makes me responsible. It’s a very good feeling to see that your work is appreciated. This award comes as a confirmation of the one from last year, but also as a confirmation of my activity online for the past 7 years. Every once in a while, just like any other person, I need such confirmations. A vote of confidence from the blogosphere, from my piers. Therefore, I would like to thank you for this lovely surprise.   

I would like to congratulate all the nominees in all categories and to thank them for getting better and better. Because that’s the only way we can pull each other forward, it’s how we can evolve and grow a strong voice together. Everyone has their place in the blogosphere, each one has his/ her own path and audience. When I first started my blog, I could never have anticipated what the Romanian blogosphere would mean in just a few years, its evolution being extremely fast. But I am happy to have a spot of my own, that I can express myself freely here, that I can be authentic, a constant presence, that I can have a message, that I can keep my community close, a community which has shown over time that it is mature, loyal and beautiful inside, a community which you hardly come across online. Congratulations to you and thank you again.

P.S. So I don’t forget this time, you can still vote for me (at least I hope it’s not too late) for the Elle Blogging Awards, category Best Celebrity Blog. Of course, only if you feel you should do so.

In the pictures I am wearing: Parlor top and pearl hat, COS pants, Uterque shoes. Please watch the video with the outfit on the move, so you can feel a bit of the place’s atmosphere. Soon I will show you new pictures from Cannes and give you details about this experience.

  • Ralu/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Imi place tare mult tinuta ta!
    Felicitari si pentru premiu! 🙂

  • Amy/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Cannes … un loc minunat in care mi-as dori din nou sa ajung. Ce bluza frumoasa! <3

    Felicitari pentru premiu, te-am votat si ma bucur ca ai castigat!

  • craciunescu/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Bv felicitari

  • Liana/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Felicitari Dana, so Chanel, so you! 🙂

  • Anda/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Foarte faina tinuta! Loooove your shoes❤️❤️❤️

  • Natalie/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Superba tinuta! atat de frantuzeasca si de degajata! T eincadrezi perfect

  • Teodora/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Imi place mult cum iti sta tinuta, chiar daca nu m-as vedea purtand-o 🙂 Felicitari pentru premiu si mult succes si la premiile Elle!
    P.S. Te-am votat la amandoua competitiile 😀

  • Bella WW/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Felicitari pentru premiul obtinut! Cu siguranta il meriti si sunt convinsa ca vei castiga si Best Celebrity Blog 🙂
    Pozele de la Cannes sunt superbe, asa cum ne-ai obisnuit de fiecare data

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Love the look!

  • Roxy/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Dana,esti minunata!!Meriti acest premiu din plin.Te iubesc mult !!! ???

    • Roxy/ 23.05.2017Reply

      Cine a luat locul 1 la Best Fashion Blog?

  • Larisa/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Imi place mult topul, cum vine legat la spate 🙂 nice 😉

  • Laura Ana/ 23.05.2017Reply

    Foarte frumoasa tinuta! Felicitari pentru premiu, il meriti pe deplin pentru toata munca ta! Esti un om tare frumos!

  • Sorina/ 24.05.2017Reply

    Meritati din plin acest premiu dar si mai mult aprecierile publicului.
    Se vede daruirea si pasiunea cu care claditi totul, asa ca ma bucur sincer ca faceti parte din categoria oamenilor la care ma gandesc cu drag???!
    Sa fiti fericiti?!

  • Alina/ 24.05.2017Reply

    Felicitari! Ma bucur pentru tine! Meriti! :*

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