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Doar o zi obisnuita

Doar o zi obisnuita

Am primit o provocare: sa port aceeasi tinuta de dimineata pana seara, indiferent de ocazie, bazandu-ma exclusiv pe accesorii diferite, care sa o schimbe cat mai mult, adaptand-o in functie de context. Mi s-a parut simpatica ideea, mai ales ca in felul acesta veti putea vedea acum si cum arata o zi oarecare din viata mea. In plus, e rost si de un CONCURS!

UPDATE: Cele trei castigatoare alese prin tragere la sorti au urmatoarele conturi de Instagram:

  1. @Iva Vulcan
  2. @Danutza70
  3. @Ancuta_chezan


EN: I received a challenge: to wear the same outfit from morning until evening, regardless of the occasion, relying exclusively on different accessories, which should change it as much as possible, by adapting it according to context. I thought the idea was funny, especially because in this way you will also be able to see what a day in my like looks like. And also I have a CONTEST coming up!

Aceasta provocare inedita a venit din partea Perwoll, care are si un concurs foarte dragut pentru voi! Am ales o tinuta pe care sa o pot adapta usor de dimineata si pana seara, in functie de ocazie, bazandu-ma doar pe incaltaminte si accesorii. Asa ca m-am orientat catre 2 piese de baza: un pulover, doar ca intr-o culoare nebuna, si o pereche de pantaloni negri.

Mai intai de toate trebuia sa spal la masina tinuta aleasa cu Perwoll Care&Refresh, ca sa testez pentru voi produsul si sa va povestesc experienta mea cu el. Noul Perwoll Care&Refresh este un detergent creat pentru tesaturile sintetice si mixte. Marele atu al acestui detergent este tehnologia Deo-Tech, datorita careia poate sa indeparteze mirosurile neplacute din tesaturi si sa pastreze prospetimea acestora pe durata intregii zile. De fiecare data ma impresioneaza genul acesta de tehnologii inovatoare aplicate la un produs de baza, precum e detergentul, de care toata lumea are nevoie. Pentru ca un detergent bun, cu o tehnologie noua, iti ofera practic mai mult decat o haina curata.

Prima problemuță a fost ca am bagat tarziu la masina hainele, iar de dimineata la prima ora, puloverul meu era inca ud. Si stiti foarte bine etapele: Scoti fierul de calcat! Calci grabita si speri, pana in ultimul moment, ca nu vei pleca cu el ud pe tine. Si nici ars. Iesi totusi din casa la ora 8 cu el umed. Te gandesti ca mama ti-ar pomeni cuvantul “pneumonie” daca ai mai locui cu ea. Dar tu te bucuri de vremea de afara si ca uberul nu a intarziat prea mult.

La 8:30 eram deja la probe de costume la teatru, pentru spectacolul “Ambasada iubirii”, ce va avea premiera in luna aprilie la Teatrul Dramaturgilor Romani. Eram imbracata cu tinuta aleasa, tenisi albi, o basca si o geaca de piele inflorata. Doamnele de acolo remarca faptul ca puloverul e inca ud si scot un feohn industrial, cu care fac minuni! Mi-am dat seama ca in ceea ce priveste provocarea, tehnologia Perwoll Care&Refresh era pentru prima oara pusa la incercare. Asta pentru ca foehnul ala mirosea ingrozitor de tare a fum, a ars. Verificam din 5 in 5 secunde daca nu cumva, cu cele mai bune intentii, cineva imi va arde pana la urma puloverul. Sa te tii atunci cum mai duc eu provocarea pana la capat, cu o bluza cu gauri! Dar, mirosul de plastic incins, de fum, iesea chiar din aparat. Spre norocul meu, prospetimea puloverului proaspat spalat a ramas intacta. Sa nu va imaginati ca parfumul detergentului e unul foarte puternic. Nu, nu e, pur si simplu miroase a curat, a haina proaspat luata de pe franghie, chiar si dupa ce il usuci cu un feohn care scoate fum.

De la teatru a venit Radu sa ma ia si am prins un mic dejun impreuna, pe repede inainte. La 11:30 trebuia sa fiu deja la Intercontinental, invitata sa tin un discurs in calitate de mama (si blogger) in cadrul unei conferinte dedicate Zilei Mondiale a Somnului. Fiind vorba de o intalnire cu medici si presa, am renuntat la tenisi si la basca mea jucausa, si mi-am pus pantofi cu toc si un cercel lung, statement.

De acolo, am fugit spre Pro TV, unde la ora 14:00 aveam programat un live pe pagina de Facebook “Ma insoara mama”. Inlocuiesc tocurile cu botinele, scot cercelul si imi pun un chocker simpatic, ca un guler. Am ocazia sa imi fac machiajul si sa imi aranjez parul acolo, asa ca dintr-odata parca intreaga tinuta casual arata mai bine.

Dupa live, plec spre studioul de inregistrari, tot pentru emisiunea “Ma insoara mama”. Imi termin treaba dupa vreo 2 ore, asa ca pe la 5 jumate, Radu si Vlad vin sa ma ia cu masina. Ne indreptam cu totii spre mall Baneasa, la cea mai proasta ora posibila a traficului. Radu uita sa imi ia tenisii de acasa, pe care ii purtasem de dimineata, asa ca deja ma dor picioarele in botinele inalte. Tinuta rezista, adica isi pastreaza in continuare prospetimea.

Ajung in mall pentru a-mi cauta haine pentru filmarea de a doua zi. Inainte de orice, mancam la grecesc. Apoi ma indrept spre V46, unde imi oprisem deja niste haine, dar ma opresc la Uterque, de unde imi cumpar o pereche de pantofi cu toc mic. Deodata tinuta mea arata mult mai bine! Ies cu ei in picioare din magazin.

Ajungem acasa pe la 8 si realizez ca puloverul meu arata si miroase in continuare fresh, incat – recunosc – nici nu imi vine sa il bag la spalat.

Seara am petrecut-o acasa, in pijama, cu familia mea.

Cat despre produsul testat, si-a facut treaba cu brio. Azi a venit doamna de la curatenie (dupa 3 saptamani de pauza… era haos!) si am rugat-o sa imi spele si restul hainelor cu acelasi detergent lichid.

Iar acum concursul promis la inceput!!! Vreau sa aleg prin tragere la sorti 3 castigatori, care vor primi cate o bluza ca cea din imagine, semnata Andreea Raicu (e foarte cool, o am si eu si am purtat-o cu jeansi rupti si un trenci deasupra), plus Perwoll Care&Refresh.  Pentru acest premiu, trebuie sa faceti o postare pe contul vostru de Instagram cu o imagine cu o tinuta pe care ati vrea sa o purtati la fel ca mine, de dimineata si pana seara. Poate fi pe voi sau doar pozata separat. Si trebuie sa folositi hashtagurile #StayFreshwithPerwoll si #FreshDana, ca sa va pot gasi tinutele usor. Va las timp de 3 zile sa va inscrieti in concurs, apoi voi alege cele 3 castigatoare! Succes!

Am purtat, in ordine cronologica: pulover Zara, pantaloni Poema, tenisi Adidas Stan Smith, basca Diesel, geaca piele Asos, pantofi cu toc Musette, cercel BonBijou, choker-guler Puma, botine Marc Jacobs, pantofi cu toc mic Uterque.

EN: This unique challenge came from Perwoll, who also have a very nice contest for you! I have chosen an outfit which I can adapt easily from morning until evening, according to the occasion, relying only on shoes and accessories. So I picked out 2 basic items: a sweater, but in a crazy color, and a pair of black pants.

First of all I had to wash the chosen outfit in the washing machine with Perwoll Care&Refresh, so I could try out for you the product and tell you about my experience with it. The new Perwoll Care&Refresh is a detergent made for synthetic and mixed fibers. Its great asset is the Deo-Tech technology, which allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors from the fabrics and to keep their freshness throughout the entire day. I am always impressed by these kinds of innovative technologies applied to a basic product, such as the detergent, which everyone needs. Because a good detergent, with a new technology, basically offers you more than just clean clothes.

The first little problem was that I washed the clothes too late in the evening, and, first thing in the morning, the sweater was still wet. You know the drill: you take the iron! You iron in a hurry and hope, until the last moment, that you won’t leave the house with damp clothes. Or burned ones. Still you leave the house at 8 am with the sweater still wet. You think that your mum might mention the word “pneumonia” if you still lived with her. But you are happy with the weather outside and with the fact the your Uber wasn’t too late.

At 8:30 I was already in rehearsals with the theatre costume, for the play “The Embassy of Love”, which will premier this April at the Teatrul Dramaturgilor Romani. I was wearing the picked out outfit, white sneakers, a hat and a floral leather jacket. The ladies there noticed the sweater was still wet so they take out the industrial blow dryer, which they do winders with! I realized that the  Perwoll Care&Refresh technology was being put to the test for the first time that day. And that’s because that dryer smelled like smoke really bad. Every 5 seconds I checked that, under the best intentions, my sweater doesn’t get burned. That would really have been a challenge, wearing a blouse with holes in it! But the smell of burnt plastic, smoke, was actually from the dryer itself. To my luck, the freshness of the sweater which I had recently washed was still intact.  You shouldn’t imagine that the smell of the detergent is too strong. No, it’s not, it simply smells like freshly cleaned clothes, which was left to dry, even after you use a blow dryer which smells like smoke.  

Radu picked me up from the theatre and then we had a quick breakfast together. At 11:30 I already had to be at the  Intercontinental hotel, where I was invited as a speaker during a conference dedicated to the World Sleep Day. Since it was a meeting with doctors and press, I gave up on the sneakers and my youthful hat and put on a pair of heels a long statement earring.

From there, I ran towards Pro TV, where at 14:00 o’clock I was scheduled to do a live on the Facebook page for the TV show “Ma insoara mama”. I replace the heels with ankle boots, I take out the earring and put on a cute chocker, like a collar. I get the chance to redo my make up and my hair, so all of the sudden the whole casual outfit looks much better.

After the live, I leave towards the recording studio, for the same TV show. I am done after 2 hours, so at about half past 5, Radu and Vlad come to pick me up with the car. We all head out to mall Baneasa, at the worst possible traffic hour. Radu forgets to take my sneakers from home, which I had worn in the morning, so my feet are already sore from the high ankle boots. The outfits is hanging on, which means that it smells just as fresh.

I arrive at the mall to look for clothes for next day’s shooting. But before everything else, we stop for some Greek food. Then I head out to V46, where I had already reserved some clothes, but I also stop at Uterque, to get a pair of low heel shoes. Suddenly my outfit looks much better! I leave the store with the new shoes on.

We arrive home at about 8 pm and I realize that my sweater still looks and smells fresh, so I admit I don’t even feel like putting it in the laundry basket.

I spent the evening at home, in my pajamas, with my family.

So I must stay the tested product did great. Today the cleaning came (after 3 weeks of break…it was a mess!) and I asked her to wash all of the other clothes with the same liquid detergent.

And now the contest I promised you in the beginning!!! I want to randomly pick out 3 winners, who will receive a blouse like the one in the pictures, signed by Andreea Raicu (it’s very cool, I own one too and I have worn it with ripped jeans and a coat), and also some Perwoll Care&Refresh. For this prize, you have to post on your Instagram account a picture with an outfit that you would like to wear the same way I did, from morning until evening. You could be wearing it or you could just take a picture of it separately. And you have to use the  hashtags #StayFreshwithPerwoll and #FreshDana, so I can find your outfits more easily. You have 3 days to sign up, then I will pick out the lucky winners! Good luck!

I have worn, in chronological order: Zara sweater, Poema pants, Adidas Stan Smith sneakers, Diesel hat, Asos leather jacket, Musette high heels, BonBijou earring, Puma choker-collar, Marc Jacobs ankle boots, Uterque low heels shoes.

  • Sorina/ 18.03.2018Reply

    Deja ma gandesc ca nu mi-ar prinde deloc rau acest plovar care este numai bun pt o graviduta ca mine in 6 luni. Stiu sigur ca ma incape, asa ca sa trecem la postat! ?

    Ce zi ai avut…wow! Asa da! Si te mai intrebi de unde-i fata asta mereu fresh! Munca o tine asa young and restless ???!

  • Sorina/ 18.03.2018Reply

    Gata m-am postat si pe instagram ?! Poate poate voi avea parte de surpize… chiar si dupa o saptamana de la ziua mea??!

    O zi faina in 3 va doresc ?!

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 18.03.2018Reply

    Love your jacket <3

  • The Muse/ 18.03.2018Reply

    Buna Dana! Foarte frumoasa jacketa, de unde ai achizitionat-o ?

    • Dana/ 18.03.2018Reply

      Asos, acum ceva timp.

  • Alexa i/ 22.03.2018Reply

    Buna. S-au extras castigatoarele? ?

  • Maria/ 22.03.2018Reply

    Buna Dana !!
    Sper ca esti bine !
    Admir foarte mult stilul tau vestimentar !
    Ador culorile vii iar tie iti vin foarte bine !
    In acesta postare am identificat o coafura superba .. In poza in care iti faci selfie , imi poti spune cum te ai coafat ( sunt bucle ??)merci anticipat
    O seara buna alaturi de cei dragi tie!
    Maria !

  • Mia/ 23.03.2018Reply

    Si mie imi place mult bluza. Iar in poze pare atat de mica, inca voiam sa te intreb daca este a ta sau a lui Vlad. 😀

  • Capcana Insecte/ 23.03.2018Reply

    Ideea asta mi se pare super tare. Mie mi se intampla aproape in fiecare zi sa port acelasi outfit de dimineata pana semara, dar asta pentru ca ma duc la munca si apoi acasa si cam atat :)). Imi place foarte mullt sa observ cat poate fi de versatila o tinuta.

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