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Dragobetele pe la filmari

Dragobetele pe la filmari

Va povesteam ca anul acesta Sfantul Valentin a fost diferit, pentru ca ne-a prins in toiul pregatirilor pentru lungmetraj. Ei bine, Dragobetele a fost cu totul special, pentru ca l-am “sarbatorit” printr-o scena de sex cu un alt barbat…


EN: I told you that this year’s Valentine’s Day was different, because we were in the middle of the preparations for the motion picture. Well. Dragobete was completely special, because I “celebrated” it through a sex scene with another man…

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In timp ce scriu aceste randuri imi si imaginez titlurile ce se vor naste din aceasta postare: “Dana Rogoz a facut sex cu un alt barbat” sau “Incredibil! Dana Rogoz il insala chiar de Dragobete” si tot asa… Unii cititori ai revistelor de gen nu vor mai deschide articolul si probabil ca se vor multumi cu gandul ca “Stiam eu ca e o usuratica” – asta ca sa evit cuvinte mai grele…

Dar adevarul e ca Dragobetele ne-a prins in timpul filmarilor si intamplarea a facut ca in ziua respectiva sa filmam o scena de sex intr-un camin studentesc (mai degraba o “tentativa” de sex, dar o sa va lamuriti cand veti vedea filmul). Abia la finalul zilei, in drum spre casa, am ras impreuna cu Radu in masina concluzionand: “Si asta a fost Dragobetele anul acesta”.

Va las in continuare sa vedeti filmuletul cu aceasta tinuta si eu fug sa ma pregatesc pentru filmarea de noapte de azi, care incepe la 5 seara si se va termina probabil pe la 5 dimineata. Poate mai bag un somn de pranz, ca bebelusii.

In poze port: haina blana artificiala American Retro, bluza IRO (Sport Couture), pantaloni Tex, incaltaminte & Other Stories, ochelari Burberry, geanta Marc Jacobs, lant Malvensky, ceas Vector. Pozele au fost realizate la restaurant Simbio.


EN: As I am writing these lines, I am already picturing all the titles that will come out of this post: “Dana Rogoz had sex with another man” or “Unbelievable! Dana Rogoz is cheating on him on Dragobete” and so on… Some of the readers of those kind of magazines probably won’t bother opening the article and will settle with the thought “I knew she was slutty”- just to avoid harsh words.

But the truth is that Dragobete caught us shooting and it just so happened that on that day we were shooting a sex scene in a university dorm (more an “attempt” for sex, but you’ll figure that out when you’ll see the movie). Only at the end of the day, on our way home, Radu and I laughed together in the car: “This was this year’s Dragobete”.

I am leaving you to watch the video of this outfit and I am off to getting ready for tonight’s shoot, which starts at 5 pm and will probably end at 5 am. Maybe I’ll catch an afternoon nap, like a baby.

In the pictures I am wearing: American Retro fake fur coat, IRO (Sport Couture) top, Tex pants, &Other Stories shoes, Burberry glasses, Marc Jacobs bag, Malvensky necklace, Vector watch. The pictures were taken at Simbio restaurant.

  • Alina/ 26.02.2017Reply

    Cred ca in redactii deja se rosesc tastaturile care sa dea articolul mai repede :)) Ce funny esti! :))) Oricum nu prea accesam eu titlurile astea mai putin credibile … Abia astept filmul 🙂

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 26.02.2017Reply

    Beautiful top! 😉

  • Sorina/ 26.02.2017Reply


  • Mami/ 26.02.2017Reply

    Foarte futurista tinuta! Iar despre sex.. stii si tu.. bârfa e inevitabila orice ai face

  • Aida/ 27.02.2017Reply

    Asteptam filmul Danuca?!

  • Otrava sobolani/ 27.02.2017Reply

    Foarte foarte interesante ghetele! De-abia astept sa vad si filmul!

  • florentina/ 27.02.2017Reply

    E prima data cand vad inelul vostru de logodna, e superb, perfect!

  • Sophie/ 27.02.2017Reply

    De unde ai cumparat cerceii pe care ii porti in recllama lANCOME? mULTUMESC

  • idareyoutobefashion/ 27.02.2017Reply

    awww…incaltarilesunt wow!

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