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Griuri de toamna

Griuri de toamna

YEEEEEEY! Maine plec din Bucuresti! Dar unde oare?

EN: YEEEEY! Tomorrow I’m leaving Bucharest! But were am I going to?

Am tras cam tare de mine in ultima vreme. M-am implicat in o multime de mici proiecte, dar mari consumatoare de timp si energie. Stiti voi, genul acela de perioada in care faci multe, dar parca nici nu simti ca dezvolti, construiesti cu adevarat. Asa ca, avand in vedere ca maine si poimaine am 2 zile libere (de fapt, am reusit sa mi le eliberez), am hotarat cu Radu sa iesim putin din Bucuresti. Dar pana la ora aceasta nu ne-am hotarat inca unde anume sa petrecem aceasta mini-vacanta, cu tot cu Perfectu’ nostru, desigur. Vrem undeva nu foarte departe de Bucuresti, ca sa nu pierdem prea mult timp pe drum. Si am prefera o pensiune draguta, in care sa stam cu drag si cand afara e prea frig sau ploua fara oprire. Am primit multe sugestii pe Facebook, dar daca aveti si voi recomandari, le astept cu drag. Stiti doar ca mereu tin cont de ele atunci cand e vorba de vacantele cu familia.

Pana ma intorc, va las acest pictorial cu cea mai frumoasa lumina a acestei toamne.

In poze port: pulover Vintage Couture Shop, pantaloni lana Celine, cizme si geanta ambele Zara, ochelari Ray Ban. Iar tinuta in miscare:

EN: I really pushed myself hard lately. I got involved in many small projects, but which are great time and energy consumers. You know, that kind of period when you do a lot, but don’t feel like you’re really building or developing something. So, since tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have 2 days off (actually, I managed to clear my schedule), Radu and I decided to leave Bucharest for a bit. But we still haven’t decided yet where we should spend this mini-vacation, with our Perfect One, of course. We want some place that’s not far from Bucharest, so we don’t waste too much time on the road. And we would prefer a nice bed& breakfast, where we could stay when it’s cold outside or constantly raining. I received many suggestions via Facebook, but if you have any other recommendations, please be so kind as to send them to me. You know I also take them into account when it comes to family travels.

Until I get back, I leave you with this photo shooting with the most beautiful light of this fall.

In the pictures I am wearing: Vintage Couture Shop sweater, Celine wool shorts, Zara boots and bag, Ray Ban glasses. And above the outfit on the move.


  • Anda/ 29.10.2017Reply

    Conacul Domnitei Ralu in Prahova 🙂

  • Mariana/ 29.10.2017Reply
    Am fost de doua ori aici. E foarte liniste,aproape de București, un loc rustic și fără prea mult semnal la telefon 🙂

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 29.10.2017Reply

    Such a cool look! 🙂

  • Amy/ 01.11.2017Reply

    Imi place mult tinuta, puloverul este superb, combinatia de gri-verde-roz arata foarte bine. Probabil n-ar fi aratat la fel de wow daca n-ar fi avut si acele pete de culoare. 🙂 Si pantalonii imi plac, dar imi par a fi putin mai grosi si nu cred ca m-ar avantaja pentru ca ar da impresia de cateva kg in plus pe solduri, 😀

  • Insecticide gandaci/ 05.11.2017Reply

    Griul e culoarea mea preferata, asa ca m-am indragostit de acest pulover! Sper ca ati gasit un loc pe gustul vostru si ca o sa ne spui si noua unde ai fost 😀

  • Sorina/ 13.11.2017Reply

    inlocuieste covrigii cu mancare adevarata ;)))!

    Hai treaca!


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