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Aud tot mai multi oameni in jurul meu care viseaza la o afacere proprie, la un proiect pe sufletul lor. Pe cate dintre prietenele mele nu le-am auzit ca si-ar dori sa aiba o ceainarie micuta candva, ori sa isi deschida un atelier de croitorie, ori sa faca papusi, torturi, decoratiuni pentru evenimente… oricum cu totul altceva decat fac in momentul de fata. Si se gandesc la evadarea aceasta ani de zile. Ani in care isi imagineaza cum incep, cat de greu le va fi, cine le va sustine si cum vor sarbatori succesul. Astazi va vorbesc despre campania #KeepGoing, prin care 3 dintre acesti visatori vor primi cate 5.000 lei fiecare, pentru ca visurile sa inceapa totusi sa devina realitate.


EN: I keep hearing about lots of people around who dream of owning a business, a project they really care for. So many of my friends want to someday own a small tea shop, or open a design workshop, or make dolls, cakes, event decorations… something completely different thatn what they’re doing now. And they have been thinking about this escape for years. Years during which they imagined how they start, how hard it will be, who will support them and how they’ll celebrate success. Today I am talking to you about the campaign #KeepGoing, through  which 3 dreams will get 5,000 lei each, so their dreams can eventually become reality.

Ma intorc in timp, acum vreo 6 ani, dupa ce terminasem scoala de Fashion Marketing, cand in mintea mea incepea sa se contureze ideea lansarii unui produs care sa imi poarte semnatura. Imi aduc aminte momentul in care eram in rulota in luna de miere, alaturi de Radu, si mi-a venit ideea gentilor cu fete detasabile. Mai am pastrata inca agenda in care am facut primele calcule de materiale si manopera. Mai tin minte perfect cand m-am vazut prima oara cu echipa din Buzau, unde aveau sa se produca gentile mele. Stiu cum am plans cand am vazut prototipul. Si stiu foarte bine temerile pe care le aveam. 

Am invatat singura ce inseamna antreprenoriatul la noi in tara. E foarte greu la inceput, mai ales ca femeie. Sunt atat de multi cei care iti spun ca nu vei reusi fata de cei care te incurajeaza sa mergi mai departe, incat nici nu stiu de unde mai poti sa iei energia necesara de a trece peste toate raspunsurile care incep cu “Nu, nu se poate”. Plus ca in tot timpul asta mai ai deja un job, iar mailurile se tot aduna, poate ai si un copil, ale carui nevoi se tot aduna, asa ca dorinta aia de a incepe un alt proiect pe sufletul tau pare de foarte multe ori imposibil de implinit. 

Curaj! Daca sunteti la inceput de drum, adica aveti deja un vis bine conturat – fie ca e vorba de zona de fashion, poate de cooking, poate vreti sa publicati o carte, sa deschideti o expozitie sau poate pur si simplu vreti sa investiti in voi pentru a participa la un ultramarathon 🙂 – profitati de fiecare usa care vi se deschide, iar campania #KeepGoing organizata de Nestlé Fitness este una dintre ele.  

Va invit sa va inscrieti in concursul organizat pe pagina mea de Facebook, prin care aveti sansa de a castiga fondul #KEEPGOING – adica unul dintre cele 3 premii in valoare de 5.000 lei oferite de Nestlé Fitness, care va ajuta castigatoarele in drumul lor spre atingerea obiectivelor propuse. 

Mecanismul concursului e simplu. Fiecare participant trebuie sa lase un comentariu pana la data de 23 iulie 2018, la postarea-concurs de pe Facebook, in care sa povesteasca despre un obiectiv pe care si l-a propus pentru anul acesta si la care a inceput deja sa lucreze pentru

a-l transforma in realitate. Si neaparat sa folositi #KeepGoing. Aici gasiti regulamentul oficial.

Vrem sa ne inspirati cu raspunsurile voastre, sa ne faceti sa visam alaturi de voi la succesul proiectului si sa ne dati detalii cu privire la provocarile si obstacolele pe care le-ati intampinat deja. 

Asteptam raspunsurile voastre pana la data 23.07.2018. Apoi un juriu (din care voi face parte si eu) va alege 10 persoane eligibile, in baza povestilor inscrise in concurs. Dupa ce vom alege cele 10 povesti care ne-au inspirat cel mai mult, vom alege cu cele trei povesti castigatoare. Apoi, castigatorii vor fi consiliati de catre organizatorii concursului in vederea identificarii si alegerii unor mijloace materiale, concrete si rezonabile pentru a-si atinge obiectivul propus. Astfel, prin acordarea celor trei premii constand in burse de cate 5.000 lei/fiecare, se vor acoperi financiar partial sau total aceste mijloace concrete si rezonabile.

Daca sunteti pe punctul de a lansa o colectie de genti, de exemplu, asa cum eram eu acum 6 ani, poate cei 5.000 lei vor acoperi o parte din materialele textile, piele, la inceput de drum. Sau poate ca aceasta suma va fi investita in niste studii de specialitate, sau poate intr-un echipament sportiv… depinde extrem de mult, in functie de telul pe care il aveti. Dar fiti sigure ca veti fi consiliate de catre o echipa de profesionisti pentru a folosi acest fond in valoare de 5.000 lei cat mai bine. 

E una dintre campaniile in care mi-am dorit foarte mult sa ma implic, pentru ca stiu cat de mult conteaza un astfel de sprijin la inceput de drum. Am vorbit in acest video cu sinceritate despre traseul meu, despre obstacole, despre temerile avute acum 6 ani. Va invit sa il vedeti si sa imi spuneti daca va regasiti. Ar fi dragut sa il urmariti cu un bol cu cereale Nestlé Fitness langa, exact ca mine 🙂 Ah, si sa fie dintre cele noi – care contin si cereale integrale de ovaz, pentru ca au continut bogat in vitamine din grupul B, care ajuta la eliberarea energiei, atat de importanta mai ales intr-o astfel de etapa a vietii, in care vreti sa mutati muntii din loc.

Nu ratati aceasta sansa. Ganditi-va si ca cele 3 povesti castigatoare vor avea parte inclusiv de o expunere care poate fi ultra-valoroasa la inceputul unui business/proiect personal. Promovarea catre un public numeros intra practic la pachet 🙂


 In poze port: bluza si pantaloni COS, tenisi Superga, cercei Zara, plic Moon Silver.

Acest articol este sponsorizat de Nestlé Fitness, dar continutul imi apartine in intregime. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: Going back in time, about 6 years ago, after graduating from the Fashion Marketing school, when the idea of launching a product under my signature started to get a contour. I remember the moment when Radu and I were on honeymoon, in the trailer, and I had the idea of the bags with detachable covers.  I still have the notebook where I wrote down the first cost and fabric calculations. I remember perfectly when I first met the team in Buzau, where they were about to produce my bags. I know how I cried when I saw the prototype. And I know all too well all the fears I had.

I learned on my own what entrepreneurship means in our country. It’s very hard in the beginning, especially as a woman. There are so many people telling you that you won’t succeed, as opposed to those who encourage you to keep going, that it’s almost impossible to find the energy to get over all the answers starting with “No, that’s not possible”. And in all this time, you still have your job, and emails keep piling up, maybe you also have a child, whose needs keep growing, so the desire to start a new project, most of the time, seems impossible to achieve.

Courage! If you are at the beginning of the road, so if your dream is well defined- whether it’s in fashion, cooking, writing a book, opening a gallery or just investing in yourselves so you can run an ultramarathon 🙂 – take advantage of every doors that opens for you, and the #KeepGoing campaign organized by Nestlé Fitness is one of them.  

Va invit sa va inscrieti in concursul organizat pe pagina mea de Facebook, prin care aveti sansa de a castiga fondul #KEEPGOING – adica unul dintre cele 3 premii in valoare de 5.000 lei oferite de Nestlé Fitness, care va ajuta castigatoarele in drumul lor spre atingerea obiectivelor propuse. 

The contest mechanism is simple. Each participant must leave a comment until the 23rd of July 2018, for this  post, in which you tell me about an objective you have set for yourselves for this year and which you already started working on. And please use  #KeepGoing. Here you can find the official regulations.

We want to feel inspired by your answers, make us dream together with you about the success of the project and please give us details about the challenges and hurdles you have already come across.

We are waiting for your answers until 23.07.2018. After that a jury (which I am also part of) will pick out 10 eligible persons, based on the stories signed up in the contest. After we will choose the 10 stories which inspired us most, we will pick the three winning stories. Then, the winners will receive counselling from the organizers, in order to identify and choose material, concrete and reasonable assets which can help them attain the objective set. In this way, by awarding three prizes of 5.000 lei scholarships each, this assets will be partially or totally covered.  

If you are about to launch a bag collection, for instance, like I was 6 years ago, maybe the 5.000 lei will cover part of your fabrics, leather, at the beginning of the road. Or maybe this amount will be invested in some special courses, or maybe in sports gear… depends a lot on the target you have. But rest assure that you will receive counseling from a team of specialists in order to use this fund as wisely as possible.

It’s one of the campaigns I wanted very much to be part of, because I know how important such a help is in the beginning. In this video I have spoken in all honesty about my road, about obstacles, about my fears from 6 years ago. I invite you to tell me if you find yourselves in it. It would be nice to watch it with a bowl of  Nestlé Fitness cereal next to you, just like me 🙂 Oh, and make sure it’s the new kind- which contain wholegrain cereal from wheat, because they have high b vitamins content,, which help releasing energy, so important in this stage of your lives, when you’ll want to move mountains.

Don’t miss this chance. Think about the fact that the 3 winning stories will also get a very valuable exposure right at the beginning of a business/ personal project. The promotion among a very big audience is also included 🙂


 In the pictures I am wearing: COS top and pants, Superga sneakers, Zara earrings, Moon Silver clutch.

This article is sponsored by Nestlé Fitness, but its content belongs to me entirely. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.  

  • Bella/ 11.07.2018Reply

    Ce frumoasa esti, Dana! Te prinde de minune rozul asta, sa-l mai porti! 😀

    • Dana/ 11.07.2018Reply

      Multumesc. Mi s-a tot spus, deci clar am sa il mai port 🙂

  • Anca/ 11.07.2018Reply

    Esti superba in rozul acesta! Îmi poți spune te rog de unde ai ales plovarul și cerceii? Mulțumesc, sa ai parte de o vacanta cu amintiri frumoase.

    • Dana/ 16.07.2018Reply

      De fapt e o bluza destul de subtire de la COS. Iar cerceii sunt Zara. Cred ca am lasat la finalul articolului creditable- daca nu, le adaug acum.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 11.07.2018Reply

    Love this!

  • Amy/ 11.07.2018Reply

    Foarte frumoasa tinuta, ador rozul si-l port ori de cate ori am ocazia. 🙂

    P.S. Imi place mult de tot plicul. <3

  • Alexa/ 17.07.2018Reply

    Foarte frumosi cerceii <3

  • Raluca/ 20.07.2018Reply

    Foarte frumoase pozele!!!

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