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La multi ani, Romania! 100

La multi ani, Romania! 100

La multi ani, Romania!


Happy birthday, Romania!

De ieri incepand, cand copilul a avut liber de la gradinita, am inceput sa sarbatorim ziua României. Asta pentru ca tot ieri Vlad s-a gandit sa arunce prin casa confetti stelute argintii: “Pentru ziua Romaniei, mama!”. Azi in schimb, ne-am trezit, ne-am uitat putin la parada la televizor, apoi ne-am suit in masina decorata cu stegulete si am mers sa o vedem cu ochii nostri de cat mai aproape posibil.

Sincer, doar Vlad a reusit sa vada parada, din carca lui Radu. Eu am vazut mai mult steaguri, caschete si varfuri de baionete. Iar momentul la care eu si Radu am izbucnit in ras a fost cand un domn suit pe gardul din spatele nostru a spus, văzând cum defileaza armata americana: “Americanii sunt sedati. Daaa, pe americani ii sedeaza! Ca sa fie mai groggy, asa.”, timp in care facea semn cu mana ca cei invitati din armata americana nu vad bine, nu vad pe unde merg. Era cat se poate de serios. Chiar ingrijorat.

Altfel, m-au încântat si emotionat atmosfera de sarbatoare si zambetele calde si pline de speranta ale romanilor. La centenar, sa ne dorim ca noi romanii sa fim mai buni, mai educati, mai cinstiti, cu mai mult bun simt, mai responsabili, mai muncitori si mai increzatori in binele acestei tari. La multi ani, Romania!

In poze port: pulover cu simbolul Dacic de la AmiAmalia, fusta DKNY, cizme Zara. Fotografiile au fost realizate la Cismigiu Bistro.

EN: As soon as the child had yesterday off from kindergarten, we began celebrating the national holiday. Also because Vlad thought it would be a good idea to throw silver stars confetti all over the house: “It’s for Romania’s birthday, mom!”. Today on the other hand, we watched the parade on TV, then got in the car which we decorated with little flags and went to see it for ourselves, from up close.

Honestly, only Vlad managed to see the parade, because Radu was carrying him on his shoulders. I saw mostly flags, helmets and bayonet tops. And the moment when Radu and I both laughed out loud was when a man on the top of the fence behind us said, while looking at the American army march: “The Americans are sedated. Yes, they must be sedating them! So they look more groggy.”, while he was showing with his hands that the American army men don’t see very well, they don’t see where they’re going. He was very serious. Actually worried.

Otherwise, I was delighted and moved by the celebration mood and the warm and full of hope smiles of the Romanians. On this centennial, we should aim to be better, more educated, fairer, with more common sense, more responsible, hard working and more confident in the well being of this country. Happy birthday, Romania!

In the pictures I am wearing: AmiAmalia sweater with the Dacic symbol, DKNY skirt, Zara boots. The photos were taken at Cismigiu Bistro.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 01.12.2018Reply

    Obsessed with your skirt <3

  • Sorina/ 03.12.2018Reply

    Wow…doar un comm…
    Mereu m-am intrebat oare unde sunt toti ce-i care iti scriu doar cand este sa castige ceva…?!
    Eu scriu acum ca atunci am adormit de oboseala… nu ma scuz dar de obicei scriu aici pe blog; ca-i de apreciere sau dezaprobare, scriu!
    Ok …poate-s doar obosita si de aceea ma iau de oameni pe aici si sigur mi-i voi pune in cap??!
    Romania este apreciata mai mult de cei plecati, de batrani,… Mai ales.

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