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Mici colectionari

Mici colectionari

Impreuna cu Radu am decis ca in fiecare an, de ziua lui, Vlad sa primeasca de la noi, pe langa lucrurile pe care chiar trebuie sa le aiba (masinute, elicoptere sau bucatarii de plastic, stiti voi, lucruri esentiale) si niste lucruri care sa aiba o valoare reala. Asa am ajuns sa incepem, incet dar sigur, sa ii cream o mica colectie de arta romaneasca. Am inceput timid, insa in fiecare an mai adaugam cate o piesa si ne-am descoperit transformandu-ne din pasionati, in colectionari amatori. Suntem la inceput, dar pe drum!


EN: Radu and I decided that each year, for Vlad’s birthday, we give him, beside the things he must have (toy cars, helicopters or kitchen sets, you know, the essential things) also some things with a real value. And this is how we started our own little collection of Romanian art. We began with small steps, but every year we add one more piece and this how we became amateur art collectors. We are only at the beginning of the road, but we’ re sticking to it!

Am cochetat cu ideea de a avea si de a investi in arta, insa parea un domeniu complet intangibil. Te gandesti la nume grele si la sume fabuloase, asa ca pare ceva teribil de greu de accesat. Dar odata ce ne-am apropiat, am descoperit ca de fapt nu este intimidant si ca, mai mult, arta nu este inaccesibila. Nici din punct de vedere financiar, si cu atat mai putin din punct de vedere estetic sau conceptual.

Va incurajez sa mergeti, spre exemplu, la licitatiile deschise de la Galeriile Artmark, urmatoarea avand loc chiar saptamana viitoare, pe 27 martie. In fiecare sezon, Artmark vine cu o selectie de opere semnate de artisti romani clasici precum Grigorescu, Luchian, Tonitza sau Pallady – acestia intr-adevar sunt artisti ale caror lucrari pot ajunge la sume importante. Pe mine personal ma atrag artistii contemporani, iar in selectia acestei licitatii vor aparea Baba, Ciucureanu, Balasa, Ilfoveanu, Caltia, Ghenie si altii.

Asa ca odata daramata aceasta restrictie imaginara in care piesele de arta sunt estimate la sume fantastice, e bine sa pui lucrurile in perspectiva. Sunt piese vestimentare, adidasii IT ai sezonului, care ajung sa coste cat o pictura sau cat o schita a unui artist. Iar valoarea artistica, cat si investitia primeaza in mod evident in detrimentul oricarui trend.

Obiectele de arta sunt o investitie nu doar la nivel estetic, ci si la propriu, din punct de vedere financiar. Arta contemporana, postmoderna sau chiar si de patromoniu este inca foarte accesibila, iar artistii au notorietate, asa ca momentul este prielnic.

In plus, arta poate sa fie cadoul perfect pentru cineva drag – fie ca sunt cadouri de grup, fie ca sunt cadouri mai importante pentru un botez sau o nunta spre exemplu, o piesa de arta este un dar personal dar si spectaculos, care cu siguranta rupe orice sablon.

Deseori il suprind pe Vlad cum sta si se uita atent minute in sir la cate un tablou – fie la cele din camera lui, fie la cele din dormitorul nostru. Nu stiu la ce se gandeste, insa cu siguranta este ceva suficient de interesant incat sa il tina nedezlipit cateva momente pretioase. Uneori imi povesteste, imi arata un detaliu pe care il considera interesant, alteori nu. Dar sunt sigura ca expunerea lui la arta in interiorul si in afara casei, nu ii poate aduce decat lucruri bune. Pentru minte si suflet.

Vorbim deseori despre trenduri in moda aici, despre toate piesele IN, despre rochii si tocuri…,  dar ma bucur ca macar din cand in cand sa va indrept atentia catre arta. Va incurajez ca pana miercuri sa va uitati la lotul licitatiei si sa verificati si arhiva pentru a vedea preturile, in caz ca nu ma credeti pe cuvant. Iar miercuri, pe 27 martie, poate va faceti curaj si participati la licitatie. Nu trebuie sa cumparati neaparat ceva, insa va garantez ca o sa va deschida apetitul pentru arta.

In poze port: rochie COS, cizme si sosete Uterque, cercei Zara.

EN: We have always been interested in investing in art, but it seemed like a totally unapproachable domain. You think about important names and significant values, so it seems very tough to access. But we once we got closer, we realized that it’s not so intimidating and that, art isn’t that inaccessible. Not from a financial point of view, and neither from an aesthetical or conceptual one.  

For instance, I encourage you to attend the open auctions at Artmark galleries, the next one is actually on the 27th of March. Each season, Artmark brings a selection of works signed by classical Romanian artists like Grigorescu, Luchian, Tonitza or Pallady – these are artists with works reaching significant amounts of money are truly important. But I am personally more drawn to contemporary artists, and in the selection of this auction you can also find Baba, Ciucureanu, Balasa, Ilfoveanu, Caltia, Ghenie and others.

So once this imaginary restriction that art pieces are estimated at fantastic prices, it’s good to put things in perspective. There are clothing items, IT sneakers of the season, which cost almost as much as a painting or sketch of an artist. And the artistic value and investment are of course more important that any trend.  

Art objects are an investment not only on an aesthetical level, but also from a financial point of view. Contemporary, post modern or even patrimony art is still very accessible, and artists have notoriety, so the timing is right.

Also, art can be the perfect gift for someone you like- whether it’s group gifts, or more important gifts for a baptism or a wedding for instance, a piece of art is a personal gift which is also spectacular, which will surely break any pattern.

If often find Vlad looking attentively at a painting for minutes in a row- whether at those in his room, or those in our bedroom. I don’t know what he’s thinking about, but it’s definitely interesting enough to keep him glued to them for a few precious moments. Sometimes he tells me about it, shows me a detail which he considers interesting, sometimes he doesn’t. But I am certain that exposing him to art both insides and outside of the house, can only bring good things for him. For his mind and soul.

We often talk about trends and fashion here, about all the IN items, about dresses and heels…but i am glad that once in a while I can focus your attention on art. I encourage you to check the auction items and also the archive so you can see prices, in case you don’t believe me. And on Wednesday, the 27th of March, maybe you can find the courage to attend the auction. I don’t necessarily have to buy something, but I guarantee that it will open up your appetite for art.

In the pictures I am wearing: COS dress, Uterque boots and socks, Zara earrings.

  • Geanina/ 24.03.2019Reply

    Așa este. Eu am primit cadou de casă nouă un tablou al artistei Alina Ondine Slimovschi, e cel mai de preț cadou, dă suflet casei!

    • Dana/ 24.03.2019Reply

      Eu fac cadou tablouri persoanelor foarte apropiate si nu gasesc ceva mai potrivit la ocazii importante.

  • Silvia/ 25.03.2019Reply

    Foarte frumoase tablourile si pozele 🙂

    • Dana/ 25.03.2019Reply

      Multumim pentru lauda pozelor. Multumim Artmark pentru ca ne-a gazduit 🙂

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