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Ne vedem la cinema

Sunt cateva filme care continua sa isi faca loc printre gandurile mele, asa, din senin, parca fara niciun motiv anume, desi poate ca le-am vazut cu ani in urma. Sunt filme cu care pur si simplu m-am obisnuit sa traiesc, la fel cum traiesti zi de zi cu amintirile din copilarie, chiar daca acum ai la randul tau copil. Unul dintre acestea este “A Woman Under the Influence”(1974) al lui John Cassavetes. Acum, in timp ce scriu despre el, parca mi se pune un nod in gat. Si ma gandesc la mama mea.


EN: There are a few films which continue to haunt me every now and then, out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, even if I have watched it a couple of years ago. They are films I have gotten used to living with, just as you live every day with childhood memories, even if you have your own child now. One of these is “A Woman Under The Influence” (1974) by John Cassavetes. Now, as I am writing about it, I feel a tear coming up. And I think of my mother.

Cand oamenii vorbesc la modul general despre “filmele americane”, se refera de cele mai multe ori la filme cu super eroi, la comedii cu rasturnari de situatii imposibile ori ceva cu extraterestri si lumi ale viitorului. Dar filmul american poate spune si altfel de povesti. Iar ca sa va convingeti de asta, va recomand sa vedeti filmele lui John Cassavetes. Culmea e ca el juca in filme de Hollywood de mare succes, tocmai pentru a strange bani sa faca filme de autor, pe sufletul lui. Uneori impreuna cu familia sa, in casa lui. Caci asa se intampla chiar si acum in independent. Tocmai de aceea el este recunoscut ca un pionier al filmului independent si nu se poate sa te consideri cinefil fara sa ii fi vazut filmele. Ce sa va zic, e un fel de idol al meu si al multor alti actori si regizori pe care ii cunosc.

Daca nu ati vazut inca “A Woman Under the Influence”, o puteti face curand, in cadrul Festivalului Filmului American Independent. Dar si multe alte filme semnate de acest urias regizor, pentru ca American Independent Film Festival   prezinta, pe linga filme recente, si doua sectiuni foarte speciale: o selectie de filme americane independente din ultimii 50 de ani realizata de catre Kent Jones, directorul New York FF, dar si o retrospectiva John Cassavetes.

Festivalul se desfasoara intre 27 aprilie si 3 mai, programul complet putand fi accesat aici, iar biletele putand fi achizitionate de aici. De cand am citit prima oara pe net despre acest festival, mi-am notat in agenda telefonului cand incepe!

Va scriu despre acest festival din pasiune, sperand ca va voi influenta pozitiv sa umpleti salile de cinema si cand filmele nu respecta vreo reteta hollywoodiana si poate nici nu se termina cu happy end. Ci cu nod in gat.

Mi-e clar ca filmul “A Woman Under the Influence” o sa continue sa ma bantuie. Atinge o coarda foarte sensibila, legata de familia mea. De altfel, poate ca ati intuit deja, inclusiv sedinta foto de mai sus este inspirata de acest film.

De foarte multe ori filmele ma influenteaza in alegerea anumitor haine si le consider o sursa uriasa de inspiratie. Nu ma refer aici la intentia de a copia un personaj anume, ci de a lasa un film sa se aseze in tine si sa iti ghideze inconstient alegerile. Sunt caramizi care construiesc personalitatea ta. M-am gandit azi ca poate de-aia mi-a si placut atat de mult aceasta bluza cand am descoperit-o in Vietnam, caci inconstient, am asociat-o cu una dintre tinutele personajului interpretat dumnezeieste de Gena Rowlands. Sa ma ierte credinciosii ca folosesc astfel de termeni, dar chiar se cade sa o fac. Urmariti filmul (daca nu ati facut-o deja) si apoi hai sa vorbim despre el… o sa va simt mai aproape de mine, stiind ca urmarim aceleasi filme.

Ne vedem la festival!

In poze port: bluza cumparata din Vietnam, sort Levis vintage, balerini H&M, ciorapi Penti (cumparati azi special pentru aceasta sedinta foto).

P.S.: M-am gandit ca de acum inainte sa fac pe blog mai multe propuneri de tinute inspirate din filme. Va pot vorbi astfel si despre pasiunea mea pentru film, care – no offence – o depaseste cu mult pe cea pentru fashion. Ce ziceti de asta?

EN: When people speak of “American films” in general, they mostly refer to superhero movies, comedies with improbable twist of events or something with aliens and worlds from the future. But the American movie can also tell different stories. And to convince yourselves, I recommend you see the movies of John Cassavetes. Funny thing is he would act in very successful Hollywood movies, so he could have enough money to make author films, to his own liking. Sometimes with his family, in his home. Because that’s how it still happens in independent movies. That’s why he is acclaimed as a pioneer of independent film and you can’t consider yourself a true cinema lover without having seen his movies. What can I tell you, he’s a sort of idol for me and for many actors and directors I know.

If you haven’t seen “A Woman Under the Influence” yet, you might pretty soon, during the Independent American Film Festival. But also many other movies signed by this huge director, because the Festivals presents, beside recent films, also two very special sections: a selection of independent American films from the last 50 years made by Kent Jones, the director of New York FF, but also a John Cassavetes retrospective .

The Festival takes place between the 27th of April and 3rd of May, you can see the full program here, and get tickets from here. Ever since I have read about this festival for the first time on the internet, I wrote in my phone calendar when it begins!

I am writing to you about this festival out of passion, hoping that I’ll be able to influence you in a positive way to fill the cinemas also when the films don’t follow any Hollywood rule and don’t have a happy ending. But with some tears.

It’s clear to me that film “A Woman Under the Influence” will continue to haunt me. It touches a very sensitive cord, connected to my family. Maybe you have already guessed, but the photo shooting above is also inspired by the film.

It’s not unusual for me to be influenced by films, which I consider to be a huge inspiration source,  when making fashion choices.  And I don’t mean the intention of copying a certain character, but taking a movie entirely in and allowing it to unconsciously guide your choices. There are bricks that build your personality. Last night I realized that maybe that’s why I liked this blouse so much when I discovered it in Vietnam, because unconsciously, I associated it with one of the outfits of the character played heavenly by Gena Rowlands. All you church goers should forgive me for using such terms, but sometimes they really are appropriate. Please watch the movie (you haven’t done so already) and then let’s talk about it…I will feel like you are closer to me, knowing that we are watching the same movies.  

I’ll see you at the Festival!

In the pictures I am wearing: blouse bought in Vietnam, Levis vintage shorts, H&M shoes, Penti socks (bought today, especially for this photo shooting).

P.S.: I thought that from now on I should make more proposals for outfits inspired by movies on the blog. This way I will be able to talk to you about my passion for film, which – no offence – clearly surpasses the one for fashion. How about that?

  • Oana/ 25.04.2018Reply

    Perfect de acord cu propunerea. Sper sa ajung și eu la festival, o sa te salut dacă te vad…si dacă îmi fac curaj. 🙂

    • Dana/ 25.04.2018Reply

      Normal ca iti faci curaj 🙂

  • Ewa MacherowskaE/ 26.04.2018Reply

    Perfect mood <3

  • Alina/ 28.04.2018Reply

    Din pacate ajung in Bucuresti abia pe 5. Iubesc filmele americane si nu as fi ratat festivalul daca eram in oras. Dar o sa vad sigur filmul recomandat de tine. Am citit recenzii pe net si e de vazut

    • Dana/ 29.04.2018Reply

      Ma bucur ca te-am influentat in acest sens. Pana acum am vazut in cadrul festivalului Faces, The Rider, Menache si Lucky. Dintre acestea m-au atins mai tare The Rider si Lucky. Poate apuc sa va scriu si despre ele.

  • Alina/ 02.05.2018Reply

    Ar fi fain 🙂

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