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O Lunatica Norocoasa

O Lunatica Norocoasa

Am fost impresionata de numarul mare de participanti la concursul Moon, cu noua colectie de vara de fete detasabile. Au fost peste 500 de femei care si-au dorit sa poarte plicul meu Moon, iar asta ma face mandra si fericita. Dar castigatoarea este…


EN: I was very impressed by the large number of participants in the Moon collection contest, with the new summer collection of detachable covers. There were over 500 women who wanted to wear my Moon clutch, which makes me proud and happy. But the winner is…

Ah, ador fata detasabila Bronz si, abia dupa ce am realizat-o am constatat ca am deja in dressing rochia din imagine, care are o nuanta extrem extrem de apropiata. Reveind la concursul nostru, am facut extragerea si castigatoarea este, tiza mea, Dana, cu mesajul:


Salut, as purta plicul moon nude cu fata detasabila bronz la o rochie alba de vara accesorizata cu sandale maro si bijuterii metalice de bronz.

Felicitaaaari! Uite ca alegerea ta a fost chiar plicul Nude din imagine, accesorizat exact cu noua fata detasabila Moon, doar ca asortat la  o rochie alba de vara, sandale maro si bijuterii metalice de bronz. Suna tare bine, am sa incerc tinuta propusa, doar ca as adauga si o piele bronzata…. Nu ca suna bine? O colega din echipa Moon te va contacta  pe mail pentru a intra in posesia premiului:  un plic Moon intr-o piele la alegere, plus 2 fete detasabile cadou.

Avantajul acestui gen de concurs e ca toata lumea poate gasi inspiratie. E imposibil ca dintre cele peste 500 de tinute propuse aici sa nu fie macar una care sa ti se potriveasca si pe care sa o poti alcatui chiar cu haine si accesorii pe care le ai deja.

Moon Studio va asteapta cu programare la [email protected], iar magazinul online pe Si am o veste buna pentru voi. Pe 9 iulie, cand va fi Luna Plina, vor fi si reduceri la multe dintre produsele Moon. Deci, notati-va in agenda!

In poze port: rochie Halston Heritage, pantofi Uterque, plic Moon nude si fata detasabila Bronz. Iar video cu tinuta in miscare…

EN: Oh, I love the Bronze detachable cover and, only after I made it did I realize that I have the dress in the pictures in my closet, which has a very similar color. Back to our contest, I picked the winner and she is:


Hi, I would wear the nude Moon clutch with the bronze detachable cover with a white summer dress, accessorized with brown sandals and bronze metallic jewelry.

Congratulations! Your choice was the Nude clutch in the pictures, accessorized exactly with the new Moon detachable cover, but paired with a white summer dress, brown sandals and metallic bronze jewelry. It sounds really good, I will try out the proposed outfit, but I would also add a tanned skin… Doesn’t that sound good? A colleague from the Moon team will contact you via email to send you your prize: a Moon clutch in a color of your choice, plus 2 detachable covers as a gift.

The advantage of this kind of contest is that everyone can find inspiration. It’s impossible that from the over 500 proposed outfits here you don’t find at least one that suits you and which you can put together from clothes and accessories you already own.

Moon Studio is expecting you with an appointment at [email protected], and the online shop is And I also have some good news for you. On the 9th of July, when there’s going to be a Full Moon, we will also have sales for many of the Moon products.  So, mark that in your calendar!

In the pictures I am wearing: Halston Heritage dress, Uterque shoes, nude Moon clutch and Bronze detachable cover. And above the video with the outfit on the move…

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 03.07.2017Reply


    • Dana/ 03.07.2017Reply

      Oh, thanks 🙂

  • Sorina/ 04.07.2017Reply

    Gata, 9/07 ?! Iuppiiiiii ?!
    Felicitari castigatoarei ?! Sigur o sa bucura enorm primirea cadoului ?!
    Vreau sa port plicurile vara asta cat mai mult asa ca, sigur il voi accesoriza cu fete din noua colectie ?! Avem si o sedinta foto prevazuta pt ziua Sarei deci trebuie sa mi aleg o tinuta, first??!
    Uite la ce ma refeream cand ti am scris o data, pe insta…ceva de genul acesta lipseste gentilor tale:


    • Dana/ 04.07.2017Reply

      9/7 ? Nu inteleg 🙂

      • Sorina/ 04.07.2017Reply

        9 iulie ?

        • Dana/ 04.07.2017Reply

          Pe 9 iulie e ziua micutei? M-am incurcat…

          • Sorina/ 04.07.2017

            Pe 09/07 este ziua reducerilor pe shop moonbydanarogoz, sau am inteles eu am gresit?
            Ieri a fost ziua Sarei ?. A implinit 2 ani?!

          • Dana/ 04.07.2017

            La Multi Ani! Stiam eu ceva 🙂 Da, pe 9 iulie sunt reduceri, dar am crezut ca data coincide si cu o zi importanta in viata ta. Pup cu dor!

  • Mada/ 04.07.2017Reply

    Felicitari castigatoarei! 🙂

  • AndreeaDC/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Aduci a Claire Underwood in pozele astea 🙂

  • Dana/ 05.07.2017Reply

    Wow, multumesc, abia azi am vazut ca am castigat concursul. De mult imi doream un plic Moon 🙂

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