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Scenaristi de desene animate

Scenaristi de desene animate

Unul dintre cele mai frumoase concursuri la care am fost invitata vreodata pana acum ca jurat este acum in plina desfasurare. Vorbesc despre un concurs de scenarii de desene animate pentru copii cu varsta intre 9 si 14 ani, in urma caruia doi mari castigatori vor pleca intr-o excursie cu familia la Nickelodeon Land din Madrid si ale caror scenarii vor prinde viata in desene animate ce vor fi transmise pe Nickelodeon. O initiativa minunata, care pune le treaba creativitatea, imaginatia si talentul de povestitori al copiilor. Iata tot ce trebuie sa stiti despre acest concurs:


EN: One of the nicest contests I have been invited to as a judge is happening right now. I am talking about a contest for cartoons scripts, for children aged from 9 to 14, after which 2 winners will go on a trip to Nickelodeon Land in Madrid, with their family and whose scripts will come to life in cartoons aired by Nickelodeon. A wonderful initiative, which puts creativity, imagination and the storytelling gift of children to work. Here’s all you need to know about this contest: 

1 6Intotdeaua aleg atent desenele la care se uita Vlad si incerc pe cat posibil sa fiu mereu langa el cand le urmareste la televizor, ca sa le comentam impreuna. Ii pun intrebari, dansez cu el in fata ecranului, numaram impreuna personajele etc, in asa fel incat sa transform “uitatul la desene” intr-o activitate a noastra, de familie. Le aleg pe cele care in primul si in primul rand nu sunt violente (nu de alta, dar pe youtube gasesti tot felul de animatii care pot da idei gresite micutilor…), pe cele care consider ca ii sporesc vocabularul si, de ce nu, imaginatia. Cred cu tarie ca povestea unui desen animat scrisa chiar de copii nu are cum sa fie altfel decat rupta din universul lor, cu subiectele care ii preocupa si care le starnesc curiozitatea, cu bucuriile si fricile specifice varstei lor. S-ar putea ca noi, adultii din juriu, sa avem mari suprize. Pentru ca una e ce credem noi despre “generatia digitala” si alta e cand dai ocazia reala unor copii sa-si creeze propria lume, fie ea si animata.

2Asadar, pentru copiii din Romania, Telekom Romania si Nickelodeon lanseaza acest concurs menit sa stimuleze talentul la scris al copiilor din era digitala. Cei mai ingeniosi doi scenaristi vor fi rasplatiti cu o excursie cu intreaga familie la parcul tematic Nickelodeon Land din Madrid si, in plus, isi vor putea vedea povestea  transpusa intr-un desen animat ce va fi difuzat pe Nickelodeon. Va dati seama ce bucurie pe ei sa isi vada personajele imaginate prinzand viata pe ecranul televizorului, spre amuzamentul atator alti copii (si parinti) telespectatori! Cred ca ar fi unul dintre acele momente extrem de importante in dezvoltarea lor ca adulti, care le-ar da extrem de mult curaj, avant, in viitor.

Alte premii speciale vor fi oferite autorilor ale caror scenarii primesc cele mai multe voturi, precum si celor care inscriu cel mai rapid scenarii in concurs – acestea din urma valabile pentru primii 100 de inscrisi abonati ai Telekom Romania si NextGen.

Concursul este deschis pentru copii cu varste cuprinse intre 9 si 14 ani, care sunt invitati sa scrie o povestire cu subiect la libera alegere si sa o inscrie in competitie pana pe 20 septembrie. Pentru a participa la concurs, parintii copiilor trebuie sa acceseze si sa inscrie o povestire cu cel mult 5.000 de caractere.


In urmatoarele zece zile, adica pana pe 30 septembrie, toate povestirile inscrise vor fi supuse votului publicului pe website – unde oricine poate vota pentru povestirea favorita. Apoi, cele mai votate zece povestiri vor fi analizate de catre un juriu din care fac si eu parte, alaturi de Laura Frunza – bloggerita si scriitoare, Monica Bolocan – psiholog, Felician Lepadatu – specialist efecte vizuale, juriu care va selecta cei doi mari castigatori.

Dragi parinti, linkul de concurs si regulamentul acestuia este aici: Multa inspiratie copiilor!


EN: I always choose the cartoons Vlad watches very carefully and try as much as possible to be near him when he does, so we can comment on them together. I ask him questions, I dance with him in front of the screen, we count the characters together etc, so that I transform “watching cartoons” into one of our activities, in the family. First and foremost I choose those which aren’t violent (you can find all sorts of animations on youtube, which might give kids false ideas…), the ones which I consider enrich his vocabulary and, why not, his imagination. Le I strongly believe that the story of a cartoon written by kids themselves can’t be anything other than taken from their universe, with the topics which interest them mist and make them curious, with the joys and fears specific to their age. It might be possible that we, the adults from the jury, have big surprises. Because what we think of the “digital generation” is one thing, and it’s a completely different thing when you give a real opportunity for children to create their own world, even if it’s animated.  

So, for the children in Romania, Telekom Romania and Nickelodeon launch this contest which is meant to stimulate the writing skills of kids from the digital era. The most ingenious two script writers will be rewarded with a trip with the entire family to the theme park  Nickelodeon Land in Madrid and, plus, they will get to see their story transformed into a cartoon broadcasted by Nickelodeon. You can only imagine their joy to see their imagined characters brought to life on the TV screen, for the amusement of so many other kids (and parents) viewers! I think it might one of those extremely important moments in their development to adulthood, which might give them a lot of courage for the future.  

Other special prizes will also be given to the authors whose scripts get the most votes, as well as to those who sign up with scripts the fastest- the latter being available to the first 100 subscribers to Telekom Romania and NextGen.

The contest is open to children aged between 9 and 14, who are invited to write a story with a topic of their choice and to sign up until the 20th of September. To participate, the children’s parents must go to and to sign up a story of maximum 5.000 characters.

In the following ten days, meaning until the 30th of September, all stories can be voted by the public online- where anyone can vote for their favorite story. Then, the top 10 stories will be analyzed by jury, which I am also part of, together with Laura Frunza – blogger and writer, Monica Bolocan – psychologist, Felician Lepadatu – visual effects specialist, jury which will select two grand winners.

Dear parents, the link to the contest and the regulations is here: Much inspiration to the children!

  • Liliana/ 25.08.2016Reply

    De unde este rochia?

  • Aly/ 26.08.2016Reply


  • Ev/ 26.08.2016Reply

    Nice post dear 🙂

  • Sorina/ 26.08.2016Reply

    Va fi un concurs tare frumos pentru copii ?! Ceva educativ, practic și amuzant ?! O poveste a LOR care să capete contur! Frumos tare ♥️! Bizzz

  • Elena/ 28.08.2016Reply

    Ce frumos! iar rochia este minunata!


    Interesant concursul pentru copii si superba rochita ta,Dana!!!

  • Florin/ 28.08.2016Reply

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