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Shopping in Centrul Vechi

Shopping in Centrul Vechi

Acum cateva zile am fost invitata la deschiderea unui nou magazin Koton, de data aceasta in Centrul Vechi. Cred ca nu sunt singura care se bucura cand aude de astfel de lansari de magazine in singura noastra zona pietonala din capitala. Ma bucur ca exista multe restaurante, cafenele, teatre, chiar si cluburi (nu ajung in ele decat cu vreo petrecere a burlacitelor, dar sunt constienta ca reprezinta o mare atractie pentru turisti, de exemplu), dar as vrea sa am posibilitatea sa fac shopping, ca in oricare alta capitala europeana, si in centrul orasului, nu doar intr-un mall.


EN: A few days ago I was invited to the opening of a new Koton store, this time in the Old Center. I think I am not the only one who is glad to hear about such shop openings in our only pedestrian area in the capital. I am happy there are many restaurants, cafes, theatres, even clubs (which I only go to for a bachelorette party, but I am aware they are a big attraction for tourists, for example), but I would also like to have the opportunity to go shopping, like in any other European capital, in the center of the town, not just in malls.

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Intamplarea face ca in jumatate de ora plec de acasa exact spre Centru Vechi, pentru ca in aceasta seara joc “Jurnalul lui Adam si al Evei” la Godot Cafe Teatru. Asa ca poate inainte mai am timp sa bag un cap si pe la Koton, care este pe strada Lipscani 43, intr-o cladire veche reconsolidata si restaurata. Pentru mine asta iar e un mare plus, caci efectiv sufar cand vad cladiri vechi cu arhitesctura deosebita lasate in paragina. Am auzit la evenimentul de lansare ca proiectul de reabilitare a cladirii si a transformarii ei in magazinul actual Koton a costat in jur de 6 milioane euro… Dar acum pot sa pasesc linistita intr-o cladire din Centrul Vechi, stiind ca sunt in siguranta, alegand pe indelete hainele care imi plac.

Apropo de haine, am avut o surpriza tare placuta cu hainele lor, pe care o sa ma mai vedeti purtandu-le aici pe blog.

In poze port: palton, pulover si fusta toate Koton, ciocate Marc Jacobs (abia mi le-am cumparat si sunt topita dupa ele….).  Si tinuta in miscare:


EN: It just so happens that in half an hour I am leaving for the Old Center, because tonight I am acting in “The Diary of Adam and Eve” at Godot Café Teatru. So maybe I’ll have some time before that to stop by Koton, which is on Lipscani no 43, in an old refurbished building. To me this is a big plus, because I literally suffer when I see old buildings, with beautiful architecture, abandoned. At the opening event I overheard that the refurbishment project for the building and its transformation in the actual Koton store cost about 6 million euro… But now I can walk into a building from the Old Center without any fear, knowing I am safe, while thoroughly choosing the clothes I like.

By the way, I had a very pleasant surprise with their clothes, which you will see more of, here on the blog.

In the pictures I am wearing: Koton coat, sweater and skirt, Marc Jacobs boots (I just bough them and I am crazy about them…). And above the outfit on the move.

  • Roxy/ 30.11.2016Reply


  • Georgeta Dinca/ 30.11.2016Reply

    Imi place fusta?

  • Co./ 30.11.2016Reply

    Nu ma așteptam la aceste ciocate. Au revenit cumva in trend sau ..?Multumesc!

    • Dana/ 30.11.2016Reply

      Pentru mine sunt ca o bijuterie statement 🙂 sunt atât de speciale, încât nu țin neapărat de un trend anume.

  • Ana Maria Blog/ 30.11.2016Reply

    Imi place foarte mult cromatica acestei tinute; se potriveste foarte bine sezonului rece.

  • Maria Urban/ 01.12.2016Reply

    Waaa ce combinatie faina #love, imi plac toate piesele si chiar ca se potrivesc cromatic cu sezonul. Ma bucur sa aflu de deschiderea noului magazin Koton, imi.plac hainele de la ei 🙂

  • Studio Galati/ 01.12.2016Reply

    Esti superba!! Imi place foarte mult aceasta tinuta .Mi se pare casual , cu tenta de business . Big Like 🙂

  • Olga/ 02.12.2016Reply

    Awesome outfit

    • Dana/ 04.12.2016Reply


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