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Glam UP!

Glam UP!

In aceasta perioada cred ca si voi, ca si mine, va deschideti larg dulapul si va intrebati, cu o cana mare de cafea in mana: “Oare eu cu ce ma imbrac de Craciun?”


EN: I am sure that in this time of the year, you, much like myself, open your closet widely, while holding a cup of coffee, and wonder: “What am I going to wear for Christmas?”

Daca v-ati surprins ca faceti “ritualul” descris mai sus de cateva zile si nu gasiti un raspuns, este foarte probabil ca raspunsul sa nu fie in dulapul vostru. Poate raspunsul este undeva agatat de un umeras intr-un magazin! Si daca ai sti ca ai o multime de variante elegante si fun la niste preturi rezonabile care sa nu-ti “muste” din bugetul de cadouri, nu-i asa ca ai rasufla putin usurata?

Ei bine TEX tocmai ce mi-a trimis catalogul care contine mini-colectia de piese all black menita sa iti salveze tinutele in zilele de Craciun si Revelion. Colectia are o multime de piese versatile, usor de combinat intre ele, dar si de integrat in garderoba ta existenta. Colectia GLAM UP! este disponibila in hipermarketurile Carrefour pana pe 26 decembrie, asa ca grabeste-te sa o cumperi, pentru ca totul este editie limitata.

Punctul central al colectiei este The Little Black Dress, interpretata intr-un fel nou, modern, alaturi de o fusta cool din tul suprapus, de un tricou fun cu paiete reversibile si de o pereche de pantaloni negri eleganti, care te pot salva dintr-o multime de situatii. Ce mi se pare perfect la aceasta colectie este faptul ca desi este gandita ca fiind special dedicata sarbatorilor, cu siguranta o sa te scoata dintr-o multime de buclucuri vestimentare si in timpul anului. Tinuta de festival? Poti sa folosesti fusta din tul! Outfit elegant pentru un eveniment important? Pantalonii sunt baza perfecta pentru o tinuta sofisticata! O seara la dans cu fetele? Topul cu paiete e solutia perfecta!

Asa ca moda cu chef de viata incepe cu aceasta colectie capsula TEX disponibila in hipermarketurile Carrefour, iar eu una am gasit o multime de variante in care pot purta aceste piese!

In poze port tricou si fusta din colectia noua Tex Glam UP! Iar tinuta in miscare este…

Sedinta foto a fost realizata la Fix Me a Drink Bar. 

EN: If you have done the “ritual” described above for a few days now and still haven’t come up with an answer, it’s most likely that the answer isn’t in your wardrobe. Maybe the answer is on a hanger somewhere in a store! And if you knew that you have plenty of elegant and fun options, for reasonable prices, which don’t “bite too much off” your budget, wouldn’t you feel relieved?

Well TEX just sent me their catalogue with the all black mini-collection which is meant to save your Christmas and New Year’s outfits. The collection has many versatile items, which can easily be combined with each other, but also integrated into your existing wardrobe. The collection GLAM UP! is available at Carrefour until the 26th of December, so hurry up and buy something, because everything’s limited edition.

The main focus of the collection is the Little Black Dress, interpreted in a new, modern manner, together with a cool skirt made from over layered tulle, a fun t-shirt with reversible sequins and a pair of elegant shoes, which can save you in many situations. What I find perfect about this collection is the fact that, even though it was conceived as being especially for the holidays, it can definitely help you out in many fashion situations throughout the year. Festival outfit? You can use the tulle skirt! Elegant outfit for an important event? Pants are the perfect base for a sophisticated outfit! A night out dancing with the girls? The sequin top is the perfect solution!  

So fashion in the mood for life starts with this TEX capsule collection, available at Carrefour, and I for one have found plenty of options to wear these items!

In the pictures I am wearing t-shirt and skirt from the new Tex Glam UP! collection. And above the outfit one the move…  

The photo shooting was made at the Fix Me a Drink Bar. 

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 20.12.2017Reply

    Perfect look <3

  • CristinaB/ 21.12.2017Reply

    Un styling de exceptie !

  • Roxy/ 21.12.2017Reply

    Foarte tare tricoul ??

  • larisa/ 23.12.2017Reply

    Sincer, hainele care le prezinti tu de la TEX , eu nu le vad niciodata la carrefour, poate este prea mic magazinul si nu au toata colectia disponibila, decat pe site. I-am luat o pijama draguta sotului meu, de aratat arata bine si pretul e accesibil, sa vedem calitatea cum va fi 🙂 Sarbatori fericite 🙂

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