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Totul a inceput cu o provacare primita de la Andreea Raicu de a purta culoarea preferata timp de 3 zile. Am ales galbenul si, desi cele 3 zile s-au incheiat, eu continuu sa imi umplu contul de Instagram cu postari in care aceasta culoare puternica este vedeta, ca intr-un soi de dependenta. Da, imi place galbenul. De aceea azi am ajuns sa postez o fotografie cu 12 (!!!!) oua ochiuri de prepelita…. Va invit sa descoperiti aceasta rochie galbena superba, dar si detalii despre 2 concursuri care se desfasoara in paralel pe contul de Instagram si pe cel de Facebook.


EN: It all started with a challenge I received from Andreea Raicu to wear my favorite color for 3 days. I chose yellow and, even though the 3 days are over, I am still filling my Instagram account with posts in which this strong color is the star, as in some sort of addiction. Yes, I like yellow. That’s why today I posted a picture of 12 (!!!!) quail eggs… I invite you to discover this gorgeous yellow dress, but also details about 2 contests which take place at the same time on both my Instagram and Facebook account.

Voua, celor care urmariti blogul de mai multa vreme, nu cred ca trebuie sa vad dau prea multe explicatii. Stiti deja ca galbenul este tot mai prezent in garderoba mea in ultimii ani. Poate ca unii dintre voi va aduceti aminte si de rochia galbena purtata acum vreo 6 ani (sorry, dar nu mai stiu sa estimez nimic inainte de nasterea lui Vlad) la Paris Fashion Week. Eram blonda si pe atunci era un soi de faux pas sa porti galben cand esti blonda. Iar un redactor de la Elle UK a tinut sa imi precizeze ca tocmai asta ii place cel mai mult, ca de fapt nu ar trebui sa existe (si chiar nu exista) astfel de reguli. Galbenul imi da o stare buna, imi da energie si chef de vazut cu prietenii la o limonada sau de alergat cu Vlad in parc.

Asadar, cand Andreea Raicu mi-a dat aceasta provocare a culorilor #PerwollTrueColors, fireste ca am ales roz. Ah, rosu. Ah, verde. Pardon. GAL-BEN! Au trecut cele 3 zile de #YellowGalben si eu inca fotografiez chestii galbene pe strada sau imi selectez din folderul Downloads fotografii in care purtam galben sau eram inconjurata de aceasta culoare.

Intre timp, am inceput sa folosesc si noul Perwoll Renew Advanced Effect, un detergent care mentine culoarea vibranta a hainelor si care are grija de tesatura acestora in acelasi timp. Adica un produs dedicat hainelor mele colorate preferate. Chiar zilele trecute am realizat ca mai am inca in dulap multe haine cumparate prin facultate. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de hainele vintage, care au o vechime de zeci de ani. E normal atunci sa caut produse cu o tehnologie avansata, care sa ingrijeasca tesaturile si culorile pentru a le mentine intr-o stare cat mai buna, pentru cat mai mult timp.

Va invit sa incercati si voi acest detergent lichid, pe care il puteti si castiga – alaturi de o pereche superba de ochelari galbeni – prin intermediul celor 2 concursuri organizate pe Instagram, respectiv Facebook. Mecanismele concursurilor sunt simple:

  • pentru Instagram: postati pe contul vostru o imagine in care purtati ceva galben + cele 2 hashtag-uri #YellowDana #PerwollTrueColors
  • pentru Facebook: sa lasati un comentariu la postarea concurs cu o fotografie cu voi purtand galben

Pe 22 iunie voi extrage 2 castigatori pentru fiecare concurs in parte.

Si cu aceasta ocazie, va intreb (separat de concursurile pomenite mai sus) care este cea ma intalnita culoare in garderoba voastra, in afara de alb si negru – care sunt mai mult ca sigur majoritare la toata lumea.

Let your true colors shine!

In fotografii port rochie Ludmila Corlateanu. Iar video cu tinuta in miscare aici:

 Acest articol este sponsorizat de Perwoll, dar tot continutul imi apartine. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: To those of you following this blog for a long time, I don’t think I need to give you any extra explanations. You already know that yellow is ever more present in my wardrobe in these past years. Maybe some of you even remember the yellow dress I wore about 6 years ago (sorry, I don’t seem to estimate time before Vlad was born too well) at the Paris Fashion Week. I was blonde and back then it was some sort of faux pas to wear yellow if you were blonde. And an editor from Elle UK wanted to mention that that was exactly what he like most, that this sort of rules shouldn’t (and don’t) exist. Yellow gives me good vibes, energy and the desire to go out with friends for a lemonade or running around the park with Vlad.

So, when Andreea Raicu have me this color challenge #PerwollTrueColors, of course I chose pink. Oh, red. Oh, green. Sorry. YEL-LOW! The 3 days of #YellowGalben are over and I am still taking pictures of yellow stuff on the streets or selecting pictures in which I wore yellow or was surrounded by this color from my Downloads folder.

In the mean time, I began using the new Perwoll Renew Advanced Effect, a detergent which maintains the vibrant color of clothes while taking care of the fabric at the same time. Which means it’s a product dedicated to my favorite colored clothes. In the last days I realized that I still have in my closet clothes which I bought in college. Let alone vintage clothes, which are tens of years old. It’s only natural that I look for products with advanced technology, which take care of the fabrics and colors, in order to maintain them in tip top shape for as long as possible.

I invite you to try out this liquid detergent, which you can win- together with a beautiful pair of yellow sunglasses- through the 2 contests organized on Instagram and Facebook. The mechanisms are pretty simple:   

  • for Instagram: post a picture of you wearing something yellow on your Instagram account + the 2 hashtags #YellowDana #PerwollTrueColors
  • for Facebook: leave a comment for this post with a picture of you wearing something yellow

On June 22nd I will randomly pick 2 winners for each contest.

And on this note, I would like to ask you (separately from the contests mentioned above) what is the color found most in your wardrobe, appart from white and black- which are surely a majority for everyone.

Let your true colors shine!

In the photos I am wearing Ludmila Corlateanu dress. And above the video with the outfit on the move.


  • Sorina/ 18.06.2018Reply

    Postat deja pe instagram ?!
    Inainte vreme nu-mi placea deloc galbenul crezand ca-mi aduce efectiv o paloare a fetii si ma face pamantie, dar acum imi place la nebunie!?
    La mine in garderoba este ff diversificat… nici nu stiu care culoare predomina …
    Chestia este ca acum ca stiu ca voi avea baietel m-am indragostit pur si simplu de baby blue ??! Cred ca va deveni preferata ?! N-am sa abdic de la verde, dar sigur se va da bataie intre cele doua☺️☺️☺️!

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 18.06.2018Reply


  • Monica/ 18.06.2018Reply

    Gri 🙂 desi mai nou am.o preferinta spre galben mustar.

  • Simona Nemtanu/ 20.06.2018Reply

    Aiaiai… mamasita. Geniala rochia, imi place muuult, mult!

  • Madi/ 21.06.2018Reply

    Foarte frumoasa rochia, iar culoarea este superba! Si mie imi place sa port galben, mai ales vara! 😀

  • Mia/ 21.06.2018Reply

    Wow! Ce rochie frumoasa porti, nu pot sa-mi iau ochii de la poze! 😀

  • Bella/ 22.06.2018Reply

    Esti deosebita, Dana, iar rochia ta e minunata! <3

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