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Cum am petrecut la TIFF

Cum am petrecut la TIFF

Vizionat cat mai multe filme de dimineata si pana seara, petreceri, culcat la 4 jumate dimineata sau si mai in zori, pus alarma la 8 – 9 si luat totul de la capat. Cam asa de fain a fost la TIFF. Inca resimt oboseala, dar prefer sa va scriu acum, cand inca mai sunt senzatiile proaspete.


EN: Watching as many movies as possible, from morning ’til late at night, parties, going to bed at 4 am or even later, setting the alarm for 8-9 am and starting all over again. That’s how great TIFF was. I am still tired, but I prefer writing to you now, while the sensations are still fresh in mind.

Am aterizat la Cluj pe 8 iunie seara si am mers direct la petrecerea Mastercard, care a sarbatorit 11 ani de cand sustine TIFF. Nu cred ca are sens sa va mai spun cat de important este pentru un festival de film sa aiba un asemenea colaborator. TIFF a crescut enorm de la inceput si pana la cea de-a 16 editie ce tocmai s-a incheiat, iar asta cred ca o pot confirma toti clujenii. Orasul vibreaza, atmosfera e incredibil de calda si prietenoasa, aproape studenteasca as spune, petrecerile se termina dimineata, filmele sunt bune, intalnirile cu actori si regizori zilnice, iar discutiile de cinefili pasionati interminabile. Totul e extrem de bine pus la punct. Indiferent ca esti din lumea cinematografiei sau simplu spectator, ai acces la nenumarate filme care ruleaza in mai multe sali de proiectie in paralel. Asadar, iti faci un plan cu ce vrei sa vezi si alergi dintr-o parte in alta sa nu ratezi nimic. Apropo de Mastercard, pe durata festivalului, la casieriile de bilete TIFF, la Casa TIFF, lounge-ul TIFF si TIFF Shop puteai plati contactless cu carduri Mastercard sau Maestro, ca sa economisesti timpul atat de pretios dintre proiectiile de film. Pentru ca e mai ceva ca la un fashion week! Asadar, o astfel de metoda de plata e de-a dreptul necesara cand filmele incep unul dupa altul, iar numarul spectatorilor la filme bate orice record la noi in tara. In plus, unii dintre cinefilii care au platit contactless, au fost si recompensati de catre promoteri cu 30 de invitatii la petrecerea Mastercard și 50 de invitații la o proiectie speciala a unuia dintre cele mai solicitate filme din program – “May God Save Us”, regia Rodrigo Sorogoyen.

Fiind singura in Cluj, fara Radu si Vlad, doar cu prietenii mei actori, am profitat nene la maxim de fiecare moment. Nu mi-am permis sa lenevesc o secunda. Am tras de mine, ca sa vad cat mai multe filme, dar si ca sa petrec ca pe vremuri intre oameni faini, cum sunt mai ales cei de la Cluj. Pentru ca e musai sa va spun ca, inca din prima seara, clujenii au fost incredibil de drăguți cu mine! Foarte multi au venit sa ma salute, sa facem poze impreuna si sa ne amintim de vremuri ne-apuse in sufletele noastre, dar “abracadabrante”. Asa ca am stat la povesti, am si dansat cu multi dintre ei, dar si cu foarte multi actori, regizori sau alti cunoscuti din industrie.

Recunosc ca o data la 3 dansuri ma mai lovea cate un sentiment de usoara…. vinovatie?!?! Ma gandeam: “E ok ca sunt aici si ca dansez cu fostii mei colegi de facultate?” … “Mda, e ok.” – si continuam, incurajandu-ma ca sunt rare astfel de ocazii si ca sigur copilul si sotul sunt fericiti si linistiti acasa, chiar si fara mine.

Asa cum spuneam la inceput, puneam ceasul sa sune devreme, ca la ora 10 sa fiu din nou in cinema. Am vazut mai multe scurtmetraje romanesti din competitie, documentarul “Camera Obscura” regia Gica Preda, dar si lungmetrajele: “Regele fara un ochi” regia Marc Crehuet, “Aniversarea”  regia Dan Chisu, “Breaking News” regia Iulia Rugina, “Vanatoare” regia Alexandra Balteanu, “Legenda lui Michael Kohlhaas” regia Arnaud des Pallières si “My Happy Family” regia Nana Ekvtimishvili și Simon Gross, despre care va scriam intr-o postare anterioara. Restul vreau sa le vad in cinema, cand vor veni la Bucuresti. De exemplu, vreau neaparat sa vad “Piatra de inima” in regia lui Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson, care a luat anul acesta Premiul Publicului, acordat – conform traditiei – de Mastercard, in baza voturilor spectatorilor, fiind una dintre cele mai importante distinctii ale Festivalului International de Film Transilvania. Desi am vazut doar cateva imagini in timpul Galei TIFF, filmul mi-a atras instantaneu atentia. In plus, imi pusesem in agenda documentarul “Planeta Petrila” regia Andrei Dascalescu, care a luat premiul publicului Cinepub, asa ca aseara l-am vazut la MTR si e genial! Trebuie neparat sa il vedeti. Iar acum, tot ca restanta de la TIFF, mai am documentarul “Ultimul caldarar” regia Cosmin Bumbuț si Elena Stancu, care a luat premiul pentru debut.

Asa cum va spuneam, in timpul festivalului ai ocazia sa participi la multe sesiuni de Q&A si sa afli direct de la creatorii de film romanesc tot ce te intereseaza. Eu am participat de exemplu la lounge-ul TIFF powered by Mastercard cu Tora Vasilescu, pentru ca e pur si simplu geniala. Am ascultat-o povestind cu o modestie exemplara despre profesia aleasa, despre etapele parcurse si despre cei mai importanti artisti pe care i-a intalnit la cadru de-a lungul anilor. Dar am ascultat-o vorbind si despre seriale cu la fel de mare sinceritate si relaxare. Caci am jucat impreuna in mai multe seriale romanesti cu ani in urma si nu ne e rusine de asta, desi breasla cinematografiei romane ar avea multe de comentat. Asadar, a fost o bucurie sa o reintalnesc, fiind o mare actrița, dar si un om minunat. Si tot din acelasi lounge am urmarit finala de tenis cu Simona Halep, alaturi de 3000 de oameni stransi in Piata Unirii. Doamne, ce emotii!

A fost prima oara pentru mine la TIFF, dar sigur nu ultima. Am petrecut clipe de nepretuit alaturi de actritele Ioana Anastasia Anton, Olimpia Melinte, Ioana Flora, Corina Moise, Madalina Craiu, Rodica Lazar, Iulia Lumanare sau Silvana Mihai, pe multe dintre ele putand sa le vedeti in pozele de mai sus, dar mai mult in filmele romanesti si spectacolele de teatru din tara. Pentru ca sunt toate actrite foarte bune, carora nu le puteti face o bucurie mai mare decat mergand sa le vedeti jucand.

TIFF, ne vedem la anul!

La Gala am purtat: rochie Parlor, cercei vintage, clutch Parfois.

EN: I landed in Cluj on the evening of June 8th and I went straight to the MasterCard party, which celebrated 11 years of supporting TIFF. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to tell you how important it is for a film festival to have such a sponsor. TIFF has grown enormously from its beginnings to its 16th edition which just ended, and I think all of Cluj’s inhabitants can confirm that. The city vibrates, the atmosphere is incredibly warm and friendly, almost like when we were students, and the talks with film aficionados seem to never end. Everything is extremely well organized. No matter if you are in the movie business or just a spectator, you have access to a large number of movies which can be watched in many projection rooms at the same time. So, you make plan with what you want to see and you run from one place o the other so you don’t miss anything. By the way, throughout the entire festival, you could pay contactless with MasterCard or Maestro card at the TIFF ticket offices, at House of TIFF, TIFF lounge and TIFF shop, so you wouldn’t have to waste valuable time between the movies.  Because it’s even more than a fashion week! So, such a payment method is absolutely necessary when movies begin one after the other, and the number of spectator beats all records in the country. Plus, some of those who have payed contactless, have been rewarded by the promoters with 30 invitations to the MasterCard party and 50 invitations to a special projection of one of the most watched films in the program – “May God Save Us”, directed by Rodrigo Sorogoyen.

Since I was alone in Cluj, without Radu and Vlad, only with my fellow actors, I took advantage of each moment. I didn’t allow myself to be lazy for a second. I tried really hard, to see as many films as possible, but also to party like in the old days with cool people, like those from Cluj are. Because I have to tell you that, right from the first evening, the people over there have been really nice to me! A lot of them came over to say hi, take pictures and remember times long past, but still magical. So I had long conversations, I also danced with many of them, but also with many actors, directors or other familiar faces from the industry.  

I admit that once very 3 dances I got a feeling of slight… guilt?!?!? I was thinking: “Is it ok that I am here dancing with my old college colleagues?”… “Well, yes, it’s ok.” – and I continued, pepping myself up that these occasions are so rare and that surely the child and the husband are happy and peaceful at home, even without me.

As I said in the beginning, I would set the alarm early, so that at 10 am I could be back in the cinema. I have seen many Romanian short films which were in the competition, the documentary “Camera Obscura” directed by Gica Preda, but also the motion pictures: “Regele fara un ochi” directed by Marc Crehuet, “Aniversarea”  directed by Dan Chisu, “Breaking News” directed by Iulia Rugina, “Vanatoare” directed by Alexandra Balteanu, “Legenda lui Michael Kohlhaas” directed by Arnaud des Pallières and “My Happy Family” directed by Nana Ekvtimishvili and Simon Gross, which I wrote to you about in a previous post. I want to see the rest when they’ll be in cinemas in Bucharest. For instance, I really want to watch “Piatra de inima” directed by Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson, who received this year’s Public’s Choice Award, granted -as usual- by Mastercard, based on the spectators’ votes, which is one of the most important distinctions of the Transylvania International Film Festival. Even though I only see a few images during the TIFF Gala, it instantly got my attention. Plus, I also had  the documentary “Planeta Petrila” directed by Andrei Dascalescu on my agenda, which received the Cinepub award, so last night I have seen at MTR and it’s brilliant! You have to see it. And now, also left over from TIFF, I have the documentary “Ultimul caldarar” directed by Cosmin Bumbuț and Elena Stancu, which received the debut award.

As I said before, during the festival you get to attend many Q& A sessions and find out straight from the Romanian movie creators everything you are interested in. For instance I have attended one at the TIFF lounge powered by Mastercard which featured Tora Vasilescu, because she is simply brilliant. I have listened to her talking with exemplary modesty about her chose profession, about the stages she went through and about the most important artists she has met along the years. But I have also listened to her speak about TV series whith the same honesty and ease. Because, years ago, we have both starred in many Romanian series and we are not ashamed of it, even though the movie industry would have a lot to comment on that.  So, it was a joy to see her again, her being not only a great actress, but also a wonderful person. And in the same lounge I have watched the tennis final with Simona Halep, together with 3000 people gathered Piata Unirii. God, such chills!

It was my first time at TIFF, but it most definitely won’t be my last. I have spent priceless moments with my fellow actresses Ioana Anastasia Anton, Olimpia Melinte, Ioana Flora, Corina Moise, Madalina Craiu, Rodica Lazar, Iulia Lumanare or Silvana Mihai, you can see many of them also in the pictures above, but mostly in the Romanian movies and the theatre plays throughout the country. Because they are all very good actresses, who couldn’t be happier unless you would go see them act.  

TIFF, see you next year!

At the Gala I have worn: Parlor dress, vintage earrings, clutch by Parfois.

  • Alina/ 20.06.2017Reply

    Cu siguranta Vlad va fi mandru sa te vada in aceste poze si va fi un copil/adolescent fericit sa aiba o mama care sa il incurajeze sa isi urmeze visele oricare ar fi acelea, pentru ca ei viata ii dovedeste ca nimic nu e imposibil 😉

    • Dana/ 20.06.2017Reply

      Wow. Am citit de 3 ori consecutiv mesajul tau. Multumesc.

      • Alina/ 20.06.2017Reply

        Nu ai pentru ce! 🙂 E meritul tau ca esti in fiecare statie cu bagajele facute inaintea fiecarui tren 😀

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 20.06.2017Reply

    Nice photos dear 😉

  • Adina/ 21.06.2017Reply

    Tare frumoasa tinuta de la gala! :*

    • Dana/ 21.06.2017Reply

      Multumesc frumos. Parlor e vinovat 🙂

  • Amy/ 23.06.2017Reply

    Rochia cu volane este superba! Subscriu la ceea ce a spus Alina mai sus! 🙂 Esti o fiinta deosebita, Vlad e mandru pentru ca esti mama lui.

  • Ela/ 22.12.2017Reply

    “Vizionat cat mai multe filme de dimineata si pana seara, petreceri, culcat la 4 jumate dimineata sau si mai in zori.”

    Cam asa planuiesc sa imi petrec si eu concediul acesta. Doar ca mai mult in pijamale si fara alarma 😀

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