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La final de tratament si antrenament

La final de tratament si antrenament

Greu de crezut, dar au trecut cele 8 saptamani de antrenament pentru “Picioare de Podium” si de epilare cu Philips Lumea. Hai sa va spun cat se poate de onest care sunt rezultatele…


EN: Hard to believe, but the 8 weeks of training for “Catwalk Legs” and hair removal with Philips Lumea have already gone by. Let me be honest about the results…

Asa cum va povesteam in articolul scris la inceputul antrenamentelor si tratamentului cu Lumea, miza era ca in 8 saptamani picioarele mele sa fie demne de a defila pe podium. Sau macar pe plaja in Vietnam. Am acceptat cu gandul ca o sa imi fie prea rusine fata de voi, de restul fetelor cu care am facut in fiecare vineri sport la Worldclass, dar si fata de Anca Surdu – cea care a sustinut acest antrenament special numit “Picioare de Podium” – cat sa renunt pe parcurs. Chiar si asa, marturisesc cu pacat ca am lipsit la 3 sedinte. Ce sa va zic, 3 sedinte din 8… mi-e destul de rusinica, dar chiar am lipsit motivat (o data pentru o plecare la Amsterdam, la invitatia Philips, o data pentru o filmare la Vorbeste Lumea si o data simtindu-ma foarte rau fizic, ramanand in pat).

Chiar si asa, antrenamentele fizice mi-au facut extrem de mult bine. Se vad si ceva muschi pe picioare care stateau pititi mai inainte si am capatat mai multa incredere in mine, dar si mai multa rezistenta fizica. Si asta pentru ca Anca tragea nene de noi, nu ne menaja deloc. Am avut febra musculara dupa absolut fiecare antrenament, desi nu sunt o persoana sedentara. Dar, iata ca a meritat. Chiar o sa simt lipsa acestor antrenamente si, sincer, degeaba merg eu de una singura la sala sa incerc sa lucrez exercitiile invatate in fiecare vineri, cu grupa de fete doritoare de picioare de podium, ca nu o sa fie la fel. Sunt cea mai buna la trisat, cand vine vorba de efort fizic.

Iar legat de Philips Lumea…. WOW! Am folositul aparatul o data la 2 saptamani si rezultatele sunt neasteptate. Citisem feedback-ul vostru la inceputul tratamentului si stiam de la voi cat de tare e acest aparat, dar nu credeam ca va functiona atat de bine la mine. Cand am participat in vara, in Amsterdam, la evenimentul organizat de Philips dedicat Frumusetii, descoperisem noul model Philips Lumea, ii pusesem dermatologului prezent la eveniment o gramada de intrebari, si ramasesem cu senzatia ca am tenul prea inchis, ca sunt prea bronzata si ca tratamentul ma prinde, implicit, intr-un moment nepotrivit. Pentru ca daca esti bronzata, diferenta dintre culoarea firului de par si a pielii e prea mica pentru a face contrast si a functiona acest sistem de epilare cu lumina intens pulsata. Dar, cu toate acestea, la mine a functionat super bine. Inainte de a 4 a folosire nu mai aveam par crescut pe picioare decat in cateva zone de marimea unei monede, pe tibie sau gamba, adica pana in genunchi. Cred ca sunt mai degraba portiuni mici de piele pe care, din neatentie, le-am sarit cu aparatul, adica pe care nu le-am luminat in timpul vreunei sesiuni. Oricum, cea mai complicata etapa din tot ritualul era epilarea cu lama de ras, de dinaintea folosirii aparatului Philips Lumea. Aproape de fiecare data reuseam sa ma irit (mai ales in zona genunchilor). Etapa cu Lumea mi se parea super simpla. Se mai intampla sa uit sa incarc aparatul si, practic, sa aman folosirea lui cu o zi sau doua… Dar voi sa nu faceti ca mine, sa fiti mai organizate si sa descarcati aplicatia care sa va aminteasca exact cand e ziua de tratament cu Lumea.

Acum ar trebui sa mai folosesc aparatul doar pentru intretinere. O sa mai fac o sedinta tot la 2 saptamani distanta de ultima, dar doar pe picioare pana in genunchi. Iar apoi, nu stiu, probabil ca o data la 3 sau 4 saptamani sau chiar mai rar, pentru ca sunt portiuni foarte mari in care nu imi mai creste momentan niciun fir de par.

Si cand te gandesti ca nu te doare deloc, ca e la tine acasa, ca nu mai trebuie sa iti faci nu stiu ce programare si sa intarzii a nu stiu cata oara la salon… nu te poti abtine sa nu lauzi produsul astora tuturor prietenelor. Abia acum inteleg de ce imi scriati cu atat de mare entuziasm si aici, dar si pe contul meu de Instagram, despre Philips Lumea. Chiar merita! Si cred ca ar fi un cadou de Craciun perfect!

Asadar, la finalul celor 8 saptamani, ma declar foarte multumita de Lumea si de tipul de exercitii propuse de Anca Surdu in timpul antrenamentelor “Picioare de Podium” de la Worldclass, si mai putin multimita de mine, ca nu am reusit sa fiu prezenta chiar 8 din 8. Pe de alta parte, va spun cat se poate de sincer, ca sunt multumita de tonusul si aspectul general al picioarelor mele acum, chiar daca sunt departe de perfectiune. Nu voi defila pe niciun podium, nu asta e meseria mea, dar voi pasi cu incredere in mine iarna asta, pe plajele din Vietnam.

Multumesc, Philips, pentru aceasta experienta inedita de 8 saptamani.

EN: As I have already told you in the article written at the beginning of the classes and the treatment with Lumea, the stake was in 8 weeks my pegs would be ready to run the catwalk. Or at least on a beach in Vietnam. I accepted thinking that I would be too ashamed of you, of the rest of the girls which worked out every Friday at Worldclass, but also of  Anca Surdu – who was the one who held this special class called “Catwalk Legs”- to give up along the way. Even so, I must confess that I skipped 3 classes. # out of 8… I am pretty ashamed, but it was with a good reason (once because I had to leave for Amsterdam, invited by Philips, once for a shooting for Vorbeste Lumea and once because I was very sick and had to stay in bed).

Even so, the physical workouts have done me a lot of good. You can also see some muscles on the legs, which were hidden before and I gained more confidence in myself, but also more stamina. And that’s because Anca wasn’t cutting us any slack. I had pain in my muscles after every class, even though I’m not a sedentary person. But it was worth it. I will really miss those classes and, honestly, I am going in vain by myself to try out the exercises learned each Friday, because it won’t be the same. I’m the best at cheating, when it comes to physical exercise.

And about Philips Lumea…. WOW! I have used the device once every 2 weeks and the results are unexpected. I had read your feedback at the beginning of the treatment and I had already known from you how cool this device is, but I never thought it would work this well on me. While at the Philips Beauty Event in Amsterdam this summer, I asked the Dermatologist who was there a lot of questions, and I was under the impression that my skin was too dark and that it was bad timing for me to start the treatment. Because if you are tanned, the difference between the color of the hair and that of the skin is to small to make a contrast and for this high pulsated light system to work. But, even considering all of this, it worked perfectly for me. Before the 4th time I used it, I only had hair on certain parts the size of a coin, under the knees. I think they are mostly little parts which I missed by mistake. The most complicated step of the entire ritual was shaving with a razor, before using Philips Lumea. Almost every time I managed to give myself some rashes (especially around the knees). The step with Lumea is super simple. It might happen that I forget to charge the device and to postpone its use for a day or two… But don’t do the same, be more organized and download the app which reminds you when it’s time to use Lumea.

Now I should use the device only for maintenance. I will do another photo shoot every other week, but only on the legs up to my knees. And then, I don’t know, maybe once every 3 to 4 weeks or even less, because there are very large parts where I have no more hair growing.

And when you think about the fact that it doesn’t hurt at all, that it’s at home, that you don’t have to make an appointment and be late at the salon… you can’t help but praise this product in front of all your friends. Only now do I understand why you wrote to me with such enthusiasm here, but also on my Instagram account, about Philips Lumea. It really is worth it! And I think it would make the perfect Christmas gift!

So, at the end of the 8 weeks, I am very pleased with Lumea and with the type of exercise proposed by Anca Surdu during the “Catwalk Legs” classes at Worldclass, and less pleased with myself, for not being able to be present 8 times out of 8. On the other hand, I can tell you in all honesty, that I am happy with the way my legs look and feel, even though they are far from perfection. I won’t be on any catwalks very soon, that’s not my job, but I will walk confidently this winter, on the beaches of Vietnam.

Thank you, Philips, for this unique 8 weeks experience.


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