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Sase idei de adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi

Sase idei de adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi

Cumparaturile vara sunt o adevarata provocare pentru mine pentru ca oscilez ca un titirez intre doua extreme: fie am impresia ca deja am cumparat absolut tot ce am nevoie verile trecute (cate rochii albe sa imi mai iau!?), fie mi se pare ca tot ce am este ultra-obosit si am nevoie de o garderoba complet noua. Si cum nebunia asta in care ma tot impart poate sa fie comuna mai multor femei ca mine, m-am gandit sa fac un top cu 6 piese pentru aceasta vara, care mi se pare ca pot da exact doza necesara de noutate si prospetime, fara a face insa nota discordanta cu restul garderobei voastre. Sper sa va ajute, pe mine m-a ordonat putin in planificarea cumparaturilor!


EN: Summer shopping is a real challenge for me because I’m constantly torn between two extremes: I am under the impression that I already bought everything I needed in the last summer (how many white dresses can one have?!), or I believe that everything I have is already boring and I need a completely new wardrobe. And since this madness might be something that happens to many women like myself, I thought I should make a top with 6 key pieces for the summer, which I think can bring exactly the amount of newness and freshness needed, without being too different from the rest of your wardrobe. I hope it’s helpful to you, it helped me get a bit more organized in shopping planning!

Larger View of Product
Foto: Reformation.

#1 Rochia lejera. AH, ALTA ROCHIE DE VARA? Stiu, ai deja 3-4 si daca nu vezi utilitatea uneia noi, te inteleg. Rochia acestei veri este cea din in sau dintr-un mix de in, asa ca daca iti doresti una noua, sfatul meu e sa cauti ceva simplu si usor de purtat in mai multe feluri. Aici includ o rochie-camasa sau o rochie-top (adica o rochie cu nasturi de sus pana jos, care sa poata functiona si peste o pereche de blugi). Daca alegi un model versatil o vei purta veri la rand!

Imagini pentru cowboy boots Christine Centenera,
Photo: Le 21eme.

#2 Cizmele/botinele cowboy. Sunt o piesa ideala pentru vara si un trend urias. Evita sa le porti cu fuste sau cu pantaloni scurti, nu vrei sa arati ca Jessica Simpson in 2007! Le poti purta cu fuste midi (ca cea de mai sus), cu kimono-uri si blugi, intr-un look Americana 100% a la Thelma& Louise, sau cu o rochie ultra-eleganta. Gandeste de exemplu la o rochie furou lunga si la cizme cowboy: cool, nu? Te-as sfatui sa le cauti in magazine vintage insa exista variante mass-market la preturi decente. Iata cateva surse de vintage bune, si cateva optiuni nou-noute pentru cele care nu isi doresc sa iasa la vanatoare!

Imagini pentru jackie o bandana

#3 O piesa ultra-feminina. Aceasta piesa poate sa fie o rochie sau niste pantofi, o geanta sau chiar si un ceas vintage, de exemplu*. Pentru mine vara inseamna lejeritatea si feminitate exprimata cat mai firesc. Daca nu esti genul care sa poarte rochii inflorate, poate ca o camasa barbateasca supra-dimensionata si un ceas elegant la mana sunt fix doza de feminitate necesara. Sau poate ca o esarfa prinsa voit neglijent o sa adauge un farmec surprinzator unei tinute banale? Oricare ar fi trucul pe care vrei sa il folosesti, alege ceva care sa te faca sa te simti ca Jackie O vara asta.

*Ceasurile vintage le poti “vana” pe eBay sau pe site-urile caselor de amanet, care uneori au niste piese senzationale la preturi foarte bune. O alta resursa buna, insa mai scumpa, sunt licitatiile specializate.

#4 Un costum de baie intreg. Daca esti o fana a bronzului, in primul rand sa te dai cu creme si sa nu stai la soare la orele pierzaniei(!) si, in al doilea rand, probabil te-ai ferit pana acum de costumele intregi penrtu ca ofera o zona de bronzare mai mica. Insa, pentru momentele cand soarele apune usor-usor si alegi totusi sa ramai pe plaja, sau daca iti doresti sa iti petreci ziua la piscina, sub umbrela, un costum de baie intreg este o varianta eleganta. Iar daca vara asta se intampla sa mergi pe undeva cu barca, nu ai nicio alta varianta mai sic decat asta! Alege in primul rand modelul care iti vine perfect, oricre ar fi acesta, nu tine cont de trenduri. Spre exemplu anul acesta se poarta foarte mult modelele foarte decupate pe picior, specifice anilor ’80, insa este un model complet neflatant pentru acelea dintre noi care nu sunt topmodel, asa ca alege doar ce ti se potriveste!  Iti recomand culorile pline: negru, alb sau rosu puternic, impreuna cu o esarfa subtila si o camasa alba, purtata deschis. O sa fie cel mai comod si sexy outfit! Alege prosopul de plaja care sa complimenteze costumul de baie si gandeste-le ca pe un set. Daca ai un costum de baie negru, un prosop portocaliu inchis o sa faca un contrast superb alaturi de pielea ta bronzata, la fel cum un costum verde inchis o sa arate senzational pe un prosop de baie galben aprins.

Foto via Collagevintage.

#5 O geanta cu un aer retro. Genti moi din iuta, cosuri rigide din paie, casete impletite din rafie, plase cosetate, pungi din ate, cosuri din plastic sau lemn… Anul asta se rastoarna cornul abundentei retro si putem foarte bine sa dam o fuga pana la o bunica sau o matusa sa rascolim prin “arhivele” lor. Nu va incurajez neaparat sa dati sume nejustificate pe o astfel de piesa, pentru ca puteti rezolva situatia mai usor cu un drum pana la targul de vechituri de la Valea Cascadelor sau chiar pana in targul din Piata Amzei. Daca insa nu aveti timp, optiunile online sunt numeroase: de la cele mai scumpe, pana la cele mai economicoase sau cele prezentate de oamenii care rascolesc comori si le comercializeaza pe Instagram, asa cum este BabaLunaStore.
Foto: Mango.

#6 O pereche de pantofi statement. Vara vrem sa ne imbracam in 2 minute INSA 1) sa ne simtim sexy 2) sa parem nonsalante 3) asa, ca si cand pur si simplu asa ne-am trezit. Corect? Ei bine cred ca treaba asta ne iese cu niste haine destul de simple: camasi albe largi, pantaloni scurti din denim sau din in cu talia inalta, rochii lejere si sexy, blugi deschisi la culoare si tot asa. O singura variabila poate face ca o astfel de tinuta sa nu fie prea casual: pantofii. Daca alaturam un maieu din matase unor pantaloni scurti din in cu talie inalta si finisam totul cu o pereche de tenisi riscam sa avem un look cam adolescentin. Asa ca pantofii potriviti sunt cei care au o anumita doza de creativitate, nebunie, culoare si …zvac! Nu trebuie sa porti tocuri daca nu iti doresti asta, desi sunt multe variante perfecte, poti oricand sa te orientezi catre un kitten heel de 3-4cm sau catre sandale complet plate. Iar daca esti pe malul marii si nici nu-ti poti imagina sa porti tocuri, moda momentului iti ofera o multime de variante sic!

#1 The casual dress. OH, ANOTHER SUMMER DRESS? I know, you already own 3-4 and if you don’t see the point in buying a new one, i can relate. The dress of this summer is the linen one, so if you want to have a new one, my advice is to look for something simple and easy to wear in many ways. I’m also thinking of a shirt-dress or a top-dress (which is dress with buttons from up tip down, which can also work with a pair of jeans). If you choose a more versatile model, you’ll be able to wear it for the summers to come!

#2 Cowboy boots/ ankle boots. They are the ideal item for the summer and a huge trend. Avoid wearing them with skirts or shorts, if you don’t want to look like Jessica Simpson in 2007! You can wear them with midi skirts (like the one above), with kimonos and jeans, in an all American look a la Thelma& Louise, or with a super elegant dress. Think for example of a long negligee dress and cowboy boots: cool, right? I advise you to look for them in vintage stores but there also some mass-market options for decent prices. Here are some sources of  good vintage items, and some options for brand new ones, for those of you who don’t want to go on a hunt!

#3 An ultra-feminine dress. This piece can be a dress or a pair of shoes, a bag or even a vintage watch*. To me summer means expressing your femininity as casual and as natural as possible. If you are not the kind who wears flower print dresses, maybe an over-sized men’s shirt and an elegant watch are just the amount of femininity you need. Or maybe a scarf will add some surprising charm to a dull outfit? Whatever the trick you want to use, choose something which will make you feel like Jackie O this summer.

*You can “hunt” for vintage watches on eBay or on pawn shop websites, which sometimes have sensational pieces for very good prices. Another good resource, but more expensive, are specialized auctions.

#4 A one-piece bathing suit. If you are a fan of tans, first of all put on sun screen and don’t be in the sun during the hot hours of the day, and, second of all, you probably stayed away from one-piece bathing suits because they cover up too much. But, for the moments when the sun begins to slowly set and you choose to remain on the beach, or if you want to spend the day at the pool, under an umbrella, a one-piece bathing suit is an elegant option.  And if this summer you happen to go somewhere on a boat, there’s not better option than this! First of all choose the model which looks best on you, whatever this is, don’t look at trends. For instance, this year’s trend are models very sculpted on the legs, just like in the ’80s, but it’s a totally unflattering model for those of us who are not top models, so only choose what looks good on you! I recommend full colors: black, white or strong red, paired with a subtle scarf and a white shirt, worn unbuttoned. That will be the most comfortable and sexiest outfit ever! Choose a beach towel to compliment the bathing suit and think of them as a set. If you own a black bathing suit, a dark orange  beach towel will be a beautiful contrast to a tanned skin, just as a dark green bathing suit will look sensational with a strong yellow  beach towel.

#5 A bag retro flair. New jute bags, straw baskets, raffia boxes, crocheted bags, plastic or wooden bags… This year has retro written all over it and we might as well pay grandma or an aunt a visit, to go through their “archives”. I don’t necessarily encourage you to pay significant amount of money on such items, because you can just as easily do with a trip to the flea market on Valea Cascadelor or even the market from Piata Amzei. But if you don’t have the time, the online options are numerous: from the most expensive ones, to the most  budget-friendly ones or those presented by people who go through treasures and sell them on Instagram, as is BabaLunaStore.

#6 A pair of statement shoes. During summer we want to get dressed in 2 minutes BUT 1) to feel sexy 2) look nonchalant 3) pretend to have woken up like this. Right? Well I think that can be achieved with pretty simple clothes: oversized white shirts, denim shorts or linen high waist shorts, sexy and casual dresses, light colored jeans and so on. There’s only one variable which can turn this outfit into a not so casual one: shoes. If we pair a silk tank top with a pair if high waist linen shorts and finish it off with a pair of sneakers, we risk having a rather teenage look. So the  right shoes are the ones giving a certain dose of creativity, craziness, color andtwist! You don’t have to wear heels of you don’t want to, even though there are plenty of perfect alternatives, you can always turn to a kitten heel of 3-4 cm or to some flat sandals. And if you are on the seaside and can’t imagine wearing heels, the trend of the moment offers you a lot of chic options!

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 20.06.2018Reply

    Great inspo!

  • Mia/ 21.06.2018Reply

    Primul costum de baie intreg mi l-am cumparat anul trecut si de atunci pot sa spun ca am facut o pasiune pentru acest model. Parca e mult mai sexy si mai frumos decat unul din doua piese. Evident, nu-i pentru cine vrea sa se bronzeze, eu una ma feresc de soare si-l imbrac la piscina. 🙂

  • Bella/ 22.06.2018Reply

    Un cos statement mi-as dori si eu. Am vazut unul superb de la Miu Miu, dar exagerat de scump, peste 2000 lei, iar eu nu-s dispusa sa dau atat de multi bani pe o geanta, indiferent de cat de frumoasa ar fi.

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