Summer Stories Competition
Marti, la apus, am facut o tura foto prin Bucuresti, impreuna cu toti pasionatii de fotografie care s-au inscris la workshop-ul organizat de Canon. Daca si voi credeti ca fiecare fotografie este importanta pentru ca poate spune o poveste, atunci s-ar putea sa va intereseze concursul Summer Stories, prin care puteti castiga o vacanta de 10.000 euro. Cititi repejor aici despre ce e vorba, caci mai sunt doar cateva zile in care va puteti inscrie fotografiile in competitie:
EN: Tuesday at sun dawn, we took a photo tour through Bucharest, together with those passionate about photography who have also signed up for the workshop organized by Canon. If you also believe that each picture is important because it tells a story, then you might be interested in the Summer Stories competition, through which you can win a trip worth 10,000 euro. Read quickly what it’s all about, because there are only a few days left for you to send your pictures in:

Cand am deschis acest blog mi-ai imaginat cum voi face chiar eu fotografii de street style pe strazile Bucurestiului si cum voi impartasi cu voi ce consider inspirational in zona de fashion. Caci da, se voia a fi inca de la bun inceput un blog de fashion. Si tin minte foarte bine aceste incercari personale nereusite, cu aparatul de gat, cerand unor necunoscuti pe strada sa-mi pozeze, desi s-au petrecut acum 7 ani! La vremea respectiva, rareori te intalneai pe strada cu tineri pasionati de fotografie. Acum, in schimb, daca mergi cand e lumina buna pe la Biserica Anglicana, pe la Ateneu ori prin Centrul Vechi, e imposibil sa nu imparti acelasi decor cu mai multi fotografi si bloggeri deodata. In plus, iata, se organizeaza workshop-uri pentru amatori si competitii de fotografie, menite sa incurajeze cat mai multa lume sa-si dezvolte aceasta pasiune. Poate fi frustrant pentru un fotograf profesionist, imi dau seama, dar cred ca in ziua de azi multi oameni pasionati, determinati, muncitori, autodidacti pot face o cariera serioasa in fotografie.
Asadar, dupa incercarile mele de a fotografia oameni pe strada, am ajuns la concluzia clara ca trebuie sa renunt la asta si sa il las pe Radu sa semneze fotografiile acestui blog. La inceput l-am pacalit rugandu-l sa imi faca “2 poze cu tinuta” in fata casei. Si atat. Au urmat 7 ani cu mii de sedinte foto si sute de mii de fotografii realizate impreuna, prin toate colturile Bucurestiului, dar si prin destinatiile adunate in sectiunea de Travel a blogului. Si daca tot spuneam la inceput ca o fotografie buna poate spune o poveste, cred ca cele mai frumoase povesti ale acestui blog au fost spuse de fotografiile de familie din vacantele noastre. Am dreptate ori ba?
Ce faci cu mainilie cand esti pozat, care sunt pozitiile corpului care avantajeaza silueta, care sunt orele la care poti iesi la treaba, care sunt tinutele de succes fotografiate la fashion week-uri… si cate si mai cate nu am povestit la acest workshop. Fotograful Mihnea Ratte a venit cu sfaturile tehnice, fara de care o fotografie poate fi reusita doar cu un mega noroc.
Dar pana la urma ce inseamna o fotografie reusita? Sunt convinsa ca fiecare are propriul raspuns. Dar dincolo de incadratura, lumina, claritate si tot ce tine de partea tehnica a problemei, pentru mine sunt extrem de valoroase fotografiile care reusesc sa spuna povesti, fara sa fie nevoie de nicio alta descriere. Al caror mesaj te atinge, te emotioneaza. Povestile pot fi inclusiv experientele pe care le cautam si care ne motiveaza zi de zi.
In acest context,
Summer Stories Competition doreste sa inspire oamenii sa isi spuna povestile lor minunate de vara, alaturi de fotografiile care le insotesc. Bineinteles ca premiul va fi unul pe masura: o vacanta de vara in valoare de 10.000 de euro.
Mecanismul concursului este simplu: cei care doresc sa participe pot incarca fotografia si o scurta poveste pe
landing page-ul dedicat concursului. Toate inscrierile vor putea fi vizualizate in cadrul galeriei. Asa cum spuneam la inceput, mai aveti doar cateva zile in care va puteti inscrie, caci concursul este in desfasurare pana pe 4 septembrie 2017.
La final, cele mai frumoase povesti si imagini vor face parte dintr-o expozitie, in cadrul unui eveniment in care va fi anuntat si castigatorul. Nu va mai tin din treaba, va las sa cautati chiar acum cea mai reusita fotografie pe care ati realizat-o in aceasta vara. Succes!
In poze port: top nude Zara, jacheta din voal si pantaloni Parlor, pantofi Zara, geanta Moon Newspaper. Fotografiile au fost realizate de Mihnea Ratte. In cadrul workshop-ului eu am folosit un aparat Canon EOS M10.
EN: When I first started this blog, I imagined how I would be doing street style pictures in Bucharest myself and how I will be sharing with you what I find inspirational in the fashion area. Because yes, it started out as a fashion blog right from the beginning. And I remember these failed personal trails very well, wearing my camera around my neck, asking some random strangers on the street to pose for me, even though it happened 7 years ago! At that time, you would rarely meet young people passionate about fashion on the streets. Whereas now, if you walk by the Anglican Church, the Athenaeum or through the Old Center when there’s good light, it’s impossible not to share the same décor with a few photographers and bloggers at the same time. And there are also workshops for amateurs and photography contests being held now, which are meant to encourage as many people as possible to work on this passion. It can be frustrating for a professional photographer, I realize, but I think nowadays a lot of passionate, determined, hard working, self taught persons can have a serious career in photography.
So, after my trials of photographing people on the street, I have come to the clear conclusion that I have to give it up and leave it to Radu to sign the photos on this blog. At first I tricked him into taking just “2 pictures with the outfit” in front of our house. And that’s it. Then 7years of thousands of photo shoots and hundreds of thousands of pictures taken together all over Bucharest followed, but also in the destinations gathered together in the Travel section of the blog. And because in the beginning I said that a good picture can tell a story, I think the most beautiful stories of this blog were told by the family pictures taken during our vacations. Am I right?
What do you do with your hands when you are being photographed, what are the body postures which compliment your figure, what are the best hours for working, which are the success outfits photographed during fashion weeks…and so much more was discussed during this workshop. The photographer Mihnea Ratte came with the technical advice, without which a pictures only looks good out of pure luck.
But in the end what does a good picture actually mean? I am convinced that everyone has their own answer. But beyond the framing, light, clarity and everything connected to the technical part of the problem, to me the extremely valuable photos are those able to tell a story, without needing any other description. Whose message touches you, makes you emotional. The stories can even be the experiences we are looking for and which motivate us every day.
In this context, Summer Stories Competition wishes to inspire people to tell their wonderful summer stories, together with the pictures that accompany them. Of course the prize is accordingly: a summer vacation worth 10.000 de euro.
The mechanism of the contest is simple: those who wish to participate can upload their picture and a short story on the landing page dedicated to the contest. All subscriptions can be viewed in the gallery. As I said in the beginning, you only have a few days left to join, because the contest ends on September 4th.
At the end, the most beautiful stories and images will be included in an exhibition, during an event where the winner will be announced. I won’t keep you any longer from your work, I leave you now to look for the best picture you have taken this summer. Good luck!
In the pictures I am wearing: nude Zara top, Parlor vail jacket and pants, Zara shoes, Moon Newspaper clutch. The photographs have been taken by Mihnea Ratte. During the workshop I have used a Canon EOS M10 camera.
Anaa/ 01.09.2017
Poza poate sa fie facuta cu orice fel de aparat sau trebuie sa fie facuta cu Canon ?
Dana/ 01.09.2017
E foarte buna intrebarea, ca sa afle toată lumea raspunsul: cu orice aparat, inclusiv smartphone.
Ewa Macherowska/ 01.09.2017
Great post! 🙂
Sorina/ 01.09.2017
Nu gasesc unde sa incarc poza pe site…poate pt ca am intrat de pe tel si de aceea….o sa vad si maine. O idee faina ?! O sa-mi incerc si eu norocul cu o poza din propriul tel ?! Doamne ajuta!