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Ziua in care nu (te) consumi

Ziua in care nu (te) consumi

Saptamana trecuta am iesit la o tura prin oras cu Dragos Bucurenci, dintr-un motiv cat se poate de fun: sa testam noul Renault Zoe, o masina electrica independenta si tare cute. In timp ce depanam cateva amintiri despre stradutele noastre preferate in drum spre o cafea, ne-am dat seama ca nu e orice masina cea pe care o conduceam. Noul Renault Zoe vine la pachet cu cateva idei despre ce ar putea sa fie masina de maine.


EN: Last week, Dragos Bucurenci and I went for a drive through the city, out of a fun reason: to test the new Renault Zoe, an electric independent car which is very cute. While reminiscing about the past on our favorite streets, on our way to have some coffee, we realized that the care we were driving isn’t like any other. The Renault Zoe comes with a few ideas about what the car from tomorrow could be like. 

Pentru ca am invatat cateva lucruri care efectiv m-au facut sa reevaluez felul in care vad masinile, am sa va povestesc niste detalii tare interesante si, poate data viitoare cand schimbati masina, Zoe o sa fie pe lista voastra.

Suntem obisnuiti sa vorbim despre noxe si despre cat de poluate sunt orasele mari, insa de putine ori luam in considerare ce am putea sa facem chiar noi ca sa amelioram situatia. Spre exemplu, Renault Zoe este 100% electrica, ceea ce inseamna ca nu necesita combustibili fosili pentru a fi incarcata, ci doar electricitate. Nu stiu voi in ce masura respirati cu lejeritate aerul din Bucuresti, insa mie de vreo 3-4 luni mi se pare irespirabil de-a dreptul, asa ca aceasta ar fi mica mea contributie pentru un aer mai curat.

Treaba asta cu motorul electric are insa si niste ramificatii mai putin filantropice, pentru ca in primul si in primul rand iti aduce niste benefcicii directe si imediate. Cum ar fi costurile! Motorul electric nu necesita lubrifiere, asa cum necesita cel cu combustie, drept consecinta are nevoie de semnificativ mai putine ore de service. (Intretinerea unui model electric este mai uşoara si semnificativ mai ieftina.) Asadar, mai multi bani la pusculita!

Costul “carburantului”? O nimica toata! Incarcarea unei masini electrice costa mult mai putin decat plinul uneia clasice: in timp ce o masina clasica pentru care un plin costa cam 250 de lei iti permite o autonomie de 400km, Zoe face acelasi lucru pentru aproximativ (stati jos?) 30 35 de lei! Uimitor, nu? Am sa va las sa calculati singuri cat inseamna asta pe an si ce puteti face cu banii economistiti…si daca puteti cumpara o vacanta… undeva la mare, sa zicem. Iar daca economiile pot cumpara o vacanta la mare, vestea buna e ca Renault Zoe si noua sa baterie Z.E. 40 au o autonomie de 400km, tocmai bine cat sa ajungi acolo fara nicio problema! Pentru ca Zoe e barbata!

Lasand de-o parte detaliile de sustenabilitate si de costuri, am sa va spun ce mi-a placut mie cel mai mult: faptul ca este foarte silentioasa! Este un detaliu pe care il observi din primul moment în care pornești motorul, insa te bucuri cu adevarat de el abia pe la jumatatea zilei, cand constati ca nu ai acea stare de agitatie cu care deja te-ai obisnuit. Pentru ca are un motor electric, acesta nu scoate niciun zgomot, facand din masina aceasta un mic colt plin de zen in mijlocul celui mai nebun trafic din lume. Asadar, la propriu si la figurat, cand conduci Renault Zoe nu te consumi!

Cu niste avantaje asa de mari, Zoe asteapta doar sa o scoti pe stradutele inghesuite ale orasului – fiind una dintre cele mai bune masini urbane pe care le-am condus pana acum- ori chiar pe autostrada, ca sa conduceti impreuna sute de kilometri!

La intalnire am purtat: palton Zara, blugi si botine H&M, ochelari Burberry, cercei AEP Jewelry.

EN: Because I have learned about a couple of things which really made me re-evaluate the way in which I look at cars, I will tell you about some very interesting details and, maybe next time you’ll shop for a car, Zoe will be on your list.  

We are used to talking about emissions and about how polluted big cities are, but we hardly ever think about what we could do ourselves in order to make the situation better. For instance, Renault Zoe is 100% electric, which means it doesn’t need fossil fuel to be charged, only electricity. I don’t know how you feel about breathing the Bucharest air, but for the last 3-4 months, to me it feels almost impossible, so this would be my small contribution to a cleaner air.  

The thing with this electrical engine also has some less philanthropic implications, because first and foremost it brings you direct and immediate benefits. Such as costs! The electrical engine doesn’t need any lubrication, as does the combustion engine and therefore it needs a significantly less amount of service hours. (The maintenance of an electrical model is easier and much less cheaper.) So, more money in the piggybank!    

The cost of the “fuel”? Peanuts! Charging an electric car costs a lot less than filling up a classical one: while it costs about 250 lei to put gas in a classical car and have an autonomy of 400 km, Zoe does the same for approximately (are you sitting down?) 30- 35 lei! Amazing, right? I will let you do the math yourselves how much that means for an entire year and what you could do with the money you save…and if you can buy a vacation…somewhere at the seaside, let’s say. And if the economies can buy a vacation at the seaside, the good news is that Renault Zoe and its new Z.E. 40 battery have an autonomy of 400km, just enough to take you there without a problem! Because is the man!

Leaving aside all details about sustainability and costs, I will tell you about what I liked the most: the fact that it’s very quiet! It’s a detail which you notice first thing when you turn on the engine, but which you only get to fully enjoy only at the half of the day, when you realize that your state of mind is much better than normally. Because it has an electric engine, it doesn’t make any sounds, turning this car into a zen corner in the middle of the craziest traffic in the world. So, literally, when you are driving a Zoe, you don’t consume yourself!  

With such big advantages, Zoe waits for you to take it out on the crowded streets of the city- being one of the best town cars I have ever driven- or even on the highway, so you can drive together for hundreds of kilometers!

At the meeting I wore: Zara coat, H&M jeans and ankle boots, Burberry glasses, AEP jewelry.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 16.12.2017Reply

    Great video! 😉

    • Dana/ 16.12.2017Reply

      Thanks, Ewa!

  • Otrava Sobolani/ 19.12.2017Reply

    De cativa ani imi doresc o masina electrica si sper ca cel tarziu in 2019 sa reusesc sa-mi cumpar una. Stiam ca e mult mai ieftin de mers cu ea, dar pretul initial e mult mai mare.

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