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Concurs de Black Friday

Concurs de Black Friday

UPDATE! Avem o castigatoare:

Hai ca acusica incepe nebunia Black Friday, asa ca m-am grabit cu extragerea. Castigatoare vocherului de 200 RON este autoarea mesajului:


Felicitari, Claudia! Shopping placut tuturor!

De multe ori sunt complet luata prin surprindere de reduceri, motiv pentru care am ales ca anul acesta sa ma pregatesc asiduu pentru a evita situatii de acest gen, pentru ca ratez tot felul de oferte! La Fashion Days Black Friday se intampla o singura zi, asa ca nu las vreo sansa sa imi scape si, daca imi urmariti atent planul, am cateva ponturi (si un concurs!) pentru voi!

EN: Too often I am completely surprised by sales, and that’s why this year I chose to prepare intensely, so I can avoid such situations, because I miss all sorts of offers! At Fashion Days, Black Friday only happens in one day, so I won’t let this chance go by and, if you follow my plan carefully, I have a few tips (and a contest!) for you!

Ca in orice situatie care necesita pregatire& disciplina, am alcatuit o lista de lucruri care urmeaza sa se intample in zilele dinaintea reducerilor:

  • Vladut va fi plimbat intens in urmatoarele trei zile, in fiecare zi cate 8 ore pe zi alaturi de o echipa specializata in tehnici de obosire & distrare a copiilor supra-energici. Se vor juca cu el, ii vor canta, il vor invata poezii, il vor lasa sa alerge in voie cate 10 ture de parculet si il vor adormi in noaptea zilei de 17 noiembrie. Iar el va dormi ca un …bebelus. Echipa este pregatita si asteapta un semn de la mine pentru o interventie prompta si victorioasa!


  • O sa ma inscriu la niste cursuri de yoga pentru degete, pentru ca e greu sa faci scrolling printre zeci si zeci de pagini pline de tentatii.


  • O sa exersez tehnica „deciziilor rapide”: astazi de exemplu am stat doar 3 minute sa imi fac un outfit si nici nu m-am uitat ce am ales pentru micul dejun : am bagat mana in frigider si ce am prins, am infascat! Sigur, am prins o vanata, asa ca a fost greu sa o mananc, dar nu ma dau batuta asa usor! E o tehnica care ma va ajuta sa pot decide repede intre puloverul verde si cel turcoaz, intre fusta scurta sau rochia de seara, intre botinele cu toc cui sau platformele 90s! Voi fi pregatita!


  • Radu o sa ma ajute si el- imi va aranja langa laptop cardurile in ordine alfabetica… sau mai bine sa fie in ordinea culorilor, de la rosu la albastru? O sa imi faca un termos de cafea si daca ma prinde atipind in timp ce caut hainele ideale are directiva sa puna o melodie de la Metallica la maxim. Nicio grija, Vladut nu se trezeste, vedeti punctul 1.


  • O sa las contul de Fashion Days logat pe computerul personal astfel incat, cand incepe nebunia, sa nu pierd timp cu autentificarea.


  • O sa dorm, ca sa fiu odihnita. Cu o zi inainte am pus in program un somn de noapte de 14 ore si 2 ore la pranz. Sper sa fie suficient, e mai mult decat media unei pisici!


  • O sa imi invit prietenele in vizita, ca sa putem compara cosurile de cumparaturi si sa putem dezbate piesele alese si salvate in wishlist. Ah, da, normal, am sa imi fac un wishlist*, doar nu ma credeti o amatoare, nu? Orice shoppaholica profesionista care se respecta isi face un wishlist, e ca un fel de…cum sa zic…. E busola fara de care nu poti pleca pe munte. Sau la shopping!


  • Am sa-mi instalez aplicatia de mobil de la Fashion Days- primesc astfel acces mai repede pentru a ma bucura de reduceri.


  • Am sa incerc sa imi dau seama care dintre canapele este mai eficienta pentru shopping, desi cred ca mai degraba am sa ma asez la masa de la bucatarie, pentru ca uneori, cand ai o sesiune de cumparaturi intensa, e bine sa ai un suport pentru coate. Voi ce credeti? Poate o sa imi intreb o prietena ceva mai shoppaholica ca mine…


  • O sa ma pregatesc emotional pentru o selectie de branduri premium: Dolce Gabbana, Red Valentino, Prada, Stella McCartney, Burberry, Michael Kors, Coccinelle, Love Moschino, Guess, United Colors of Bennetton, Esprit, Desigual, Pepe Jeans London, Furla, Ted Baker, Levi’s, Napapijri. E tare greu sa alegi dintr-o astfel de selectie, dar cineva trebuie sa faca si munca asta asa de grea…



*Wishlist-ul este un mecanism prin care iti poti alege produse pe care nu vrei sa le cumperi imediat si este foarte este usor de folosit, mai ales ca e disponibil si in aplicatia Fashion Days.

Si acum, e momentul pentru un concurs, pe ultima suta de metri: selectati cateva articole care sa alcatuiasca o tinuta si construiti un colaj al vostru, exact in genul celui pe care il vedeti la aceasta postare, folosindu-va de produsele din acest link. Urcati colajul pe pagina voastra de Facebook, Instagram, Blog sau ce sursa aveti la dispozitie, iar apoi lasati-mi printr-un comentariu un singur link catre colajul vostru. A doua varianta este sa imi lasati intr-un comentariu descrierea tinutei, cu toate link-urile corespunzatoare produselor alese. Astfel, puteti castiga un voucher de cumparaturi de 200 lei care poate fi folosit de Black Friday (si nu numai).

Eu spre exemplu am ales un palton de la Desigual, o curea Mustang, o geanta Love Moschino, o rochie Red Valentino si niste botine Roberto Botella si cred ca sunt o tinuta ideala pentru un final de noiembrie. Nu uitati sa imi lasati linkul catre colajul vostru de concurs printr-un comentariu la aceasta postare. Castigatorul este desemnat prin tragere la sorti, joi, 17 noiembrie, spre seara, asa ca fiti pe faza: cine castiga poate sa treaca la shopping imediat, mai ales ca sunt reduceri de 90% iar livrarea si returul sunt absolut gratuite!

Desigur, ca sa poti face fata unei reprize de shopping serioasa, cel mai bine este sa urmezi sfaturile mele, dar fiecare se antreneaza cum poate el mai bine. Chiar, voi va ganditi sa va luati un antrenor personal pentru Black Friday?


EN: As in any situation which requires preparing& discipline, I have made a list of things which are about to happen in the days before sales:

  • Vlad will be taken for long walks in the next 3 days, 8 hours each day together with a team specialized in tiring& entertaining extra-energetic kids. They will play with him, sing to him, teach him poems, they will let him run around freely 10 times around the park and they will put him to bed on the night of November 17th. And he will sleep like…a baby. The team is ready and waiting for a sign for a fast and winning intervention!  


  • I will join some yoga classes for my fingers, because it’s hard to scroll through tens and tens of pages filled with temptations.


  • I will practice the technique of “quick decisions”: today for example it only took me 3 minutes to pick an outfit and I didn’t even look to see what I chose for breakfast: I put my hand in the fridge and I grabbed what I found! Sure, I got an eggplant, so it was hard eating it, but I don’t give up that easy! It’s a technique that will help me decide fast between the green and turquoise sweater, between the short skirt and the evening dress, between the stiletto ankle boots and the 90s platforms! I will be prepared!


  • Radu will also help me- he will arrange the credit cards in alphabetical order, next to the laptop…or maybe according to color would be better, from red to blue? He will make me a thermos with coffee and if he catches me falling asleep while I pick out the ideal clothes, he knows to put on Metallica very loudly. No worries, Vlad won’t wake up, see point 1.


  • I will leave my Fashion Days account logged on my PC so that I don’t lose time signing in, as soon as the madness begins.  


  • I will sleep, so I am rested. One day before I have programmed a 14 h sleep during the night and 2 h naptime at noon. I hope it’s enough, it’s more than a cat sleeps on average!


  • I will invite my friends over, to compare shopping baskets and to debate the items saved in the wish list. Oh, yeah, of course I’m gonna make a wish list*, you don’t think I’m an amateur, do you? Any professional shopaholic who respects herself makes a wish list, it’s like…how should I put this…it’s the compass you can’t go hiking without. Or shopping!


  • I will download the Fashion Days app on my smartphone- I get faster access to enjoy sales.


  • I will try to figure out which couch is more efficient for shopping, although I think I’ll rather sit at the kitchen table, because sometimes, when you have an intense shopping session, it’s good to have a rest for your elbows. What do you think? Maybe I’ll ask a friend who’s even more shopaholic than I am…


  • I will prepare emotionally for a selection of premium brands: Dolce Gabbana, Red Valentino, Prada, Stella McCartney, Burberry, Michael Kors, Coccinelle, Love Moschino, Guess, United Colors of Bennetton, Esprit, Desigual, Pepe Jeans London, Furla, Ted Baker, Levi’s, Napapijri. It’s really tough choosing from such a selection, but someone has to do the hard work…  


*The wish list is a mechanism which allows you to choose the products you don’t want to buy right away and it’s very easy to use, especially since it’s also available on the Fashion Days app.

And now, it’s time for a last minute contest: select a few items which make up an outfit and build your own collage, just like the one you see in this post, using the products from this link. Upload the collage to your Facebook page, Instagram account , Blog or whatever channel you have, and then leave me a comment with one link to you collage. The second possibility is to leave me a comment with the description of the outfit, with all the necessary links of the chosen products. You can win a 200 lei shopping voucher, which can be use for Black Friday (and not just then).

Me for example, I have chosen a Desigual coat, a Mustang belt, a Love Moschino bag, a Red Valentino dress and some Roberto Botella ankle boots and I think they are the ideal outfit for the end of November. Don’t forget to leave the link to your collage in a comment to this post. The winner is chosen randomly on Thursday, 17th of November, in the evening, so be prepared: the winner can go shopping right away, especially since there are 90% sales and shipping and return are absolutely free!  

Of course, in order to face a serious shopping session, it is best to follow my advice, but everyone should train how they can. Do you think about getting a personal trainer for Black Friday?


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