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Hello Shopping

Prietena mea Bianca avea aceasta vorba mereu cand cumpara haine: “Pantofii astia sunt o investitie!”, “Sacoul asta e o investitie, o sa il tot port.” Insa “investitia” presupune acel ceva care, odata cumparat, isi mareste valoarea in timp. Ori hainele, pantofii sau accesoriile (cu exceptia bijuteriilor), cu foarte putine exceptii, nu sunt investitii, sunt simple achizitii. Partea de teorie, descrisa mai sus ii aparine celeilalte prietene, Andreea, care mereu ii dadea aceasta replica Biancai. Sigur, ce nu stia Bianca la vremea respectiva era ca, in ciuda tuturor dovezilor contrare, uneori faci bani chiar si cand cheltuiesti bani: Bonusway.


EN: While shopping, my friend Bianca always used to say: “These shoes are an investment!”, “This jacket is an investment, I will wear it often.” But “the investment” means that what you bought will increase its value over time. While clothes, shoes or accessories (except jewelry), with very few exceptions, are not investments, they’re only acquisitions. The theoretical part described above belongs to my other friend, Andreea, who would always give this line to Bianca. Of course, what Bianca didn’t know at that time is that, despite all other evidence, sometimes you can even make money while spending it: Bonusway.

Poate ca hainele nu sunt investitii, insa acum exista o modalitate prin care poti primi bani inapoi pe masura ce faci cumparaturi. Bonusway este un astfel de sistem de cash back si partea cea mai interesanta este ca nu e un sistem pe puncte acumulabile sau alte mecanisme care pot parea complicate. La Bonusway treaba e simpla: la fiecare cumparatura primesti bani reali inapoi si la un anumit prag (50 de lei) ii poti vira in contul tau. Deci sistemul este foarte simplu si se traduce prin bani reali returnati in contul tau bancar.

Cum functioneaza? In primul rand bonusurile de la Bonusway provin de la magazinele partenere, a caror lista o puteti vedea chiar pe site-ul lor. Sunt aproximativ 300 de parteneri si, dintre site-urile care ma intereseaza pe mine am sa mentionez Asos, Answear, Fashion Days, si multe, multe altele. Tu intri pe site-ul partener via Bonusway, faci cumparaturile ca de obicei, si poti verifica dupa ce ai plasat comanda ce bonus ai primit in contul Bonusway (atentie insa, se poate ca inregistrarea bonusului sa nu fie facuta imediat, ci sa dureze cateva zile). Este un sistem real, asa ca poti vedea imediat sau la cateva zile distanta, cati bani ai in contul Bonusway si, dupa o anumita suma, poti vira banii in contul tau bancar. Dar de unde vin banii astia? va intrebati probabil. Ei bine, Bonusway iti explica cat se poate de onest pe site ca banii vin din comisionul pe care ei il primesc de la magazinele partenere si pe care il impart cu tine, cumparatorul. De exemplu, eu am cumparat de pe prin Bonusway in valoare de 687,1 lei si am primit un bonus (adica bani inapoi) de 41,42 lei. Sunt tot felul de oferte pe site (adică te anunta ce procent din valoarea cumparaturilor vei primi ca bonus), care se schimba destul de des, dar cert e ca inainte de a plasa o comanda, tu vei sti exact cat la suta din valoarea cumparaturilor vei primi inapoi in cont. Acel procent fiind de fapt parte din comisionul pe care Bonusway il primeste in mod normal de la parteneri. De pe am facut o comanda prin Bonusway de 604,95 lei si am primit inapoi bonus de 30,30 lei. De aceea puteti vedea in ultima poza ca am in asteptare momentan 71,72 lei de primit inapoi in cont.

In plus, daca intrati pe Bonusway si va faceti cont folosind acest link veti avea un bonus de inceput de 15 lei!

Pe aceasta platforma sunt o multime de magazine care nu sunt limitate la fashion, sunt magazine de electronice, de beauty, alimente& bauturi, parfumerii si chiar si calatorii. Este o varianta geniala pentru a economisi niste bani, cu atat mai mult cu cat se apropie Craciunul si cu siguranta aveti o lista eeeenooorma de cadouri de luat. Si, pentru ca deja am folosit Bonusway, marturisesc ca este o metoda de a mai scapa putin din “vina” pe care o simti cand plasezi cate 2-3 comenzi saptamanale (ma rog, nu eu fac asta, niste prietene, am auzit, cica…). Iti mai usureaza putin constiinta, pentru ca intr-adevar economisesti niste bani pe care ii poti refolosi mai tarziu. Pe cine vrem sa pacalim?! Ne place la nebunie sa ne cumparam lucruri!

Intrati si incercati si voi, eu ma declar incantata. I-am spus si Biancai de el, si sunt curioasa daca si-a facut deja cont!

In poze port: tricou si pantaloni Zadig & Voltaire (Sport Couture), tenisi Adidas Stan Smith, cercei AEP Jewelry.


EN: Maybe clothes aren’t really investments, but now there is a way through which you can get money back while shopping. Bonusway is such a cash back system and the most interesting part is that it’s not a system with points you can gather or other too complicated mechanisms. With Bonusway it’s pretty simple: for each shopping you get real money back and after a certain value (50 de lei) you can wire them straight to your account. So the system is very simple and it translates through money returned to your bank account.

How does it work? First of all, the bonus from Bonusway come from their partner shops, you can find a list of them on their website. There are approximately 300 partners and, among the sites I am interested in, I will mention Asos, Answear, Fashion Days, and many, many more. You go to the partner site via Bonusway, do your shopping as usual, and after you place your order, you can check thebonus you have received in your Bonsuway account (but be careful though, the bonus might not be added right away, it might take a few days). It’s a real system, so you can see right away or after a few days how much money you have in your Bonusway account and, after a certain amount, you can wire it to your bank account. But where does this money come from? you must probably wonder. Well, Bonusway explains you as honestly as possible that the money comes from the commission which they receive from the partner stores and which they share with you, the buyer. For example, I have bought from through Bonusway in the amount of 687,1 lei and I have received a bonus (so cash back) worth 41,42 lei. There are plenty of deals on the site (meaning they tell you in advance the percentage you’ll get from you shopping as a bonus), which change pretty often, but it’s a fact that you’ll know from the beginning exactly how much of your shopping you’ll receive back into your account. This percentage actually being part of the commission which Bonusway receives from its partners. From I placed an order through Bonusway for 604,95 lei and I got a bonus of 30,30 lei. That’s why you can see in the last picture that for the moment I have 71,72 lei to receive back into my account.

Plus, if you go to Bonusway and set up an account using this link you’ll get a starting bonus of 15 lei!

On this platform there are plenty of shops which aren’t just limited to fashion, there are also stores with electronics, beauty products, food& drinks, perfumes and even travel. It’s a brilliant idea to same some money, especially since Christmas is coming up and you surely haven a huuuuge list of things to buy. And, since I have already used Bonusway, i must confess it’s a way of getting rid of some of the “guilt” you feel when placing 2-3 orders every week (well, not me, it’s some friends I’m talking about). It eases a bit of your conscience, because you really do save some money which you can reuse later. Who are we trying to fool here?! We love shopping!

Go to the website and try it our for yourselves, I am delighted. I also told Bianca about it, and I am curious to know whether she also set up an account!  

In the pictures I am wearing: Zadig & Voltaire (Sport Couture) t-shirt and pants, Adidas Stan Smith shoes, AEP Jewelry earrings.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 08.12.2017Reply

    You look great! 🙂

  • imprimante termice/ 11.12.2017Reply

    interesanta campania.

  • E/ 13.12.2017Reply

    Multumim, Dana! Chiar as avea nevoie de asa ceva in viata mea, mi se pare o idee foarte interesanta. Anul asta,ca niciodata, am facut ravagii de Black Friday si continuu vad (mai e nevoie de multe cadouri pt. Sarbatori); am plasat atat de multe comenzi online, incat am mustrari de constiinta destul de mari (direct proportionale cu gaura din buget); am vazut cativa furnizori si in lista de parteneri de la Bonusway. Mi-ar fi placut sa aflu de ei inainte de Black Friday 😀 Ce sa mai zic, sa avem un Shopping Fericit!

  • George Stan/ 20.12.2017Reply

    Am vazut ca sunt mai multe site-uri de acest gen in Romania. Eu as alege mai degraba pentru ca ofera comisioane mai mari decat bonusway si platforma are aceleasi functionalitati.

  • Dan/ 10.04.2018Reply

    Eu folosesc ofera cel mai generos cashback pana la 20% si mai au si un program de afiliere super misto de 50%

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