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Invazia Pufoseniilor

Invazia Pufoseniilor

Acum vreo 2 saptamani curierul a adus la usa Fam. Dragomir o cutie uriasa, plina-ochi de Pufosenii.


EN: About 2 weeks ago, the courier brought a huge box to the Dragomir family front door, filled with Fluffies.

Vlad a insistat, curios din fire, sa deschid cat mai repede coletul primit. In secunda in care a văzut ce contine, a facut ochii mari si a zambit strengareste, de parca tocmai daduse accidental peste sacul lui Mos Craciun. Fara sa ii dau vreun indiciu, copilul a recunoscut pe loc Pufoseniile de la Delaco, din reclama de la televizor.

Si uite asa a inceput nebunia. De 2 saptamani toata casa, dar ce zic eu “casa” – VIAȚA! ne-a fost invadata de Pufosenii. Nu mai putem dormi fara ele, nu mai putem manca fara ele, le mutam din camera copilului in dormitor, din dormitor in mansarda, din mansarda in masina si tot asa.

Primisem si dubluri, asa ca de cand le-am scos din cutie, l-am convins pe Vlad ca pe acestea sa le ofere cadou altor copii. Nu a ripostat deloc, a selectat dublurile si le-a mutat intr-o punga. Acum vreo 3 zile, in schimb, de dimineata, ma trezesc cu Vlad in pat langa mine, jucandu-se si cu dublurile!

Eu: – Ce faci, Vlad? Cum ne-a fost intelegerea? Acum te joci si cu dublurile? (aratand spre 2 Pufosenii identice bleu).

Vlad: – Nu sunt dubluri.  Sunt gemeni.

Sah mat. Pai ziceți si voi?! Pot eu sa mai despart acum gemenii?!?! Cat de cruda as fi?! Ce suflet sa am sa fac asa ceva?!

Mi-e clar ca dragostea pentru aceste jucarii nu va apune curand si ca vor genera multe alte dialoguri simpatice. Pe bune acum, “gemeni”?!?! Copiii te lasa uneori fara replica. Si pentru ca stiu ca sunt multi parinti aici, dispusi sa isi lase casa/viata invadata de Pufosenii, spre bucuria copiilor, am sa ma tin de promisiunea facuta lui Vlad si am sa va dau toate detaliile legate de aceasta promotie cuceritoare.

Pe langa faptul ca Branza ultrapufoasa Delaco are dar 3 ingrediente simple si naturale (branza de vaci, smantana si un strop de sare), iti aduce si sansa de a castiga una dintre Pufoseniile din promotie. Trebuie doar sa intri pe si sa inscrii codul unic de sub capacul branzei pufoase cu smântână Delaco cu ambalaj promo. Detalii aici.

Va tin pumnii sa castigati Pufoseniile mult dorite si apoi va astept pe blog sa imi povestiți cum s-au integrat in familia voastra, unde dorm, pe unde sunt plimbate si – in general – de ce fel de tratament au parte… caci la noi in casa sunt tare iubite.

In poze port: bluza dungi COS, palton Zara, blugi si gentuta ambele Tex, inele Mango, ochelari The Italian Vintage Shop.

Acest articol este sponsorizat de Delaco. Multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog.

EN: Vlad insisted, curious as usual, that I open the box as fast as possible. The second he saw its content, his eyes got wider and he had a grin on his face, as if he had accidentally come across Santa’s bag.  Without me giving him any clue, he instantly recognized the Fluffies from Delaco, from the TV commercial.

And that’s how the madness started. For the past 2 weeks, our entire house, but also our entire LIFE, has been invaded by the Fluffies. We can’t sleep without them anymore, we can’t eat without them, we can’t do anything without them anymore, we move them from the child’s room to the bedroom, from the bedroom to the loft, from the loft to the car and so on.  

There were doubles amongst them, so I convinced Vlad to give these to other kids, as presents. He was totally fine with that, he picked out the doubles and put them in a separate bag. But 3 days ago, I wake up in the morning with Vlad next to me in bed, playing with the doubles!

Eu: – What are you doing, Vlad? Did you forget about our deal? (while pointing at 2 identical blue Fluffies).

Vlad: – They’re not doubles. They’re twins.

Check mate. How could I ever break up twins?!?!? How cruel would I be?! How could I find it in my heart to do such a thing?!

It’s clear to me that his love for these toys won’t fade away very soon and that they’ll be the ground for some very cute dialogues. Seriously now, “twins”?!?! Children sometimes leave you speechless. And since I know there are many parents here, willing to allow their homes/ lives to be invaded by Fluffies, just to make their kids happy, I will keep the promise I made to Vlad and I will give you all the details about this great campaign.
Beside the fact that the extra fluffy cheese from Delaco has only 3 simple and natural ingredients (cheese, sour cream and a pinch of salt), it also brings you the opportunity to win one of the Fluffies in the campaign. All you have to do is go to and sign in with the code you find under the lid. Details here.
I hope you win the Fluffies you like best and then I am waiting for your comments about how they fit into your family, where they sleep, where you take them out for walks and – in general- about what kind of treatment they’re getting… because they are very loved at our place.
In the pictures I am wearing: COS striped top, Zara coat, Tex jeans and bag, Mango rings, The Italian Vintage Shop glasses.
This article is sponsored by Delaco. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog.  
  • Cori/ 10.10.2018Reply

    Dar pijamaua? De unde e pijamaua? :Eu asta vreau sa stiu 🙂

    • Dana/ 10.10.2018Reply

      Pijamaua e de la Nighters 🙂

      • dea/ 26.10.2018Reply

        E superba pijamaua…..
        dar costa 200 lei cu transport inclus.
        :(( si eu o vreauuuuuuuuu

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 10.10.2018Reply

    Great post dear! x

  • Sorina/ 10.10.2018Reply

    Prea multe jucariiii???!
    As vrea Pufoseniile doar pt a le da unor copii ce nu au impreuna cu alte jucarii de-ale Sarei. Am mai dat un sac deci mai este loc si pt al doilea care desigur ar include si Pufoseniile. As vrea sa nu mai astept Craciunul pt zambetul sincer si bun al copiilor ce le-ar primi si de ce nu? , sa-mi bucur si eu sufletul daruind ?!

  • Roxy/ 10.10.2018Reply

    Il ador pe Vlad!Mereu are un as in maneca ??

  • Simona Nemtanu/ 11.10.2018Reply

    Jur ca am o rochie cu acelasi imprimeu si nuanta ca pijamaua ta! Hmmm, arata bine totusi ambele (rochie si pijama).

  • Anca/ 11.10.2018Reply

    eu as vrea sa stiu de unde e ghiozdanelul ! E super simpatic.

    • Dana/ 12.10.2018Reply

      E cumpărat din Carrefour, acum vreo 2 ani. In zona Tex Copii au multe haine si accesorii Disney. Au franciza sa vanda produsele lor.

  • Oana/ 12.10.2018Reply

    Dana, iarta-ma ca iti scriu off topic. Imi aduc aminte de articolele tale despre alimentatia lui Vladut – cat suferea ca nu putea manca “de toate”. Sper ca lucrurile s-au imbunatatit intre timp; eu si baietelul meu de 2ani3luni suntem inca in faza asta de refuz al oricaror mancari si e tare greu 🙁 Pentru toata lumea. Mai zi-ne te rog ce magii ai mai facut cu alimentatia :!

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