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Jurnal de mini calatorie in Germania

Jurnal de mini calatorie in Germania

Aceasta sedinta foto este realizata in Germania, fiind invitata ca blogger sa vizitez celebrul Huf Haus Village. Haios e cum am ajuns acolo! Ati auzit de omul acela inchis din greseala la bagaje intr-un avion??? Ei bine, eu eram exact in acel avion….


EN: This photo session is made in Germany, where I was invited as a blogger to visit de famous Huf Haus Village. Funny is how I got there! Did you hear about the man who was accidentally locked with the luggage in an airplane??? Well, I was on that plane…

1 53 97 13 1524681012181617xAm calatorit foarte mult vara aceasta, fiind invitata la mai multe evenimente ori press trip -uri pentru jurnalisti si bloggeri din toata lumea. Asa ca am ramas in urma putin cu postarile, fiind mai tot timpul pe drumuri. V-am povestit despre calatoria mea la Porto (la invitatia Parfois) si despre cea de la Paris (la invitatia Kenzo Parfums), si pentru ca am remarcat ca va plac aceste scurte jurnale de calatorie am zis ca e momentul sa va povestsc despre un press trip recent din Germania, la invitatia creatorilor caselor Huf Haus. Nu de alta, dar calatoria aceasta chiar a fost una cel putin inedita.

In momentul in care am primit invitatia, am zis ca trebuie neaparat sa ma insoteasca si Radu. Ok, cand e vorba de pantofi, parfumuri, hainute… mai zice si omul pas, dar cand e vorba de arhitectura contemporana, de design ultra mega premiat, Radu a raspuns prezent inaintea mea! De fapt, suntem amandoi pasionati de asta (el si mai tare), iar cum recent am trecut (si nu am terminat inca) prin renovarea casei noastre, am acceptat bucurosi sa mergem sa vedem ce inseamna de fapt aceste case Huf Haus, la care doar ne minunam/oftam/jeleam intr-un album de arhitectura sau home design.

Era vorba de o singura noapte, asa ca am plecat fara Vlad – nebunieeee! vorba vine. La cat de des ne gandeam amanoi la el si cat vorbeam despre el, parea ca e fix lipit de piciorul sau in capul nostru. Dar sa revenim. Ne-am intalnit in aeroport cu Adrian Hadean si sotia lui, un cuplu cu care ne-am inteles minunat pe toata durata acestui press trip. Desi era doar vreo 7 dimineata si eram complet nedormita (cred ca bagasem doar vreo 2-3 ore de somn peste noapte), tot am reusit sa observ pe loc cat de vechi era avionul. Dintre cele cu butoane butucanoase, cu scrumiera (blocata) in manerul scaunului si cu un sertaras in care sa arunci lama de ras la baie! Cam atat de vechi…sa fi fost de prin ’80? ’70? Faceam pronosticuri impreuna cu Radu, legati fiind deja in centuri, cand auzim niste bufnituri puternice: BUM, BUM, BUM!

In fractiunea de secunda imediat urmatoare bufniturilor m-am gandit ca un om bate cumva in usa avionului, inchisa deja, vrand sa intre inauntru, pe genul: “Heeey! M-ati uitat!” ori “Hey! Eu sunt afara, copilul meu e singur inauntru!” – caci simteam ca bataile sunt disperate, nene. Dar asta a fost doar o fractiune, caci mi-am dat seama imediat apoi ca acest lucru e (aproape) imposibil. Nu ca ce urmeaza as fi crezut vreodata ca e posibil… Bufniturile puternice nu se opreau, asa ca ne-am dat seama cu totii destul de repede ca vin de jos…de SUB NOI!!! Vibra podeaua! “E un om aici, dedesubt! Ati inchis un om la bagaje!!!” au inceput sa urle oamenii de pe ultimele locuri. Stewardesele – si ele putin bulversate de cele intamplate – au dat fuga sa anunte capitanul si omul a fost “salvat” imediat, in timp ce alti pasageri mai panicati se apropiasera cu gura de mocheta avionului strigand: “Stai linistiiiiit! Te scot acuuuum!!!”.

Tot drumul m-am gandit ce as fi facut eu daca s-ar fi intamplat sa fiu in locul omului (cel mai probabil un angajat al aeroportului, care adusese bagajele noastre la locul lor si numai al lor). Probabil ca as fi fost mega panicata daca vedeam ca avionul porneste. Asta nu s-a intamplat in realitate, dar cred ca daca nu si-ar fi dat seama la timp ca e inchis si ar fi pornit motoarele, poate ca zgomotul batailor lui ar fi fost insesizabil. In fine, deci daca nu m-ar fi scos la timp ca pe dansul, iar avionul chiar ar fi ajuns in aer, probabil ca as fi fost 1.panicata, 2.infrigurata – exact in ordinea aceasta. Ma gandesc ca stau si caini sau pisici pe acolo, deci nu e exagerat de frig, dar sigur nici cald. Asa ca probabil ca m-as fi apucat sa deschid bagajele pasagerilor sa caut haine groase – sorry, dar asta as fi facut. Daca as fi dat si de o tarie, cu atat mai bine! Cred ca la aterizare ma gaseau infofolita, dormind ametita printre zeci de bagaje desfacute, intr-un haos by Dana Rogoz. M-am amuzat teribil de bietul om, asta e adevarul.

Cand am ajuns la destinatie, le-am povestit echipei Huf Haus care ne-a intampinat cu caldura cele petrecute si, in timp ce povesteam, mi-am dat seama ca nu am avut nicio clipa gandul ca poate e vreun atentat sau vreo actiune terorista, gand care cel mai probabil le-ar fi trecut prin minte celor care locuiesc acum in Germania, mai ales ca eram chiar in saptamana de dupa cele 3 atacuri consecutive in zona respectiva.

Dar am ajuns zambitori, am vizitat si mai zambitori aceste case Huf Haus, si pot sa va spun ca am ramas impresionata. Se pare – dar e mare secret – ca vor ajunge si in Romania. Ba mai mult, candva la toamna vom putea vizita un cartier cu case de acest gen, numai ca – desi am incercat sa-i trag de limba cum am putut eu mai bine – nu am reusit sa aflu exact unde va fi pozitionat acest cartier. Oricum, vorbim de o zona premium, de un design de lux, cum de altfel puteti vedea si din aceste imagini. Si ce m-a zapacit definitiv este ca o astfel de casa se construieste in maxim o saptamana. Poftiiiiim????? Noi abia am reusit sa renovam o casa în 3 ani! Si asta pentru ca vorbim de niste case modulare, care sunt construite integral in Germania (am vizitat fabrica!) si aduse bucati – bucati (pereti, bai, bucatarii) pana in tara, pana unde vrei tu sa ai casa. Asa se intampla peste tot in lume. Si chiar daca sunt modulare, ele nu sunt standard, ci pot fi personalizate dupa cum iti doresti – cate camere, cate bai, cate dependinte, cat de mult spatiu destinat livingului sau dressingului – orice astfel de dorinta e luata in calcul de echipa lor de arhitecti si primesti apoi o propunere personalizata. Iar dupa ce iti aduc in tara viitoarea casuta, dureaza poate chiar si 3 zile sa fie in picioare, gata de mobilat. Mi s-a parut SF. Bine, asta nu cu muncitori romani, ci cu muncitorii lor nemti, care cunosc tehnologia (secreta) si cum sa construiasca perfect acest “puzzle”. Iar cand zic perfect, perfect e. Caci din fabrica peretii, tamplaria, termopanele (sunt foarte foarte vitrate aceste case, iar asta imi place enorm) sunt fara cusur. Totul e asamblat la milimetru. Nu ca vine nea Viorel la mine si se gandeste sa puna 6 randuri de faianta in loc de 5, sau sa mute usa 2 cm mai la dreapta.

Asta am facut in prima parte a zilei, dupa care am plecat cu totii spre Luxemburg. Acolo am dormit si tot acolo am luat cina la restaurantul lui Chef Lea Linster, care are o stea Michelin. O experienta (nu spun culinara ca ar fi prea putin) cu adevarat deosebita. Poate ca ati vazut pe contul meu de Instagram cateva poze. Adi Hadean era zapacit de absolut tot ce gustam in acel restaurant, iar el chiar are niste referinte. Am dormit in Luxemburg, iar de dimineata am fost invitati chiar de Lea Linster la ea acasa (locuieste tot intr-un Huf Haus, intr-o vale superba cu vii), sa luam micul dejun cu totii.

Am decolat pe seara spre Bucuresti, fara alte incidente.

P.S.: Urmeaza jurnalul de calatorie de la Milano, la invitatia Samsung, unde i-am luat interviu un yoghin!

In poze port: rochie Zara, sandale Yves Saint Laurent, geanta Celine. Iar tinuta in miscare e mai jos:

EN: I have travelled a lot this summer, being invited to many events or press trips for journalists and bloggers from all over the world. So I am bit behind with the posts, since I was on the road most of the time. I have told you about my trip to Porto (invited by Parfois) and about the one to Paris (invited by Kenzo Parfums), and since I noticed you like these short travel logs, I thought it’s time to tell you about a recent press trip to Germany, invited by the creators of the Huf Haus houses. This trip was unique, to say the least.

The moment I received the invitation, I thought Radu has to come with me. OK, when it comes to shoes, perfumes, clothes…he doesn’t always say yes, but when it comes to contemporary architecture, with ultra mega awarded design, Radu said yes before I did! Actually, we both have a passion for this (him more than me), and since we recently went through (and we still haven’t finished) the renovation of our house, we gladly accepted to go and see what these Huf Haus houses actually mean, which we would long for/wonder at in an architecture or home design album.

It was only for one night, so went without Vlad- partyyyy! Kidding! We thought and talked about him all the time, so it seemed like he was glued to our feet or in our heads. But coming back. At the airport we met with Adrian Hadean and his wife, a couple which we got along perfectly with, throughout the entire press trip. Even though it was 7 am and I hadn’t slept at all (I think I only got like 2-3 hours of sleep over night), I still managed to notice right away how old the plane was. It had chunky buttons, an ashtray (stuck) in the armrest and a little drawer where you could through out the razor in the toilet! That old…maybe it was from the ’80s? ’70s? Radu and I were guessing, already buckled up, when we hear some loud bangs: BUM, BUM, BUM!

In the following instant I thought someone was banging on the airplane door, which was already locked, trying to get in:  “Heeey! You forgot about me!” or “Hey! I am outside, my kid is in there alone !” – Because I could feel that the banging was desperate. But it was only for a second, because I realized right away that wasn’t possible…The loud banging wouldn’t stop, so we all realized pretty soon that they were coming from down below…from UNDER US!!! The floor was vibrating! “There is someone here, below! You locked a person in the luggage compartment!!!” people from the last rows of seats were shouting. The stewardesses- also shaken up by what was happening- ran to inform the captain and the man was “saved” right away, while the other more panicked passengers were shouting close to the carpet of the airplane: “Don’t worryyyyyy! They’l get you out soooon!!!” .

The entire flight I thought about what I would have done if it were me instead of him (most probably an airport employee, who took our luggage to their spot, and only their spot). I probably would have been super panicked if the airplane would have taken off. That didn’t happen in reality, but I think if he wouldn’t have noticed in time that he is locked in and the engines would have been started, maybe the sound of him banging wouldn’t have been heard. Well, if they wouldn’t have taken me out on time, and the airplane would have gotten on air, I probably would have been 1.freaked out, 2.freezing- exactly in this order. I’m thinking since cats and dogs are staying there, it can’t be too cold, but it’s definitely not warm either. So I probably would have gone through the luggage of the passengers to find some warm clothes- sorry, but that’s what I would have done. If I would have found something strong to drink too- even better! I think at landing they would have found me wrapped up, sleeping drowsy between the open luggage, in a chaos by Dana Rogoz. The truth is, I was very amused with the poor man.

When we arrived at our destination, we told the Huf Haus team, which welcomed us warmly, what happened and, while we were telling the story, I realized I never once thought of an attack or any other terrorist action, thought which probably would have crossed the minds of those living in Germany now, especially since it was the following week after the 3 attacks in that area.

But we arrived smiling, we visited these Huf Haus houses even more smiling, and I can say I was truly impressed. Apparently- although it’s a big secret- they will come to Romania too. Even more, somewhere in autumn we can visit some houses like these, only- even though I tried really hard- I didn’t manage to find out exactly where this residence will be built. Anyway, we are talking about a premium area , about a luxury design, as you can see in these pictures also. And what bedazzled me completely is that a house like this is built in maximum one week. Whaaaaat????? We hardly managed to renovate one house in 3 years!  That’s because we are talking about modular homes, built entirely in Germany (we visited the plant!) and brought in pieces (walls, bathrooms, kitchens) in the country, wherever you wish to have your house. That’s how it is all around the world. And even though they are modular, they’re not standard, but can be personalized as you wish- how many rooms, bathrooms, dependencies, how much space for he living room and the dressing room- any wish like that is taken into consideration by their team architects and then you receive a personalized offer. And after they bring your future home in the country, it takes up to 3 days until it’s standing, ready to be furnished. I thought it’s Sci Fi. Well, not with Romanian workers, but with their German workers, who know the technology (secret) and how to perfectly build this “puzzle”. And when I say perfect, I mean perfect. Because coming out of the factory, the walls, the joinery, the windows are flawless. Everything is assembled at the millimeter. It’s not like Viorel comes over and thinks to himself it can’t hurt to put in 6 rows of tiles instead of 5, or to move the door 2 cm to the right.  

That’s what we did in the first part of the day, after that we left for Luxemburg. We stayed there over night and had dinner at the restaurant of Chef Lea Linster, who has one Michelin star. A truly special experience (I’m not saying culinary, because it was much more). Maybe you have seen some pictures on my Instagram account.  Adi Hadean was entirely bedazzled about everything we tasted in that restaurant, and he really has some references. We slept in Luxemburg, and the next morning we were invited by Lea Linster herself to her house (she also lives in a Huf Haus, in a beautiful valley with vineyards), to have breakfast together.

In the evening we flew to Bucharest, without other incidents.

P.S.: The travel journal from Milan is next, where I was invited by Samsung and where I interviewed a yogi!

In the pictures I am wearing: Zara dress, Yves Saint Laurent sandals , Celine bag. And the outfit in motion is above.

  • Denisa/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Si noi ne chinuim de cativa ani cu terminarea casei, dar sunt atateeeea de facut. Oricum casele aceste Huf Haus arata superb.

  • Georgeta Dinca/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Vai, nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez? Saracul om? Frumos ai povestit totul, iar outfitul e de top? Imi plac tare sandalele?

  • mariana/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Imi place mult rochia Dana !

  • Paula/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Cati pereți de sticla, mă întreb cum se păstrează căldură în casa,în Germania fiind clima si mai răcoroasă, si tare curioasa îs de pret, cat de mult costa timpul, ca defapt asta e marele avantaj, ca e gata în zile, nu durează ani…

  • Zvetlana/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Mie nu mi se pare nimic funny, mi se pare un incident major! Cum acest handler a fost “uitat”, inchipuiti-va daca usa nu ar fi fost inchisa bine, senzorul era stins si se smulgea usa la 6000 m?? E o problema grava de securitate!

    • Dana/ 15.08.2016Reply

      Ai dreptate, doar ca după ce totul s-a terminat cu bine – probabil și pe descărcare de emotie – m-a amuzat toată situația. Mai ales agitația celor din avion, care urlau cu gura lipita de podea/mocheta.

  • Modina/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Pfff. Ciudata situatie cu acel om. Eu cred ca faceam un atac de panica in locul lui. Probabil i s-a mai intamplat. Pacat ca se intampla tot mai multe incidente si cu avioanele. Frumoase case, frumos eveniment. Imi plac calatoriile acestea pe care le faci. Cred ca va prind bine si voua si lui Vlad. Eu asa ma gandesc cand “fug” undeva cu sotul meu, fara copil. 🙂

  • Bella/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Doamne, bietul om…imi imaginez ce sperietura zdravana a tras! In alta ordine de idei, foarte draguta tinuta 🙂

  • Ioana/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Incredibil! Si parca povesteai acum cativa ani ca fratele tau a fost intr-un avion Wizz care a avut o mica problema la aterizare, parca pierduse o roata! Bine ca totul a fost ok pana la urma.
    Cat despre outfit, imi place foarte mult rochia, insa nu o gasesc pe site 🙁 e colectie mai veche?

    • Dana/ 15.08.2016Reply

      Fratele lui Radu 🙂 nu își pierduse roata, dar nu se deschidea parca cea din bot, nu mai știu exact. Cat despre rochie, am cumpărat-o chiar de curând de la reduceri. Deci poate o mai găsești prin magazine.

  • Alexandra/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Melodia din background e preluată din Google Stories sau e pura coincidenta? Dacă da, vreau sa știu si eu cum se numește 🙂 :p

    • Dana/ 16.08.2016Reply

      Din video te referi? E cumparata, ca sa am drepturi pe ea, dar trebuie sa intreb editorul video de unde.

  • Idareyoutobefashion/ 15.08.2016Reply

    Imi place mult acest outfit,te reprezinta.

  • Ev/ 16.08.2016Reply

    Love your dress 😉

  • Nela/ 04.09.2016Reply

    Nu mai scrie in engleza. Spre binele tau. Esti tare departe de ea. Engleza nu inseamna limba romana tradusa cuvant cu cuvant. Ai gresit aproape la fiecare propozitie.
    Nela – Toronto

    • Valentin/ 10.04.2017Reply

      E bine ca ești tu tare aproape și tare răutăcioasă. Dacă ai menționat ca ești din Toronto înseamnă ca ai cunoștințe avansate de limba engleză? Sau ce ar trebui sa înțeleg din asta? Citește partea in limba romană și lasa pe cei străini sa citească in limba engleză. Sigur se înțelege ce vrea sa spună chiar dacă nu e totul perfect gramatical. Succes și fă-te profesoara dacă îți place sa corectezi!

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