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Karaoke Party 32

Karaoke Party 32

Am petrecut atat de bine de ziua mea, incat abia azi m-am trezit suficient de odihnita, cat sa va povestesc pe indelete cum a fost la Karaoke Party 32.


EN: I had such a great birthday party, that it wasn’t until today that I felt rested enough to tell you how our Karaoke Party 32 went.

M-am intors din Stockholm cu chef de petrecere. Nu stiam unde sa imi invit prietenii apropiati si nici ce sa facem de ziua mea, pana cand nu am primit cadou din partea Philips TV acest minunat televizor din gama Ambilight. Atunci m-am decis pe loc ca un Karaoke Party ar fi perfect. Recunosc ca am fost foarte surprinsa de acest cadou si le multumesc inca o data pe aceasta cale. Stiau de la evenimentul de lansare cat de mult imi doresc un astfel de smart TV, drept urmare – cu ocazia zilei de nastere – m-am trezit ca suna curierul cu un colet URIAS. Cutia aceea imensa proteja televizorul din imagine (model OLED 9002), care a fost atractia petrecerii de ziua mea, facand cu totii Karaoke, pe rand, in fata lui.

Imaginile de mai sus sunt facute cu o zi inaintea petrecerii, cand faceam ultimele pregatiri in casa. Am dat jos televizorul vechi (tot un Philips, cumparat acum multi ani), care arata saracu’ de el atat de demodat pe langa cel nou: “Hai, tataita, hai, usurel la locul tau, in debara…”.  Televizorul cel nou este incredibil de subtire! In timp ce faceam pozele de mai sus, erau momente in care Radu imi spunea ca, din lateral, nici nu se vede, efectiv nu iti dai seama ce e. Practic, e la fel de subtire ca o tableta. In plus, este dotat cu tehnologia Ambilight, care este de-a dreptul SF, proiectând un halo de lumină din cele trei laturi ale ecranului televizorului, in spatele acestuia. In felul acesta ecranul pare si mai mare. Credeti-ma, nu eram vreo fana a televizorului, rareori il mai deschideam la noi in casa. Dar acum, toate filmele, serialele, si cam tot ce obisnuiam sa urmarim pe laptop, urmarim direct pe TV, pentru ca in 2 secunde se conecteaza la contul tau (are buton direct pentru Netflix, se conecteaza la contul personal de gmail sau la cel de YouTube etc). Filmele se vad atat de clar, incat am senzatia ca sunt la cadru cu Meryl Streep sau Leonardo DiCaprio, ca sunt cu ei pe platoul de filmare si ca urmeaza sa le dau replica.

Dar sa revenim cu picioarele pe pamant, adica la petrecere. Familia mea, prieteni apropiati, erau cu totii ingramaditi in mansarda, cu chef de cantat si dansat pana dimineata. Am deschis YouTube-ul direct pe televizor si fiecare isi alegea ce dorea sa cante la microfon. Poate ca ati vazut live-ul de pe Instagram si ati remarcat ce urlete, ragete, tipete reuseam sa producem la fiecare piesa. Faza e ca atunci cand te apuci sa faci karaoke dupa un pahar de sangria, ti se pare ca esti chiar bun. Ca e momentul tau! Mama ce bine ai atacat nota aia de sus! Si apoi te uiti pe inregistrare si te ingrozesti…

Fals – ne-fals, sigur ne-am distrat. Cand a venit tortul am intampinat singura problema a serii. Mi-am dat seama brusc ca uitasem sa cumpar lumanari. Noroc ca Vlad si-a pastrat lumanarile de la ultimele lui aniversari, asa ca am refolosit 2 -ul si 3 -ul. Deci, noroc cu el si noroc ca nu implineam 34, altfel cred ca suflam intr-o lumanare Moon …

In poze port: rochie si botine ambele Forever 21, bentita Bon Bijou, ceas Cluse.

EN: I came back from Stockholm in the mood to party. I didn’t know where to invite my close friends or what to do for my birthday, until I got this wonderful TV from Philips TV from their Ambilight collection as a gift. So I decided on the spot that a Karaoke Party would be perfect. I admit I was surprised by this gift and I would like to thank them again for it. Ever since the launch even, they knew how much I really wanted such a smart TV, therefore- for my birthday- I received a HUGE parcel. That big box was protecting the TV in the pictures (model OLED 9002), which was the main attraction at my birthday party, while everyone was doing karaoke in front of it.

The pictures above were taken one day before the party, when we were doing the final preparations at the house. We took down the old TV (also Philips, bought many years ago), which look really old-fashioned compared to the new one: “Let’s go, grandpa, easy, to your place, in the closet…”. The new television is incredibly thin! While we were taking the pictures above, there were moments when Radu was telling me that, from the side, you can’t even see it, you literally can’t tell what it is. Basically, it’s as thin as a tablet. Plus, it has the  Ambilight technology, which is pretty Sci Fi, projecting a halo of light from the three sides of the TV screen, behind it. In this way the screen appears to be even bigger. Trust me, I wasn’t a real TV fan before, we hardly ever turned it on in our house. But now, all the movies, series, and basically everything we used to watch on the laptop, we’re watching them on TV, because in 2 seconds it connects to your account (it has a special button for Netflix, it connects to your personal Gmail, YouTube, etc. account). The movies are so clear, that I am under the impression to be on the same set with Meryl Streep or Leonardo DiCaprio, that I am about to give them my line.

But coming back down to earth, so to the party. My family, close friends were all crammed in our attic, in the mood for singing and dancing until the morning. We opened YouTube straight on the TV and everyone would choose what they wanted to sing on the mic. Maybe you have seen the live on Instagram and noticed the screaming we managed to produce for each song. Thing is that when you start doing karaoke after a glass of sangria, you think that you are actually good. That it’s your moment! Man, I really hit that high note. And then you look at the recordings and you are mortified…

Whether we were good or not, we sure had fun. The only problem I had was when the cake came out. I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to buy candles. Luckily enough, Vlad kept the candles from his last anniversaries, so we could reuse the 2 and the 3. So, we lucked out with him and with the fact that I didn’t turn 34, otherwise I think I would have blown out a Moon candle…

In the pictures I am wearing: Forever 21 dress and ankle boots, Bon Bijou headband, Cluse watch.

  • Roxy/ 03.10.2017Reply

    Cat de tare a iesit faza cu lumanarile :)).Abia astept pozele de duminica ??

    • Dana/ 03.10.2017Reply

      De duminica din Moon Studio? Pai nu am facut poze 🙁

      • Roxy/ 03.10.2017Reply


        • Sorina/ 04.10.2017Reply

          Hai Roxi ca ai vazut cateva poze , recunoaste ???!Bizzz

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 03.10.2017Reply

    Lovely post my dear! 🙂

  • Oana/ 03.10.2017Reply

    Ce bine arata tortul, asa …ca in desene animate? Ce pofta mi-ai facut?

  • E/ 03.10.2017Reply

    La multi ani Danuta, sa fii fericita alaturi de cei dragi! <3

  • Adina/ 04.10.2017Reply

    Acum vreau si eu televizor ca al tau, cu toate ca nici nu il deschid pe al meu :))) Foarte dragut tortul! :* :*

  • Alina/ 04.10.2017Reply

    Super dragute botinele! Si ca tot e vorba de televizor, abia astept sa vad “Octav”

  • Sorina/ 04.10.2017Reply

    Un look de milioane, un look de …32 ????!
    Geniala ultima poza ?!

  • eva/ 04.10.2017Reply

    Lol, ai cantat Radio Head, Creep…. de ziua ta?!

    • Dana/ 05.10.2017Reply

      Pai cum nu? E un clasic :)))

  • Otrava Sobolani/ 07.10.2017Reply

    Ce frumos! Cred ca daca as avea si eu genul asta de smart tv as da o tona de petreceri de Karaoke :)). Te felicit pentru idee!

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