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Ziua de ieri a fost minunata, in primul rand datorita lui Vlad si Radu, care m-au rasfatat in fiecare moment al zilei.


EN: Yesterday was absolutely wonderful, especially thanks to Vlad and Radu, who spoiled me throughout the entire day.

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33 ani

Azi implinesc 33 de ani. Imi imaginez cum ar fi o carte a carei eroina traieste fix viata mea de pana acum. Ar fi un roman cu o intriga puternica, data de copilaria mea atipica. Ar fi pasaje pe care le-as putea cataloga desprinse dintr-un univers fantastic. Altele, mai degraba absurde. Dar unde duce povestea asta? Unde duce?! Pai hai ca de acum inainte sa umplu paginile numai cu momente epice. Punctul culminant il simt aproape. Promit sa am curaj sa traiesc viata asta din plin.


EN: Today I turn 33. I imagine what a book about my life would sound like. It would be a novel with a powerful twist, given by my atypical childhood. There would be passages in it which might sound like they’re taken out of a fictional universe. Others would be more likely absurd. But where does this story lead to? Where is it taking me?! Well, from now I want to fill its pages only with epic moments. I feel like the peak point is near. I promise to have the courage to live this life to its fullest.  

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La Multi Ani, Vlad! (partea I)

Azi este cea mai fericita zi din an pentru noi. Astazi este ziua lui Vlad, care implineste 3 ani!


EN: Today is the happiest day of the year for us. Today is Vlad’s 3rd birthday!

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Cea mai Lunatica Petrecere: 4 ani Moon

Cu ocazia implinirii a 4 ani de Moon by Dana Rogoz, am facut cea mai Lunatica petrecere de departe! Lucrurile au luat-o complet razvna, de am ajuns la 1 noaptea sa cantam si sa dansam pe N&D, Spice Girls sau 3 Sud Est. Iata cum s-a desfasurat Pijama Party Moon 4.


EN: For Moon by Dana Rogoz’s 4th anniversary, I held the most Lunatic party ever! Things got completely crazy when at 1 am we were singing and dancing to N& D, Spice Girls or 3 Sud Est. Here’s what happened at the 4th Moon Pajama Party.

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Azi e Ziua Moon: 4 ANI!

Azi, Moon by Dana Rogoz implineste 4 ani. Am adunat imagini din cele mai frumoase momente petrecute in ultimul an, de la lansarea Moon by Dana Rogoz Brussels, din calatoria cu Rulota Moon la Sibiu, din Moon Studio, de la evenimentul de lansare al tricoului cu fete detasabile Moon sau din proiectul Moon Girl. Greu de crezut, dar toate s-au intamplat intr-un singur an! Sper ca si al patrulea sa fie la fel de norocos. Si tot azi incep si reducerile aniversare!

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Ziua Blogului: 6 ani (Partea a IV-a)

Gata! Am ajuns la zi, cu inca vreo 45 cele mai recente tinute. Raaaaduuu, hai sa iesim afara sa tragem repede poze noi pentru cel de-al 6-lea an! La multi ani, blogule! Ce mare te-ai facut!


EN: Done! We are up to date, with about 45 more of the most recent outfits. Raaaaduuuu, let’s go outside and shoot some new pictures for the 6th year! Happy birthday, blog! You’ve grown so big!

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