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O garderoba noua in 4 pasi usori

O garderoba noua in 4 pasi usori

Voi ce update-uri faceti garderobei de la un sezon la altul pentru a fi in trend? Eu am observat ca, oricat de mult as incerca, daca nu am niste obiective clare setate cand ies la cumparaturi, ajung sa iau variatii ale aceleiasi perechi de blugi favorita si tricouri cu dungi. Din acest punct de vedere prefer mult mai mult shopping-ul online pentru ca ma tine destul de focusata pe ce am cu adevarat nevoie si nici nu ma pierd prea tare cu capul cautand lucrurile pe care le am deja.


EN: What kind of trend upgrades do you give your wardrobe from one season to the other? I noticed that, no matter how hard I try, if I don’t some clear objectives when I go shopping, I end up buying variations of the same favorite pair of jeans of striped t-shirts. From this point of view I prefer online shopping because it keeps me focused on what I really need and I don’t get lost looking at stuff I already own. 

Asa ca, fara prea multa greutate, am identificat niste lucruri pe care tare mult mi-ar placea sa le duc in garderoba mea de primavara si care cred ca sunt trendy in acest moment.

Geanta cu maner petrecut, tip saculet, insa din piele si cu o structura mai batoasa este ideala pentru tinutele casual, de zi cu zi. Desigur nu marcheaza foarte bine la capitolul comoditate pentru ca trebuie tinuta in mana, insa daca iesi la un pranz sau la cafea cu fetele, cred ca e ideala. Mi-a placut si culoarea aparent neutra insa cu un mic detaliu care o face fun.

geanta topshop

Geanta Topshop.

La capitolul pantofi nu m-am putut limita la o singura optiune, pentru ca om sunt! Nu mi-a trecut mania botinelor soseta si nici nu cred ca o sa-mi treaca prea curand, asa ca m-am minunat si m-am bucurat cand am vazut acest model de la Mango. Toc colorat, varf ascutit si material subtire, ideal de purtat de cand se crapa de 10 grade si pana la vara – cu rochii furou, fuste mini din denim, blugi skinny sau largi. Practic, merg la absolut orice.

Mango boots
Botine Mango

Mi-au placut si acesti saboti roz cu broderie din doua motive: rozul este un trend urias in aceasta primavara (inca) si broderia este unul din acele influente care in mod sigur o sa mai stea alaturi de noi inca un an. Sunt de o usoara inspiratie ’70s si i-as purta cu o pereche de blugi urati* (vezi mai jos) si cu un tricou rock&roll clasic.

Saboti Mango

Blugii urati sunt peste tot, in toate show-urile de moda, in toate revistele si, incepand in forta din aceasta primavara, in magazine. Ati observat? Nu as vrea sa fiu gresit inteleasa cand le spun urati, pentru ca asta nu inseamna ca sunt cu adevarat urati, in deplinatatea acestui cuvant. Sunt mai degraba… ciudatei. Imi povestea prietena mea Bianca ca, atunci cand a venit acasa cu aceasta pereche de blugi, prietenul ei, usor fastacit, i-a spus, pe un ton spasit, “Stii, dar tu ai un fund frumos…nu se mai vede in blugii astia…si te fac si putin cracanata…” Nu a vrut sa fie rau, insa era saracul inspaimantat de ce i se pregateste. Bianca l-a calmat si i-a spus ca o sa dureze moda asta un an, maxim doi. Ce mai, l-a incurajat! Lasand gluma la o parte, “noii” blugi sunt simpatici si cu chef de joaca, nu se iau prea tare in serios si ne mai lasa si noua putin loc de respiro dupa ani si ani de skinny jeans. Nu mai au atat de multe rupturi, au talia mai inalta, croiul lejer si, in majoritatea cazurilor, nu prea mai au tiv jos.  Sunt plini de pietricele, sunt perlati, brodati, evazati, sfasiati sau peticiti. . Alege un model drept, simplu si o sa fii uimita in cate feluri ii poti purta- de la tenisi la pantofi stiletto, o sa iti dea un aer lejer si cool.

HM bllugi
Blugi H&M

Camasile sunt inapoi in forta! Nu insa in orice fel, nu! Sunt legate, torsionate, suprapuse, stranse, largi, lungi, peticite…ce mai! Sunt peste tot si in toate felurile! Eu una as miza pe un model care sa nu fie complet dezaxat, ca sa il pot purta eu cum vreau. Bianca si Dana s-au jucat cu ele intr-un episod de Trend Challenge si m-au inspirat si pe mine sa aleg un model mai cuminte, dar pe care sa-l pot suci in toate felurile. Mi-a placut mai ales gaselnita in care fac din camasa un soi de corset si abia astept sa fac si eu ceva de acest gen.

Camasa Maison Martin Margiela


EN: So, without any difficulties, I have identified some things I would really like to add to my spring wardrobe and which I think are trendy right now.

The tote bag, but from leather and with a rough structure is ideal for casual day by day outfits. Of course it doesn’t score very high on comfort because it must be held in the hand, but if you go out for lunch or coffee with the girls, I think it’s ideal. I also liked the color apparently neutral but with a small detail which makes it fun.

When it comes to shoes, I couldn’t settle upon a single option, I’m only human! I am still not over socks like ankle boots and I don’t think I will be very soon, so I was amazed and happy when I saw this model from Mango. Colored heel, pointy and light fabric, ideal to wear on temperatures above 10 degrees and until the summer- with light dresses, denim mini skirts, skinny or flare jeans. Basically, they work with just about anything.

I also liked these pink clogs with embroidery because of two reasons: pink is (still) a huge trend this spring and embroidery is one of those influences which will surely stick by us in the next year. They are slightly influenced by the ’70s and I would wear them with a pair of ugly jeans* (see below) and a classic rock& roll t-shirt .

Ugly jeans are everywhere, in all the fashion shows, in all magazines and, starting off strongly this spring, also in stores. Did you notice? I wouldn’t want to be misunderstood when I call them ugly, because that doesn’t necessarily mean they are ugly, in the complete sense of the word. They are more likely…weird.  My friend Bianca told me that, when she got home with this pair of jeans, her boyfriend said to her slightly embarrassed: “You know, you actually have a nice behind…it doesn’t really show in these jeans…and your legs look a little crooked…” He wasn’t being mean, but rather frightened by what was expecting him. Bianca calmed him down by telling him that this trend will only last for year or two. He wasn’t really encouraged by that! Joke aside, “the new” jeans are cute and playful, they don’t take themselves very seriously and they give us some breathing space after years and years of skinny jeans. They’re not so ripped anymore, they have higher waists, casual tailoring and, most of them, don’t have a hem at the bottom. They’re full of stones, they’re pearled, embroidered, flare, ripped or patched.  Choose a straight, simple model and you’ll be amazed at the many ways in which you can wear them- from sneakers to stilettos, they will give you a relaxed and cool look.  

Shirts have made a strong comeback! But not just in any way, no! They are tied, tensioned, over layered, wide, long, patched! They’re everywhere and in any possible way! I for one would go for a model which isn’t completely crazy, so that I can wear it just the way I want. Bianca and Dana have also played with them in a Trend Challenge episode and have inspired me to choose a more quiet model, which I can twist in all possible ways. I especially liked the idea of transforming the shirt in a sort of corset and I can hardly wait to try something like that out.

  • Teodora/ 22.02.2017Reply

    In fiecare sezon, incerc sa aleg 2-3 tendinte pe care le urmaresc astfel incat sa fac o actualizare de garderoba fara a ajunge all over the place. La cum arata jeansii moderni, cred ca voi opta mai multe pentru fuste sau voi alege ca restul pieselor sa fie mai actuale pentru a incadra bine jeansii mei skinny sau boyfriend 🙂

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 22.02.2017Reply

    Perfect jeans 🙂

  • Otrava sobolani/ 27.02.2017Reply

    Garderoba mea chiar are nevoie de o improspatare si cred ca voi urma sfaturile tale. Primvara asta voi fi mai colorata!

    • Dana/ 27.02.2017Reply


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