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Vesti bune…

Vesti bune…

Noiembrie si decembrie sunt cele mai aglomerate luni din an pentru mine. Se aduna o multime de proiecte pentru blog, o multime de filmari, evenimente de prezentat, multe campanii caritabile, plus spectacolele de la teatru si, desigur, Moon by Dana Rogoz. Nu mai stiu de mine, efectiv, dar stiu macar ce face Rulota Moon din 23 noiembrie, timp de o luna: se va intoarce in AFI Cotroceni!


EN: November and December are the busiest months of the year for me. A lot of projects for the blog are piling up, a lot of shootings, events to present, many charitable campaigns, plus the theatre plays and, of course, Moon by Dana Rogoz. I literally don’t know what to do first, but at least I know what the Moon Trailer does for the next month, starting with November 23rd: it will be back in AFI Cotroceni!

Cu ocazia lansarii colectiei Hooded Moon, dar si cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna, Rulota Moon by Dana Rogoz se intoarce in AFI Cotroceni. Foarte multa lume m-a intrebat in ultimele luni “Mai e rulota in AFI?” sau “Cand se intoarce rulota in AFI?” si uite ca in sfarsit pot da un raspuns ferm: 23 noiembrie – 23 decembrie, Pop Up Store Moon by Dana Rogoz va fi prezent acolo, cu toate produsele sale.

Nu ca sunt ale mele, dar efectiv ador hanoracele Moon. Lui Vlad ii place la nebunie sa purtam toti 3 deodata hanoracele, cu fata inimioara: “Eu port inimioara ca sa va arat cat de mult va iubesc. Tu, mama, trebuie sa porti inimioara ca sa imi arati mie si lui tata cat de mult ne iubesti. Tu, tata, trebuie sa porti inimioara ca imi arati mie si lui mama cat de mult ne iubesti”. Si daca tot am pomenit de fetele detasabile pentru hanorace si tricouri, sa stiti ca, odata cu deschiderea Rulotei Moon in AFI Cotroceni, voi lansa si o mini-colectie de fete detasabile cu motive de iarna, perfecta pentru perioada sarbatorilor.

Legat de masurile hanoracelor, pentru ca am primit intrebari in acest sens, am facut un set de fotografii pentru magazinul online, in care port fiecare model de hanorac in toate masurile UNISEX disponibile: XS, S, M, L, XL. De exemplu, iata-l pe cel negru:

Sper sa va inspire si felul in care am ales sa port Hooded Moon Black UNISEX, masura XL, in sedinta foto de mai sus, cu cizme peste genunchi si accesorii anii ’80. Eu m-am simtit excelent asa, mai ales dupa ce Radu mi-a fost un compliment (si, sincer, nu e genul care sa imi laude in fiecare zi tinutele purtate…).

In poze port: Hooded Moon UNISEX Black (masura XL), cizme si cercei Zara. Iar tinuta in miscare:


EN: With the launch of the Hooded Moon collection, but also for the winter holidays, the Moon by Dana Rogoz Trailer will be back in AFI Cotroceni. A lot of people have asked me in the past few months: “Does the Moon Trailer still exist?” or “When will the trailer be back in AFI?” and now I can finally give an answer to that: November 23rd- December 23rd, Pop Up Store Moon by Dana Rogoz will be there, with all its products.

It’s not that they’re mine, but I just love the Moon hoodies. Vlad really enjoys when all 3 of us wear the hoodies at the same time, with the hear cover: “I am wearing the heart to show you how much I love you. You, mum, have to wear the heart to show me and dad how much you love us. You, dad, have to wear the heart to show me and mum how much you love us”. And since I mentioned the detachable covers for hoodies and t-shirts, you should know that, together with the opening of the Moon Trailer in AFI Cotroceni, I will also launch a mini-collection of detachable covers with winter motifs, perfect for the holiday season.

About the size of the hoodies, because I received questions form you about that, I took a set of pictures for the online shop, in which I am wearing each hoodie model in every UNISEX size available: XS, S, M, L, XL. For instance, above you can see the black one.

I hope you are inspired by the way in which I have chosen to wear the Hooded Moon Black UNISEX, size XL, in the photo shoot above, with over the knee boots and accessories from the ’80s. I felt really great, especially after Radu paid me a compliment (and, honestly, he’s not the type to praise the outfits I wear every day…).  

In the pictures I am wearing: Hooded Moon UNISEX Black (size XL), Zara boots and earrings. And above the outfit on the move.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 16.11.2017Reply

    Perfect boots <3

  • Oana/ 17.11.2017Reply

    Rujul e superb; iti vine tare bine!

    • Dana/ 17.11.2017Reply

      Multa lume mi l-a lăudat si problema e ca nu mai stiu exact cu ce m-am dat…. trebuie să fac niște probe 🙂

  • Luiza F/ 17.11.2017Reply

    Rujul tau e bestiaaaaaaal!!

  • Sorina/ 18.11.2017Reply

    Super veste?!

  • Echipament Dezinsectie/ 19.11.2017Reply

    Imi place la nebunie moda asta oversized! Cred ca voi incerca si eu un hanorac XL 😀

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