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Cea mai Lunatica Petrecere: 4 ani Moon

Cea mai Lunatica Petrecere: 4 ani Moon

Cu ocazia implinirii a 4 ani de Moon by Dana Rogoz, am facut cea mai Lunatica petrecere de departe! Lucrurile au luat-o complet razvna, de am ajuns la 1 noaptea sa cantam si sa dansam pe N&D, Spice Girls sau 3 Sud Est. Iata cum s-a desfasurat Pijama Party Moon 4.


EN: For Moon by Dana Rogoz’s 4th anniversary, I held the most Lunatic party ever! Things got completely crazy when at 1 am we were singing and dancing to N& D, Spice Girls or 3 Sud Est. Here’s what happened at the 4th Moon Pajama Party.

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Nu, nu am ras de dragul pozelor, ci am ras cu lacrimi de bucurie, caci atmosfera a fost extraordinara! Vezi, uneori pregatesti o petrece luni de zile si cand in sfarsit invitatii au ajuns, lucrurile parca nu se leaga. Ori Moon e sub o stea norocoasa! Caci de fiecare data majoritatea invitatilor sunt oameni care nu se cunosc intre ei, alesi random dintre cei care isi doresc sa participe si se inscriu in concursul de dinaintea intalnirii, si totusi ajung sa se simta mai placut, mai confortabil, mai in elementul lor decat ar fi sperat vreodata intr-un asmenea context.

Mai intai am avut cea mai tare locatie de petrecere de pe Pamant: Moon Studio. Jur ca locul asta e facut pentru astfel de ocazii! Primitor, vesel, suficient de incapator, dar nici prea mare, cat sa isi piarda intimitatea… ce mai, e perfect! Si cum e la mine acasa, chiar la primul nivel al casei mele, m-am gandit ca 4 ani de Moon sa ii sarbatorim printr-o petrecere in pijama. Cred ca faptul ca am fost cu totii in pijama a relaxat si mai mult atmosfera. Astfel, de la momentul prezentarilor deja, situatia a luat-o razvna – in sesnul bun, desigur – caci fiecare a inceput sa povesteasca cele mai inedite, amuzante, uneori emotionante lucruri despre el. Iar asta ne-a unit, ca grup, si ne-a facut sa petrecem pe cinste in continuare.

Am avut sangria si mancare buna de tot de la Finca Alioli, dar si junk food specific petrecerilor in pijamale, adica popcorn, chipsuri sau alune. Ca sa imi rasfat invitatele, am chemat in ajutor echipa Melkior, care s-a ocupat de manichiura lor. Iar celor care aveau nevoie de un bonus de realxare, pe fotoliul din Moon Studio, un maseur profesionist le facea un masaj grozav in zona capului.

Pregatisem si jocuri  de societate, ca la un pijama party adevarat, doar ca atunci cand ne-am pornit pe dans, nu ne-a mai oprit nimeni pana dimineata. Si am scos la bataie melodii vechi si funny, pe care le cantam la vremea in care astfel de petreceri erau constante in vietile noastre. Pentru ca mai toate invitatele mele – repet, alese random – sunt femei mature, independente financiar, cu joburi in multinationale, dar si cu hobbyuri in curs de dezvoltare, mame, sotii… adica femei active, nu copilite, pentru care petrecerile in pijama sunt mai mult istorie. Asa ca am petrecut ca pe vremuri, dansand pe N&D, Akcent, Simplu, Spice Girls, Vama Veche, Holograf, 3 Sud Est, Vank etc, iar supriza a fost ca inca mai stiam perfect versurile!

Iar in frumusetea de tort de la Grace Couture Cakes am suflat cu totii. Pentru ca Moon by Dana Rogoz nu e doar al meu, e al tuturor celor care il apreciaza, al celor care au o geanta, un tricou, un parfum, o lumanare Moon. Iar Moon Studio este noul pas in aceasta poveste frumoasa. Va voi povesti in postarea viitoare care sunt designerii de obiect pe care o sa ii gasiti de acum inainte in Moon Studio, ale caror produse le-ati putut vedea deja in pozele de mai sus. Dar trebuie sa intram in detalii…

Asadar, acesta e primul set de fotografii de la cea mai lunatica petrecere Moon, realizate de echipa

Va urma….

EN: No, the smiles are not just for the camera, they were actual tears of joy, because the atmosphere was great! You see, sometimes you plan a party months in advance and when the guests finally arrive, things don’t seem to work out. Well Moon is under a lucky star! Because every time most of the guests don’t know each other, chosen randomly from those who want to attend and sign up for the contest before the meeting, and still they get to feel more pleasantly, more comfortable, more like themselves than they had ever hoped for under such circumstances.

First of all we had the best party location on Earth: Moon Studio. I swear this place is made for such occasions! Welcoming, cheerful, big enough, but not too big to lose its intimacy…perfect! And since it’s in my house, on the first floor, I thought we would celebrate the 4 years of Moon through a pajama party. I think the fact that everyone was in their pjs has relaxed the atmosphere even more. So, at the time of the introductions, things had already gotten crazy- in a good way, of course- because everyone started telling the most unique, funny, sometimes touching things about themselves. And this united us, as a group, and made us party hard for the rest of the night.  

We had sangria and really good food from Finca Alioli, but also pajama party specific junk food, like popcorn, chips or nuts. To pamper my guests, I asked the Melkior team for help, who took care of their manicure. And for those who needed a relaxation bonus, on the armchair in Moon Studio, a professional masseur was giving them exceptional head massages.

I had also prepared board games, just like for a real pajama party, but once we started to dance, no one could stop us until the morning. And we took out old and funny songs, which we would sing along to in times when such parties were constant in our lives. Because all my guests- I repeat, chosen randomly- are mature, financially independent women with jobs in multinational companies, but also with developing hobbies, mothers, wives… so active women, not little girls, for whom pajama parties are mostly history. So we partied like in the old days, dancing to N&D, Akcent, Simplu, Spice Girls, Vama Veche, Holograf, 3 Sud Est, Vank etc, and the surprise was that we still knew the lyrics by heart!

And we all blew out the candle on the beautiful cake by Grace Couture Cakes. Because Moon by Dana Rogoz isn’t just mine, it belongs to all those who appreciate it, to those who own a Moon bag, a t-shirt, a perfume, a candle. And Moon Studio is the new step in this beautiful story. In the future post I will tell you about the object designers who you will find from now on in Moon Studio, whose products you could already see in the pictures above. But we have to go into details…

So, this is the first set of pictures from the most lunatic Moon party, taken by the team from

To be continued….

  • Teodora/ 20.02.2017Reply

    Oh my God! Buna dispozitie chiar razbate din poze si este evident cat de bine v-ati distrat. Abia astept sa vad si urmatoarele poze.
    P.S. Faza cu masajul la cap e o idee senzatie si acum vreaaaaaaauuuu si euuuuuuuuu 🙂

  • dyda/ 20.02.2017Reply

    foarte frumoase pozele! felicitari! si ma bucur mult sa regasesc carticica “my quiet book”! e super draguta!
    la multi ani Moon

  • Roxy/ 20.02.2017Reply

    De când le așteptăm. Se citeste veselia de pe chipul vostru,mi-aș fi dorit din suflet sa fiu și eu???

  • carmen/ 20.02.2017Reply

    eu am venit after party pentru a ridica o comanda Moon si inca se vedeau efectele after party ului… chiar mi am facut asa o imagine de ansamblu privind jocurile ramase obiectele decorative si am zambit in sinea mea:: wow ce s au distrat fetele!! happyy happyy joy:)

    • Dana/ 20.02.2017Reply

      Deci ai văzut o parte din desfrâu :)))

  • Mirela/ 20.02.2017Reply

    Superbe pozele, super petrecere. Multumesc Dana, ai fost o gazda minunata, totul a fost exceptional. Mai vreau!!!!! Sper sa aiba si alte doamne norocul sa te intalneasca. Pupici de la Rares pentru Vladut

  • Aida/ 21.02.2017Reply

    Minunat Danuca.Voie buna si distractie pe cinste.Sunteti minunati!
    Dar Vladut??A ratat el asa petrecere?Parca nu imi vine sa cred?.

  • Ioana/ 21.02.2017Reply

    Deja mi s-a facut atat de dor….vai cat de frumos a fost! Multumesc inca o data, Danutza pentru experienta! Puuuuup

  • Descude/ 21.02.2017Reply

    Ce atmosfera placuta trebuie sa fi fost 🙂
    Dar cu tine acolo, e lesne de inteles ca toata lumea e in largul sau!
    Te pup

  • Anca B/ 21.02.2017Reply

    Multumesc Dana pentru invitatie si pentru seara frumoasa……n-am mai ras asa cu pofta de ceva vreme.

  • Maria Popescu/ 21.02.2017Reply

    V-am urmarit live pe facebook. Felicitari, Dana Rogoz! Mult succes pe mai departe in tot ce iti propui. 😉

  • ELA/ 21.02.2017Reply

    Cine a vazut live-ul,a “simtit” atmosfera de acolo!!Pozele sunt dooar confirmarea!!Se vede relaxarea tuturor!!!!
    Felicitari pt super-petrecere!

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