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Cu telefonul (3)

Cu telefonul (3)

Stiti deja aceasta rubrica a blogului: poze “furate” cu telefonul, cand nu ai la indemana aparatul foto sa surprinzi momentul. Am decis ca e musai sa va arat cateva pozitii in care a dormit Vlad azi.


EN: You already know this section of the blog: photos taken with the phone, when you don’t have the camera on hand to capture the moment. I have decided I simply must show you the positions Vlad has slept in today.


Asta e o poza de dimineata, dormind bustean in patul din camera lui. Ieri am avut musafiri si a fost extrem de agitat, a adormit abia pe la 11:30 noaptea, dupa ce i-am citit dintr-o carte (a fost un mare succes adormitul de aseara, m-am culcat satisfacuta). Doar ca de dimineata, a stabilit un record in viata lui: s-a trezit la 10:30!!! Nu s-a mai intamplat niciodata. El ne da trezirea undeva intervalul 6 – 8 in mod normal. Dar azi eu eram deja la repetitii la teatru si Radu imi trimitea pe whatsapp poze cu el dormind linistit.


Poate ca ati vazut deja poza pe Facebook cu Vlad dormind intr-un lighean de la Ikea. Nu a dormit toata ziua, iar pe la 6 seara ne-am hotarat sa mergem spre Ikea sa mai luam una-alta pentru casa. Pe drum, in masina, a adormit. Ii place sa doarma in masina. Dar de obicei somnul de masina nu tine mult. Asa ca l-am luat in brate, am intrat cu el in magazin si am cautat repede un loc, ceva, in care sa il pot aseza sa mai doarma un pic. In mintea mea mai era vorba doar de un “rest” de somn. Asa ca a trebuit sa improvizez si, cat timp Radu il tinea in brate, i-am facut un patut dintr-un lighean umplut cu perne. Ca sa nu aiba de unde cadea, l-am asezat langa masa noastra, in speranta ca se va trezi curand si ne va insoti la masa si apoi la cumparaturi treaz. Da’ de unde! Am terminat masa si el inca dormea bustean. Asa ca…


“Patul” – lighean a devenit “tarc mobil”. Nu s-a trezit la transfer si nici macar cat timp am facut cumparaturile. A deschis la un moment dat ochii si imediat a decis ca mai bine isi prelungeste somnul. Asa ca am facut si cumparaturi!

IMG-20160615-WA0034 IMG-20160615-WA0036

Ati vazut? INAINTE si DUPA cumparaturi. Vlad e neintors! Avem mare noroc ca doarme oriunde, fara nici o problema. Cred ca si pentru ca l-am invatat asa de mic, de cand l-am luat cu noi in toate calatoriile. Pe Facebook scria cineva ca Vlad doarme mult! E o falsa impresie. Adica doarme normal de mult. Doar ca in restul timpului e atat de agitat, incat devine complicat sa ii mai faci vreo poza (mai ales cu telefonul) care sa nu fie miscata. De aceea mai des postez poze cu el dormind. Caci doar atunci sta linistit!! Doarme o singura data pe zi acum, de obicei in jurul orei 2. De aceea s-a nimerit ca o data cand am fost invitata la “Vorbeste Lumea”, sa intru in live cu el in brate dormind. S-a trezit in mijlocul emisiunii cu vreo 5 camere in fata, lume multa, lumini si nici nu a scancit. Cred ca e un copil echilibrat.

Pot doar sa va spun ca acum e fully charged. Si dat fiind faptul ca programul de somn de azi a fost atipic, mi-e ca vom adormi…greu!

P.S. Nu e unul dintre cele mai misto lucruri de pe lume sa il privesti cum doarme?

EN: This is a photo from this morning, sleeping like a log in the bed from his room. Yesterday we had guests over and he was very agitated, he only fell asleep at 11:30 pm, after reading to him from a book (falling asleep was a big success, I went to bed very satisfied). Only this morning he set a record in his life: he woke up at 10:30!!! This has never happened before. He normally wakes us between 6 and 8 am. But today I was already in rehearsals and Radu was sending me pictures on WhatsApp of him sleeping peacefully.

Maybe you have already seen the photo of Vlad sleeping in a laundry basket from Ikea, on Facebook. He didn’t sleep all day, and at about 6 pm we decided to go to Ikea to do some shopping for the house. On the way, in the car, he fell asleep. He likes to sleep in the car. But usually the car sleep doesn’t last long. So we carried him in and I searched quickly for a spot he could sleep in. I was only thinking about a little “left-over” sleep. So I had to improvise and, while Radu was holding him, I made a bed for him from a laundry basket filled with pillows. So he couldn’t fall out, we placed it right by our table, hoping he’ll wake up and join us for dinner and then we can all go shopping. Well, that never happened! We finished eating and he was still sleeping like a log. So…

“The bed” – laundry basket became a “mobile carry cot”. He didn’t wake up during transfer, not even while we did our shopping. He opened his eyes for a quick moment but immediately decided it’s better he falls back to sleep again. So we also did our shopping! 

Did you see? BEFORE and AFTER shopping. Vlad is in the same position! We are very lucky that he sleeps everywhere, without any problem. I think it’s also due to the fact that that’s what he was used to, since he was little, since we took him with us on every trip. On Facebook someone wrote that Vlad sleeps a lot! It’s a false impression.  He sleeps normally. The rest of the time he is so agitated, that it becomes tricky to take a picture of him (especially with the phone) that is clear. That’s why I post photos of him sleeping more often. It’s the only time he sits quiet!! He sleeps once a day now, usually around 2 pm. That’s why it happened once, while I was invited to “Vorbeste Lumea”, that I went live with him sleeping in my arms. He woke up in the middle of the show with about 5 cameras in front of him, many people, lights and he didn’t even make a sound. I think he is a balanced child.  

I can only say that now he is fully charged. And since his sleep schedule was a bit atypical, I’m afraid we will fall asleep…rather hard!

P.S. Isn’t it one of the coolest things in the world to watch him sleep?

  • Georgeta Dinca/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Foarte tare???

  • Berta/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Foarte tare improvizatia!!! Pe copil e bine sa il lasi sa doarma atunci cand ii cere organismul indiferent unde esti cu el…asa patim si noi cu Rares care are 1 an si 7 luni…si tot un somn pe zi avem

  • Andreea/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Adorabil, iar tu ești o mămică tare cool??. Sunteți o familie tare frumoasa și reușită.

  • Ada/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Dana, ce parere ai despre asa zisul “sleep training” care se face prin diferite metode imblanzite ale “Cry It Out” bebelusilor de pana la 18 luni? A fost nevoie sa il inveti sa doarma pe Vlad (fara ajutorul props-urilor de gennul suzeta, san, sticla, muzicute etc). Multumesc frumos!

  • Mihaela/ 15.06.2016Reply

    E adorabil …poti sami spui cum se numeste sticluta lui de lapte/apa baietelul meu rupe tetinele si nu gasesc ceva care sai placa multumesc anticipat !!

  • Andreea Alexandra/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Ce tare…esti o mamica norocoasa, iar Vlad e un adorabil, un frumos, ca voi de altfel. Filip al meu are 1 an, daca nu doarme acasa, oricat de obosit ar fi nu mai adoarne afara. Plus ca daca aude un zgomot se trezeste imediat ? va pup pe amandoi…

  • Alexandra/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Hahaha imi aduce aminte de fimiu 🙂 Doarme unde il pui eu ce-i drept nu am indraznit sa il mut in pat mare inca imi e frica ca o sa doarma pe jos :)) In schimb cu somnul doarme toata noapte pana pe la 9-10 mai doarme si vreo 3-4 ore dupa amiaza dar in schimb cand e treaz nu sta locului o secunda 😀

  • Sorina/ 15.06.2016Reply

    Da scumpicul de el ?!!! Adorabil?! Intr-una din poze seamana cu o fetita !? Bizzz

  • Bibiana/ 16.06.2016Reply

    Ce dragalas e, al meu are 5 ani si inca ii fac poze cand doarme mai mereu,ma incaraca de iubire cand il privesc dormind )

  • Dei/ 16.06.2016Reply

    Foto cu cateii dragalasi…??? 😀

  • Izabela/ 16.06.2016Reply


  • Teodora/ 16.06.2016Reply

    Faza cu ligheanul este geniala! Te admir ca esti atat de relaxata in ceea ce il priveste pe Vlad, sau cel putin asa lasi impresia 🙂 Oricum mult mai relaxata decat toate mamele pe care le cunosc eu 😀

  • Iulia's Corner/ 18.06.2016Reply

    Ador rubrica ‘Cu telefonul’! Si Vlad este un dulce in aceste poze “adormite” 🙂

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