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Ea e Anastasia. El e Anu

Pentru ca pe vremea de afara numai de sedinte foto “fashion” nu imi arde, m-am gandit sa fac o selectie cu pozele de la munte, din cele cateva nopti petrecute cu ocazia Revelionului in localitatea Lazarea, aproape de Lacul Rosu. O sa o cunoasteti mai bine si pe Anastasia Maria, finuta noastra cea mica (caci mai avem o finuta, pe Alexandra, doar ca e deja la scoala!), cea care s-a indragostit iremediabil de Vlad in aceasta escapada.


EN: Because on this weather, the last thing I feel like are “fashion” photo shoots, I thought I would make a selection of pictures from the mountain side, from our few days we spend for New Year’s in Lazarea, near Lacul Rosu. You will also get to know better Anastasia Maria, our little goddaughter (we have another one, Alexandra, but she’s already in school!), who fell in love head over heels with Vlad during this escapade.

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Cu telefonul (3)

Stiti deja aceasta rubrica a blogului: poze “furate” cu telefonul, cand nu ai la indemana aparatul foto sa surprinzi momentul. Am decis ca e musai sa va arat cateva pozitii in care a dormit Vlad azi.


EN: You already know this section of the blog: photos taken with the phone, when you don’t have the camera on hand to capture the moment. I have decided I simply must show you the positions Vlad has slept in today.

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Cu Telefonul (2): Tata si fiul

Stiati ca azi e Ziua Tatalui? Cica din 201o se sarbatoreste in mod oficial aceasta zi in a doua duminica din luna mai. Eu abia anul trecut am aflat de aceasta sarbatoare, si deja era prea tarziu sa ii mai urez tatalui meu “La Multi Ani” si sa-i spun ce simt pentru el. In schimb, azi Radu e sarbatoritul, un tatic tare mandru de baietii lui.


EN: Did you know it’s Father’s Day today? Apparently since 2010 it’s officially celebrated in the second Sunday in May. I only found about this celebration last year, and it was already too late to wish my father “Happy Anniversary” and tell him how I feel about him. On the other hand, today, Radu is being celebrated, a daddy who is very proud of his boys. Read More