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Poza de Desktop

Poza de Desktop

Hai ca mi-am gasit poza de desktop! Acestea sunt primele imagini din Sicilia, care surprind unul dintre putinele momente de liniste deplina din vacanta noastra. Mi-am pus costumul de baie, mi-am luat o carte buna si am facut plaja unde nu era nicio plaja, ci o livada de maslini, leandrii si dealuri domoale.


EN: Looks like I found my desktop photo! These are the first images from Sicily, which capture one of the few moments of complete tranquility in our vacation. I put on my bathing suit, grabbed a good book and sat in the sun where there was no beach, but an olive tree orchard, oleanders and soft hills.

Calatoriile noastre sunt destul de agitate, v-ati lamurit deja. In plus, eu nu sunt genul de persoana careia sa ii placa sa stea tolanita la plaja pana o ia somnul. Iar de cand cu Vlad, “statul” la plaja a devenit oricum un nonsens, caci numai “stat” nu se poate numi alergarea dupa el pe plaja, in apa, pe plaja, in apa… Dar undeva in mijlocul Siciliei, langa Mazzarino, ne-am cazat la o ferma de unde aveam aceasta priveliste absolut superba si am simtit ca timpul curge mai lent. Si in sfarsit mi-a priit sa stau singura la plaja, citind o carte buna, de pe la 6 seara pana la apus. O sa vedeti aceasta locatie intr-un episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume”. M-as teleporta acum acolo!

Va povesteam pe blog inainte de a pleca in vacanta ca anul acesta am realizat cat de sexy pot fi costumele de baie intregi. Cu o camasa larga deschisa si o pereche de espradile in picioare ma simteam de-a locului, ca si cand intreaga ferma era a familiei noastre, mostenire de cateva generatii, iar eu ma plimbam admirand florile leandrilor si degustand un vin bun  – productie proprie, desigur, din via ce inconjura domeniul. Vise! Trezeste-te, Dana, trezeste-te!

In imagini citeam volumul 3 din Tetralogia Napolitana a Elenei Ferrante. Acum il citesc pe ultimul (sunt fana a acestei serii!) si imi admir bronzul sanatos. Desi am stat mai mult la soare ca in alte dati, nu m-am ars si nu ma cojesc acum. Dar am si folosit mult mai atent decat in alte ocazii produsele de protectie solara. Stiti ca sunt ambasador elmiplant de 3 ani de zile, asa ca tot cu cremele lor am plecat in bagaj. Vlad are o atentie incredibila la detalii, asa ca atunci cand m-a vazut punandu-le in valiza a remarcat ca au alt ambalaj decat cele de anul trecut.

Intr-adevar, toata gama de produse solare a fost relansata, in sensul ca s-au schimbat ambalajele, dar s-a intervenit si la formule. Iar acum, in gama elmiplant SUN, exista si produsele solare Sensitive, care contin acid hialuronic si unt de shea 100% natural si ofera regenerare naturala sub razele soarelui chiar si celor cu piele sensibila. Iar prin tehnologia Aqua Adapt, acestea ajuta la mentinerea nivelului optim de hidratare pe parcursul expunerii la soare. Vedeti in imagine lotiunea SPF 50 din aceasta gama, folosita intens in vacanta asta. La fel ca si lotiunea SOS dupa plaja – tot un produs nou elmiplant – un real ajutor in calmarea arsurilor provocate de expunerea prelungita la soare. Formula cu Aloe vera 100% natural si Panthenol (10%) este imbogatita cu HYDRO NUTRIENT 24H si are o textura usoara, cu absorbtie rapida, asa ca o puteti folosi fara sa va ingrijorati ca va veti pata hainele. Avand la baza tehnologia Optimum Sun, produsele elmiplant SUN ofera 4 nivele de protectie solara: UVB, UVA, VL și IRA, care acopera un spectru larg de radiatii solare responsabile pentru imbatranirea prematura a pielii.

Nu va jucati cu soarele. Toti medicii dermatologi cu care am vorbit mi-au confirmat ca soarele este principala cauza de imbatranire a pielii si ca o expunere prelungita la soare, fara protectie, la ore gresite, poate avea efecte dintre cele mai grave.

Va las mai jos cateva sfaturi pe care le-am primit de la specialistii elmiplant si pe care incerc sa le respect pentru sanatatea mea si a familiei mele:

  • Produsele de protectie solara trebuie folosite toata vara, nu doar la plaja, pentru ca radiatiile patrund prin haine si sunt extrem de nocive petru piele.
  • Înainte de a vă expune la soare, aplicaţi produsele de protecţie solară uniform, din abundenţă (36 gr pentru o persoană adultă). Reducând cantitatea de loţiune aplicată pe piele, diminuaţi semnificativ gradul de protecţie.
  • Reaplicati frecvent pentru a menţine protecţia, în special după înot, transpirare sau după ştergerea cu prosopul.
  • Evitaţi expunerea la soare între orele 11:00 şi 16:00. Expunerea excesivă la soare este periculoasă, chiar dacă folosiţi un produs de protecţie solară.
  • Utilizaţi pentru protecţie suplimentară: pălării, ochelari, chiar şi tricou.
  • Evitaţi expunerea directă la soare a bebeluşilor şi a copiilor mici.


Daca mai aveti intrebari despre produsele elmiplant sau despre ingrijirea tenului pe timp de vara, am “pile” la specialisti in industrie si pot reveni cu raspunsuri care sa va ajute. Iar daca aveti intrebari despre Sicilia si cazarea din imagini, trebuie sa mai aveti putina rabdare, pana pregatesc articolul cu “Jurnalul de calatorie in Sicilia” si pana montez un nou episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume.”

In poze port: costum de baie Solid & Striped , camasa Zara, espadrile Tex.
Acest articol este sponsorizat de elmiplant, dar intreg continutul lui imi apartine. Va multumesc ca sustineti brandurile care sustin acest blog. 
EN: Our travels are pretty hectic, you probably figured that out by now. Also, I am not the kid of person who enjoys laying on a beach until I get sleepy. And ever since we had Vlad, “laying” on the beach is a nonsense, because that’s the last thing we do while running after him on the beach, in the water, on the beach, in the water… But somewhere in the middle of Sicily, near Mazzarino, we checked into a farm from where we had this beautiful view and I felt like time was going by more slowly. And I finally enjoyed sunbathing by myself, reading a good book, from 6 pm until sun dawn.  You’ll see this location in a vlog episode “Brambura around the World”. I would gladly beam myself over there right now!  

Before we left, I told you that this year I realized just how sexy one piece bathing suits can actually be. With a wide shirt and a pair of wedges I felt like I belonged there, like the entire farm was ours, inherited from one generation to the next, and I was walking around admiring the oleander flowers and tasting a good wine- of won production, of course, from the vineyard surrounding the domain. dreams! Wake up, Dana, wake up!

In the pictures I was reading volume 3 from Elena Ferrante’s Tetralogy. Now I am reading the last one (I’m a big fan of the series!) and I am admiring my healthy tan. Even though I was more in the sun than on other occasions, I didn’t get a sunburn and my skin doesn’t peel off. But I was also more attentive while using sun screen products. You know I have been the elmiplant ambassador for 3 years now, so I took theur lotions with me again this time. Vlad has an unbelievable eye for details, so he noticed right away that they have a different packaging than last year.  

That’s right, their entire sun screen products range was relaunched, but they also intervened in the formulas. And now, the SUN elmiplant range also has Sensitive products, which contain hyaluronic acid and 100% natural Shea butter and give natural rejuvenation under direct sunlight even to those with a sensitive skin. And through the  Aqua Adapt technology, these help to maintain the optimal hydration lever during sun exposure. In the pictures above you can see the SPF 50 lotion for this range, used very often during this vacation. Just like the  SOS after sun lotion – also a new products elmiplant – a real help for calming burns caused by prolonged sun exposure. The formula with 100% natural  Aloe Vera and Panthenol (10%) is enriched with HYDRO NUTRIENT 24H and has a light texture, with fast absorbtion, so you can use it without having to worry that you’ll leave stains on your clothes. Based on the Optimum Sun technology, the elmiplant SUN products offer 4 levels of sun protection: UVB, UVA, VL and IRA, which cover a wide spectrum of sun radiations responsible for premature skin ageing.  

The sun is a serious matter. Every dermatologist I have talked to confirmed that it is the main cause for skin ageing and that a prolonged sun exposure, without sun screen, at the wrong hours, can have some of the most serious effects.

I leave you with some advice I received from elmiplant specialists and which I try to respect for the mine and my family’s health:

  • Sun screen products must be used during the entire summer, not just at the beach, because radiations can pass through the clothes and are extremely damaging to the skin.
  • Before sun exposure, apply sun screen products evenly and abundantly (36 gr for an adult person). By reducing the lotion quantity, you significantly diminish the degree protection.
  • Reapply frequently in order to maintain the protection, especially after swimming, sweating or drying with a towel.
  • Avoid sun exposure between 11 am and 4 pm. Excessive sun exposure is dangerous, even if you use a sun screen product.
  • For extra protection use: hats, glasses, even a t-shirt.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure of babies and small children.

If you have any other questions about elmiplant products or about taking care of your skin during summer, I “know people” who are industry specialists and who can you give you answers. And if you have questions about Sicily and the accommodation in the pictures, you need to be a bit patient until I prepare the article about the “Sicily Travel Log” and until I edit a new vlog episode “Brambura through the World”.   

In the pictures I am wearing: Solid & Striped bathing suit, Zara shirt, Tex wedges.
This article is sponsored by elmiplant, but its entire content belongs to me. Thank you for supporting the brands which support this blog.  
  • Sorina/ 30.07.2018Reply

    Superbe imagini din vacanta! Si eu m-as teleporta acolo,ACUM! Trezeste-te Sorina, trezeste-te???!!!
    Amintiri de nepretuit aveti acum! Bagati la bagajul amintirilor ?!

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 30.07.2018Reply

    Dreamy place <3

  • ANTOHI VIOREL DOREL/ 30.07.2018Reply

    Si-o sexy woman from UNIVERS END MY !

  • Roxy/ 30.07.2018Reply

    Doamne!Ce frumos!!Chiar daca proaspeti intorsi din vacanta,tot parca as mai pleca cand vad pozele tale ??.Noi cand mergem in vacanta nu stam deloc,vizitam tot ce putem.Pozele sunt superbe si astept episodul din Brambura prin lume ??

  • Bella/ 31.07.2018Reply

    Superb peisaj, abia aștept vlogul!! ???

  • Ioana Soare/ 31.07.2018Reply

    Dana și natura Siciliei <3 superbe fotografiile, îmi place mult costumul de baie. Și bronzul. Și Elmiplant :))

  • Monica/ 31.07.2018Reply

    Dana, de unde ati luat tenisii lui Vlad pusi pe story pe instagram?

    Arati fabulos!

  • Bookish/ 31.07.2018Reply

    Ahhh cât de mult mi-a plăcut Tetralogia Napolitană! Elena Ferrante a devenit unii din scriitorii mei preferați. Îți recomand și Iubire amară, e la fel de intensă.

  • Agentu Termic/ 08.01.2019Reply

    Costumul de baie e smecher rau. Imi aminteste de fetele de masa din cantine de pe vremea lui Ceausescu.
    In rest nimic de reprosat. Esti bunaciune de bunaciune.

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