Ea e Anastasia. El e Anu
Pentru ca pe vremea de afara numai de sedinte foto “fashion” nu imi arde, m-am gandit sa fac o selectie cu pozele de la munte, din cele cateva nopti petrecute cu ocazia Revelionului in localitatea Lazarea, aproape de Lacul Rosu. O sa o cunoasteti mai bine si pe Anastasia Maria, finuta noastra cea mica (caci mai avem o finuta, pe Alexandra, doar ca e deja la scoala!), cea care s-a indragostit iremediabil de Vlad in aceasta escapada.
EN: Because on this weather, the last thing I feel like are “fashion” photo shoots, I thought I would make a selection of pictures from the mountain side, from our few days we spend for New Year’s in Lazarea, near Lacul Rosu. You will also get to know better Anastasia Maria, our little goddaughter (we have another one, Alexandra, but she’s already in school!), who fell in love head over heels with Vlad during this escapade.
Am inchiriat in ultimul moment casuta pe care ati vazut-o mai sus in imagini si am plecat cu totii inspre Lazarea, jud. Harghita. Am fost in total 10 adulti si 2 copii. Vlad este mai mare decat Anastasia cu an, asa ca pe ea o fascineaza acum absolut orice miscare de-a lui, orice strigat, orice “truc” pe care el e capabil sa il faca si ea inca nu. Erau atat de simpatici! Anastasia ii zice “Anu”, de la “nanu”. In fiecare moment incerca sa se tina dupa el si sa ii imite miscarile. Doar ca ea este fetita – iar acum am inteles si eu ce inseamna asta – iar el e baiat. Ea era delicata, sensibila, zambitoare si senina mereu, pe scurt: cuminte foc. Iar al nostru, cand incerca sa stea in maini, cand alerga si sarea de pe un scaun pe altul in bucatarie, cand cobora in sant, cand urca un deal cu zapada mai mare decat el. Ea dansa pe orice muzica, suita pe un scaunel, avand miscari foarte feminine de sold, manute, cap, iar el incerca un soi de street dance pe covorul din dormitor. Ea manca de toate, continuu, iar de el trebuia sa ne rugam cu totii. Si pentru ca il tot striga si il tot urmarea dintr-o camera in alta, la un moment dat Vlad nu a mai rezistat si a intrebat-o pe mama ei, foarte serios: “De ce se tot tine dupa mine????”. Ce mai, cei doi au fost invariabil in centrul atentiei in cele cateva zile, petrecute in mare parte in jurul mesei cu gulas si papricas, jucand mafia sau chapeau magique, ori in zapada cu sania.
La intoarcea spre Bucuresti, noi 3 ne-am oprit o noapte in plus la Sinaia, un loc in care am tot mers cu Perfectu’ de cand avea doar cateva luni, ultima oara cu ocazia sarbatoririi a 4 ani de la casatorie. Vlad a recunoscut pe loc camera de la Economat si vederea Castelului Peles de la fereastra, camera careia ii spune “casa noastra de la munte”.
Asadar, am petrecut Revelionul si primele zile din an intr-o atmsofera foarte placuta, normala, calda, pe care sunt convinsa ca multi dintre voi o recunoasteti. A fost ca pe vremea studentiei, dar totusi cu copiii de mana… ce trec anii!
La munte am purtat: geaca neagra Bel Air, blugi TeX, bocanci Zara.
EN: On last minute we rented the small house you can see in the pictures above and we all left for Lazarea, Harghita county. We were 10 grown ups and 2 kids in total. Vlad is older than Anastasia by a year, so she is absolutely fascinated with every move he makes, every shout, any “trick” he’s capable of and she isn’t yet. They were so cute! Anastasia calls him “Anu”, from “nanu”. She tries to keep up with him all the time and to imitate his moves. It’s just that she is girl- and now I have understood what that means- and he’s a boy. She was delicate, sensitive, smiling and always serene, to be short: she was really behaving. While ours, he was trying to stand on his hands, running and jumping from chair to the other in the kitchen, climbing up and down the snow hills. She was dancing to every music, climbed on a chair, with feminine hip, hands, head moves and he was trying out some sort of street dance on the bedroom carpet. She would anything, all the time, while all of us had to beg him to eat something. And because she kept calling him and following him around from one room to the other, at one point Vlad couldn’t take it anymore and asked her mother, very seriously: “Why does she keep following me????”. Of course they were the center of attention during those couple of days, spent mostly around the goulash and paprika table, playing mafia or chapeau magique, or in the snow with the sleigh.
On our way back to Bucharest, the 3 of us stopped for one more night in Sinaia, in place where we have taking Vlad ever since he was a few months old, last time for the celebration of 4 years of marriage. Vlad recognized the room at Economat right away and the view of the Peles Castle from our window, room which he calls “or house from the mountain”.
So, we spent New Year’s and the first days of the year in a very pleasant, normal, warm atmosphere, which I am sure many of you recognize. It was like in our university years, but with our kids…how the years go by!
I have worn: Bel Air black jacket, TeX jeans, Zara boots.
sorina/ 12.01.2017
Ce frumos! Ma bucur ca v ati bucurat de zapada si ca ati petrecut frumos si in gasca de Rev :)!
Sunteti frumosi cu totii :)!Bizzzz
idareyoutobefashion/ 12.01.2017
ce dragut este Vadut! iti seamana.
Teodora/ 13.01.2017
Le sta bine impreuna =))) Pai cum sa nu il urmareasca fata la cat de adorabil arata?
Elena/ 13.01.2017
De unde ai achiziționat geaca?
Este foarte frumoasa!
Ela/ 13.01.2017
Frumosi copii si o atmosfera de liniste. Un inceput de an bun!
In schimb, pozele mi se par prea prelucrate, culorile usor posomorate. Mai multa lumina, ca zambete sunt deja peste tot!
Roxy/ 13.01.2017
Minunat!Iubesc poza cu voi trei pe acel tun ?.O familie minunata!!
Oana-Maria/ 13.01.2017
Sunt foarte dulci :)!
Angela/ 13.01.2017
E tare dragut Perfectul vostru imi aminteste tare mult de fetita mea, ea e la fel ça el o zbantuita si jumate, curioasa si vezela.Sa va fie sanatos si fericit ! Frumoase poze
Lory/ 13.01.2017
Mă interesa caciulita lui Vlad, acum iarna asta decand are 3 ani nu am mai găsit mărimea lui așa tip :-). Apropo foarte frumoși! La mulți ani!
Otrava Sobolani/ 14.01.2017
Adorabili impreuna! Parca dragalasenia se inmulteste, nu se aduna 😀