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Trei idei trendy

Trei idei trendy

Stiu prea bine ca inca este vara, insa va spuneam acum cateva zile ca mi s-a cam facut pofta de toamna. Si cum deja magazinele sunt pline de pulovere, geci si blugi, m-am gandit ca totusi nu e prea devreme sa incepi pregatirile pentru sezonul rece, chiar daca asta inseamna ca iti comanzi un trench de pe sezlong, in timp ce stai linistita la plaja. In fond, daca iti cumperi lucruri de toamna nu inseamna ca nu te poti bucura din plin de vara, nu?


EN: I know all too well it’s still summer, but a few days ago I was saying that I am already in the mood for fall. And since the stores are already full of sweaters, jackets and jeans, I thought it’s not too early to start preparing for the cold season, even if that means ordering a trench coat while lying in the sun. If you’re buying stuff for autumn, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy summer, right?

Am cautat cateva poze interesante pe Pinterest pentru a ma inspira pentru acest articol. Am cautat in primul rand suprapuneri pentru ca este unul dintre cele mai reprezentative trenduri ale acestui an. Inspirata puternic din anii ’90, moda te lasa in acest sezon sa fii exact cea care erai in liceu (minus acnee si trupe rock dubioase!). Si nu stiu despre voi, insa fusta/rochia peste pantaloni a fost uniforma neoficiala a clasei a Xa, asa ca m-am bucurat foarte mult sa vad acest trend renascut. Desigur este mult mai sexy si mult mai cool decat indrazneam sa ma gandesc cand aveam 16 ani, insa tare potrivit acum.

Sursa foto aici.

De ce piese ai nevoie si ce piese ai deja: Tricou alb si blugi prespalati in mod sigur ai deja in garderoba, in multiple exemplare chiar, sunt convinsa! Ai nevoie insa de un slip dress si de o pereche de botine tip soseta. Eu as adauga si un choker in mix, pentru ca spune despre tine ca esti un copil al anilor ’90 mai mult decat un tricou cu Beverly Hills.

Unde te imbraci asa: La o intalnire cu iubitul tau sau la o cina cu cele mai bune prietene. Este o tinuta comoda dar stylish si o poti purta intr-o multime de ocazii informale, de la un film pana la un cocktail lejer la o terasa.


Rochie slip H&M, botine, geanta, tricou Zara, lant cu matanii Nasty Gal.

Denim+ denim + denim = LOVE! In fiecare an denim-ul gaseste o formula de a se reinventa. Parca de 6-7 ani aud de combinatia denim+ denim in toate modurile posibile si mereu pare, ce-i drept, fresh. Anul acesta blugii peticiti sau cu diverse aplicatii de broderie sau insigne abia asteapta sa le dai o sansa. Adauga si un bomber din denim sau o geaca supra-dimesnionata din acelasi material si esti gata! Ca sa nu arate prea banal sau demodat, trebuie sa exagerezi look-ul cu multe suprapuneri si elemente care sa il aduca in 2016. Nu te feri sa adaugi cat mai multe piese, toata ideea acestui tip de tinuta este sa fie cat mai wow.

Sursa foto aici.

De ce piese ai nevoie si ce piese ai deja: Tenisi albi ai, sunt convinsa, insa poti adauga si o pereche de sandale cu toc si barete subtiri pentru o nota ceva mai sexy care sa balanseze piesele mai largute sau o pereche de botine western care sa adauge la acest factor wow despre care vorbeam. Ai nevoie de o jacheta supra-dimensionata din denim (poate o ai deja in dulap, un vintage din anii ’80) si de o pereche de blugi cu imprimeu sau aplicatii. Mai ai nevoie de o geanta micuta statement- poate o ai, insa daca nu ai apucat sa o gasesti inca, acesta este un sezon bun sa iesi la vanatoare. Nu ocoli magazinele vintage, sunt o sursa inepuizabila pentru astfel de comori!

Unde te imbraci asa: Intr-o zi cand ai o multime de drumuri de facut si vrei sa te simti cat mai lejera, dar totusi fashionable. Daca ziua incepe cu un brunch intr-un loc nou deschis in oras, cu atat mai bine!


Jacheta Valentino, camasa H&M, fusta si geanta Zara, botine Jeffrey Campbell, aplicatii Nasty Gal.

Papucii au dominat conversatia despre pantofi inca din primavara. Aproape toate brandurile ti-i propun ca una dintre cele mai stylish optiuni de incaltaminte si adevarul este ca, urmarind modelul celor de la Gucci (in imaginea de mai jos) sunt intr-adevar foarte simpatici. Fie ca alegi o pereche cu insertii de blana (reala sau fake) sau alte optiuni mai cuminti, papucii iti vor deveni cei mai buni prieteni in cam 2-3 zile. Sunt incredibil de usor de purtat, arata cool si ii poti asorta la orice tinuta: chiar si o rochie finuta si eleganta din matase va arata chic cu ei! Adauga un tonus nou oricarei tinute care ar putea parea banala. Si ce exemplu mai bun decat imaginea de mai jos? Tricoul, pantalonii si trench-ul sunt una dintre uniformele oricarei femei care se indreapta spre birou, insa o data adaugati papucii, tinuta devine cool!

Sursa foto aici.

De ce piese ai nevoie si ce piese ai deja: Ai nevoie doar de papuci! Pentru ca reusesc sa scoata din anonimat un tricou cu blugi sau sa reinvigoreze o rochie eleganta, am considerat ca ii poti asorta cu (aproape) orice! Si scoate geanta supra-dimensionata din dulap, pentru ca in aceasta toamna gentile micute, de umar, pot sa ia o pauza din cand in cand. In sfarsit vei avea loc in geanta!

Unde te imbraci asa: O sa para ca ma repet, dar ORIUNDE! Stiu, vorbesc ca o fana entuziasmata dar adevarul este ca, o data ce depasesti bariera auto-impusa ca arata ca niste papuci de casa, vei descoperi ca sunt uimitori de versatili. Asa ca indrazneste, sunt gata sa fie purtati peste tot!


Camasa H&M, blugi Madewell, ceas Larsson& Jennings, saboti Zara, papuci cu broderie River Island, papuci  Sanayi313, papuci H&M.

EN: I have looked for some interesting pictures on Pinterest to find inspiration for this article. First I looked for layers, because it’s one of the most representative trends of the year. Strongly inspired by the ’90s, fashion this season allows you to be exactly how you were in high school (without acne and weird rock bands!). I don’t know about you, but the skirt/dress over the pants was the unofficial uniform of tenth grade, so I was very happy to see this trend brought back to life. Surely it’s much more sexy and cool than I dared to think of when I was 16, but it’s very appropriate now.  

Photo 1

What items do you need and what do you already have: White t-shirt and prewashed jeans are surely already in your wardrobe, more than one of each, I’m sure! You do need a slip dress and a pair of sock like boots. I would also add a choker in the mix, because it says about you that you are a child of the ’90s, more than Beverly Hills t-shirt would.

Where do you dress like this: On a date with your boyfriend or a dinner with your best friends. It’s a stylish yet comfortable outfit and you can wear it on numerous informal occasions, from a movie to a cocktail on a terrace.

Photo 2

Denim+ denim + denim = LOVE! Each year denim finds a new way of reinventing itself. It’s been 6-7 years since I keep hearing about the combination denim+ denim in every possible way and it always looks fresh. This year, jeans with patches or embroideries or badges can hardly wait for you to give them a chance. Throw in a denim bomber or an oversized jacket from the same fabric and you’re ready to go!  So that it doesn’t look too dull or old fashioned, you have to exaggerate the look with many layers and elements to bring it to 2016. Don’t be shy about adding many items, the hole idea of this kind of outfit is to be as wow as possible.   

What items do you need and what do you already have: You have white sneakers, I’m sure, but you cans also add a pair of high heel and thin straps sandals for a sexier touch, to even out the wider pieces or a pair of Western boots to add this wow factor I was talking about. You need an oversized denim jacket (maybe you already have one in your closet, a vintage from the ’80s) and a pair of jeans with prints or appliques. You also need a small statement bag- maybe you already have one, but if you haven’t found it, it’s a good season to go on the hunt. Don’t skip the vintage shops, they are a source for such treasures!   

Where do you dress like this: On a day with lots do to and many places to go, when you want to feel comfortable, yet fashionable. If the day starts off with a brunch at a new place in town, even better!

Photo 3

Flats have dominated the conversation about shoes since spring. Almost every brand propose them as one of the most stylish option for shoes and the truth is that, following the Gucci model (in photo 3 above), they are really cute. Whether you choose a pair with fur insertions (real or fake) or other more simple options, flats will become your best friends in about 2-3 days.  They are incredibly easy to wear, they look cool and you can match them in every outfit: even a feminine and elegant silk dress will look chic with them! They add a new touch to every outfit that might seem dull. And what better example than the photo above? The t-shirt, the pants and the trench coat are one of the uniforms of every woman on her way to work, but once you add the flats, the outfit is cool!

What items do you need and what do you already have: You only need the flats! Because they manage to take out a t-shirt or jeans out of anonymity or to freshen up an elegant dress, I think you can match them with  (nearly) everything! And take out the oversized bag from the closet, because this fall small shoulder bags can take break every now and then. You’ll finally have enough room in your bag!  

Where do you dress like this: It will look like I’m repeating myself, but ANYWHERE! I know, I sound like an enthusiastic fan, but the truth is that once you get over the fact that they look like slippers, you’ll discover they are astonishingly versatile. So dare, they are ready to be worn everywhere!


  • ELA/ 18.08.2016Reply

    Iubesc combinatia fusta/rochie peste pantaloni(cred ca am mai spus-o)!Ghetele din lurex le am deja ?
    Foarte faine toate sugestiile.

    • Dana/ 18.08.2016Reply

      Ghetele cred ca vor ajunge curand la mine in picioare!

  • Ev/ 18.08.2016Reply

  • Fashionable Streets/ 18.08.2016Reply

    Foarte tari combinatiile, pe prima chiar as pune-o in scena!

  • Denisa/ 18.08.2016Reply

    Sa stii ca si mie mi s-a facut asa putin pofta de toamna, de purtat o esarfa si un trench, dar momentan ma bucur de vara.

  • Georgeta Dinca/ 20.08.2016Reply

    Varianta a treia imi place si e pe stilul meu. Geanta aia zara cu No imi place tare? Ador denimul in general, si am o gramada de camasi, jachete din denim?

  • Roxy/ 21.08.2016Reply

    Foarte interesat materialul,dar voiam sa iti propun sa faci un material cu ce tinute putem purta la teatru.Mereu ne spui cand au loc piesele tale,dar niciodată sau poate nu am fost eu atenta nu am vazut sa faci un material cu tinute adecvate pentru teatru.Mereu cand am mers la teatru/opereta mi-a fost greu sa aleg cu ce ma imbrac.Poate pe viitor faci.Multumesc mult!! ?

  • Miu Miu/ 25.08.2016Reply

    Geanta aia maro am ochit-o si eu, doar ca nu am gasit-o in zara inca.

    E tare faina.

    Te pup.

    • Bianca/ 25.08.2016Reply

      Ieri am cumparat-o de la Baneasa!

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