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V for Vintage, editia #19

V for Vintage, editia #19

Imi aduc aminte ca acum mult timp, cand au inceput sa fie organizate targuri vintage in Bucuresti, era o efervescenta si o dorinta incredibila a publicului de a gasi lucruri unice, diferite fata de ale oricarui altcuiva. O dorinta de a fi complet altfel fata de restul, o dorinta care la vremea respectiva a fost indeplinita de o selectie unica de piese la astfel de targuri, dintre care V for Vintage era de departe cel mai bine organizat.


EN: I remember that a while ago, when vintage fairs first started to be organized in Bucharest, there was a thrill and an incredible desire of the public to find unique pieces, different than those of anyone else. A desire to be completely different from the rest, a desire which at that time was fulfilled by a unique selection of items from such fairs, among which V for Vintage was by far the best organized.

Ani mai tarziu, apetitul nostru pentru unicitate a ramas fix acelasi, insa s-a schimbat foarte mult ceea ce cautam. De la piese vintage la designeri locali, acum totul este despre ultimul it brand. Pe cine purtam, ce designer cool a mai aparut, care colectie este mai usor de purtat si totusi ne poate scoate din cotidian.

La V for Vintage vor fi prezenti peste 100 de designeri, iar eu va spun sincer ca sunt cativa pe care ii astept cu sufletul la gura ca sa le probez sau sa le descopar noile colectii. Sunt designeri cu care ma intalnesc acolo la aproape fiecare targ si sunt convinsa ca fiecare dintre voi aveti o mica lista de branduri pe care vreti neaparat sa le bifati. Comunitatea pe care targul a reusit sa o stranga in jurul sau este una creativa si exceptionala, insa cel mai interesant lucru este cum acest targ s-a transformat deja intr-o mica traditie personala. Eu nu ma duc pur si simplu acolo, nu. Cu o ora – doua inainte sa ajung, dau mesaj prietenelor si rar se intampla sa nu facem o mica gasca, iar asta banuiesc ca se intampla la fiecare grup de fete. Doua dintre prietenele mele, fane ale unui brand de bijuterii, obisnuiau sa ajunga primele acolo, la ora 11 fix, ca sa poata fi primele care isi aleg piesele, iar o alta amica obisnuia sa isi faca un mic wish list cu o saptamana inainte doar ca sa nu se lase dusa prea mult de nebunia cumparaturilor odata ajunsa acolo. Cred ca fiecare are propria traditie si strategie pentru shoppingul de la V for Vintage!

Ca in fiecare an, pe langa cei 100 de designeri locali, exista un sector dedicat vintage-ului, unde 10 expozanti isi aduc comorile, iar in sectiunea Future Design studentii de la Facultatile de Arta din Bucuresti, Cluj sau Timisoara isi expun colectiile dedicate si instalatiile- ocazia perfecta pentru a descoperi noi talente.

Eu vin cu Moon by Dana Rogoz si … SURPRIZA… lansez un nou produs, care este perfect! Azi a ajuns la mine in Studio, si sunt in culmea fericirii. Sper sa fiti si voi încântați de el, iar primul loc în care îl veți putea atinge si cumpara este chiar târgul V for Vintage.

Puteti afla lista tuturor participantilor si o multime de alte detalii aici:

V for Vintage are loc pe 11 – 12 noiembrie 2017 la Grand Hotel du Boulevard | B-dul Regina Elisabeta nr. 5.

In poze port o tinuta ATU Body Couture. Photo by Vlad Anghel, Styling by Cătălin Valean, Hair by Javier Vergara, Make up by Ana Cucuta.

EN: Years later, our appetite for uniqueness is just the same, but what we are looking for has changed significantly. From vintage pieces by local designers, now it’s all about the latest “it” brand. Who are we wearing, which collection is easier to wear and can still take us out of the colloquial.

At V for Vintage there will be over 100 designers present, and I honestly have to say that there are a few I am really looking forward to, so I can try them on or discover their new collections. There are designers which I meet there at almost every fair and I am sure that each of you have a short list of brands which you really want to check out. The community which the fair has managed to gather is a creative and exceptional one, but the most interesting thing is how this fair has already turned into small personal tradition.  I don’t just go there, no. One or two hours before I arrive, I text my friends and we almost always gather a small gang, and I guess that happens in every group of friends. Two of my friends, fans of a jewelry brand, used to get there first, at 11 m sharp, so they can be the first to choose their favorite pieces, and another friend of mine used to put together a short wish list a week prior, just so she doesn’t let herself get too carried away in the shopping craze once she got there.  I think everyone has her/ his own tradition and strategy for the V for Vintage shopping spree!

Just like every year, besides the 100 local designers, there is a sector dedicated to vintage, where 10 designers can display their treasures, and in the section Future Design section students from the Art University Bucharest, Cluj or Timisoara can display their dedicated collections- the perfect occasion in order to discover new talents.  

I will be there with Moon by Dana Rogoz and … SURPRISE… I am launching a new product, which is perfect! Today it arrived in my Studio, and I couldn’t be more excited. I hope you’ll be just as thrilled with it, and the first place where you’ll be able to touch and buy it is right at the V for Vintage fair.

You can find out about the list of all participants and many other details from:

V for Vintage will take place between the 11th and 12th of November 2017 at Grand Hotel du Boulevard | B-dul Regina Elisabeta nr. 5.

In the pictures I am wearing and outfit by ATU Body Couture. Photo by Vlad Anghel, Styling by Cătălin Valean, Hair by Javier Vergara, Make up by Ana Cucuta.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 02.11.2017Reply


  • Amy/ 02.11.2017Reply

    Nu mi-as fi imaginat vreodata ca ai putea face poze, imbracata asa, tot pe un background rosu. Arata foarte bine, pozele sunt minunate. Pantalonii nu-s exact pe gustul meu, dar per total, imi place cum iti vine aceasta tinuta. De fapt, daca stau si ma intreb, ce tinuta nu-ti vine tie bine? 😀

  • Gabriela/ 03.11.2017Reply


  • DianaF./ 03.11.2017Reply

    Wow, nu prea am timp sa ma “delectez” cu minunile postate de tine, insa cand o fac…e sarbatoare. Minunata tinuta, cu tot ce esti tu! Zi buna!

    • Dana/ 04.11.2017Reply

      Multumesc frumos, Diana.

  • Ela/ 03.11.2017Reply

    Ce rosu elegant! Te prind foarte bine culoarea si stilul.

  • Alina/ 03.11.2017Reply

    New samurai style 🙂 Creativa vestimentatia
    Bafta cu noul produs. Sunt nerabdatoare…

  • Insecticide gandaci/ 05.11.2017Reply

    Chiar sunt foarte curioasa de noul produs! Culoarea rosie iti vine absolut minunat!

  • Adina/ 06.11.2017Reply

    V for Vintage a fost primul targ vintage la care am mers acum multi ani. Tare mult mi-a placut ce am gasit acolo si am si acum brosa vintage pe care am cumparat-o la targ si pe care o ador si acum!
    Foarte frumoase pozele! :* :*

  • Sorina/ 13.11.2017Reply

    All in all, all is you, you all RED :)!


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