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Street Style

V for Vintage, editia #19

Imi aduc aminte ca acum mult timp, cand au inceput sa fie organizate targuri vintage in Bucuresti, era o efervescenta si o dorinta incredibila a publicului de a gasi lucruri unice, diferite fata de ale oricarui altcuiva. O dorinta de a fi complet altfel fata de restul, o dorinta care la vremea respectiva a fost indeplinita de o selectie unica de piese la astfel de targuri, dintre care V for Vintage era de departe cel mai bine organizat.


EN: I remember that a while ago, when vintage fairs first started to be organized in Bucharest, there was a thrill and an incredible desire of the public to find unique pieces, different than those of anyone else. A desire to be completely different from the rest, a desire which at that time was fulfilled by a unique selection of items from such fairs, among which V for Vintage was by far the best organized.

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Stilul clasic e accesibil

In fiecare sezon imi place sa descopar noile trenduri insa daca e sa fiu complet sincera, piesele de baza din garderoba mea au fost si vor ramane mereu cele simple: o pereche de blugi bine croiti intr-o culoare clasica, un top usor de asortat, o haina care sa adauge sare si piper unei tinute lejere de zi si cateva accesorii.


EN: Each season I like to discover new trends but in all honesty, the basic items in my wardrobe have been and will be the simplest ones: a pair of well tailored jeans in a classic color, an easy to match top, a coat to add some salt and pepper to a casual daytime outfit and some accessories.

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Un weekend stylish

Dupa o saptamana intreaga in care incerci sa coordonezi cat mai bine tinutele, in care jonglezi cu outfit-urile de birou si cele de iesit in oras, in weekend esti tentata sa porti un trening 2 zile? Si eu! Tocmai pentru ca e destul de greu sa te concentrezi cand de fapt ar trebui sa te relaxezi si sa te simti bine, m-am gandit ca trei propuneri de tinute ar prinde bine.


EN: After a whole week of trying to put together the best outfits you can, after joggling between office and evening wear, during the weekend do you feel tempted to wear sweat pants for 2 days? Me too! Since it’s really hard to focus when in fact you should be relaxing, I thought that 3 outfit proposals would be just what you need.

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Dragi prieteni,

De azi incepand va astept pe Un nou inceput, pentru care simt din plin emotiile, dar mai ales entuziasmul. Sunt fericita! E o uriasa satisfactie sa vad ca blogul meu trece intr-o noua etapa importanta a vietii lui, care aduce multe noutati: devine bilingv, va gazdui mult mai mult continut video, fashion, parenting, travel, dar si proiecte de lifestyle care sa va inspire sa traiti viata frumos. Blogging-ul nu e doar hobby, nu e doar meserie, e un stil de viata deja pentru mine. Cu pasiune, cu multa munca, cu optimism, cu bun simt, cu sinceritate, dar si cu un dram de nebunie … facem impreuna pasul catre Va multumesc pentru sustinere!


EN:  Dear friends,

Starting today I will be expecting you on A new beginning, with plenty of emotions, but most of all enthusiasm. I am happy! It is a huge satisfaction to see my blog going through a new and important stage of its life, which brings many news: it becomes bilingual, it will host more video, fashion, parenting and travel content, but also lifestyle projects to inspire you to live your life beautifully. Blogging isn’t just a hobby, it’s not just a job, to me it is a way of life. With passion, with a lot of work, with optimism, common sense, honesty, but also with a bit of craziness…together we take the step towards danarogoz.comThank you for your support!

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