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Noua camera a lui Vlad

Noua camera a lui Vlad

Aceasta este camera lui Vlad, din noua noastra casuta. Sper doar sa ii placa si lui cum a iesit la fel de mult precum imi place mie! Ne-am dorit sa fie o camera de poveste, asa ca fiecare obiect ales are istorioara lui…


EN: This is Vlad’s room, from our new home. I hope he likes the way it turned out just as much as I do! We wanted it to be a storybook room, so each object chosen has its own little story…

10webv83webv2v6v725webv12v20v414webv16v188webv224web24webv24In sfarsit va pot arata camera lui Vlad, pentru ca este gata! E o bucurie sa petrecem timp impreuna aici, spunand povesti in cort, lenevind pe canapea sau cantandu-i “Melc, melc, codobelc” in timp ce el adoarme usor-usor in patul – casuta.

Ca si la postarea in care v-am prezentat mansarda, ori in cea in care v-am aratat terasa, o sa va detaliez fiecare obiect in parte, in speranta ca alegerile noastre va vor inspira:

  • Cortul: este realizat de noi, pornind de la un baldachid de la Ikea (plasa transparenta), peste care am adaufat un material mai dens bej – gri, ca sa se poata ascunde la “intuneric”. Inauntru am pus pe jos blanite din par artificial tot de la Ikea si pernute, cat sa aiba un “culcus” placut. El si-a adus acolo de curand toti ursii…
  • Casuta – pat: e inspirata de alte casute similare de pe Pinterest. Cum era prea complicat sa o comandam de undeva de afara, am facut-o noi, pe comanda. Am decorat-o cu instalatie de lumini, care creeaza o atmosfera placuta noaptea si cu un copacel primit cadou de la nasa mea de cununie.
  • Canapeaua – o adoram! Cu totii: el, eu, Radu, familia, prietenii, toti cei care au apucat sa o vada live. Are o culoare perfecta – un bleu – gri bland, pe care ni l-am dorit foarte mult, si este super comoda. Am comandat-o de pe, fiind de la brandul danez Innovation Living. Dupa cum vedeti si in imagini, are doua spatare, care pot fi lasate in 3 pozitii (mai dreapta, cu spatarul mai lasat pentru relaxare, sau lasat de tot, atunci cand vrei sa faci canapeaua pat, ori sa obtii o suprafata intinsa doar pe jumatate). Am luat si un fotoliu la fel pe care il tinem in dormitor momentan, dar pe care il poti aseza in dreptul canapelei, formand un L – se incadreaza astfel la canapelele modulare, nefiind atat de voluminoasa ca cele din gama ei.
  • Dulapul: este realizat din vechiul dressing pe care il aveam in fosta casa (care dateaza de prin anii ’50). Era o piesa prea frumoasa ca sa o abadonam cine stie pe unde, asa ca am readaptat-o pentru acest spatiu. Este un element de poveste al camerei. Am dorit sa-i oferim o imagine puternica lui Vlad, pe care sa o tina minte pana cand va fi mare: “Cand eram mic, aveam in camera un dulap urias! Pana in tavan!”. Butonii de lemn originali i-am inlocuit cu unii din portelan cu cifre, luati de la The Home. In rafturile de jos sunt hainele pe care le poarta uzual, iar in cele de sus le tin pe cele “inca prea mari” ori “de dat”. Plus jucarii in cosurile de jos.
  • Cufarul: l-am cumparat dintr-un magazin cu piese vintage si second hand. E plin cu jucarii.
  • Fotografiile: din toate vacantele noastre, cu familia, de la nastere, asezate in rame si pe polite de la Ikea
  • Tablouri: pe unele le stiti din fosta lui camera (Ikea), altele sunt cadoul lui de la 2 ani luate de la Galeria Artmark, ori The Home.
  • Landou: este landoul lui de cand era bebe, un landou vintage de prin anii ’70. Se poate plia si strange usor, dar ii place sa se joace cu el, sa isi puna toata Familia Mickey sau se ascunda in el, prefecandu-se ca e inca bebe mic
  • Globul pamantesc: este foarte vechi si este primit cadou de la nasii lui (Adela si Radu), cu ocazia botezului.
  • Lumina: doua ferestre foarte mari ii lumineaza camera puternic. Lampa este de la Ikea, la fel ca si ghirlandele. Steaua albastra care se aprinde este de la Zara Home, la fel ca si asternuturile sau covorasul de langa pat.
  • Mastile calorfirelor: sunt identice cu cele din restul casei, doar ca fiind cu o placa de metala in fata, le folosim pe post de tabla pentru litere si cifre cu magnet
  • Tapet: cu stele, gri deschis, pus doar pe partea cu patul și cortul, luat de la Zara Home.

Sper ca nu am uitat nimic. Daca mai aveti intrebari, nu ezitati! Va las mai multe imagini si in continuare. Pozele sunt facute de mine, asa ca astept felicitarile de rigoare. Ca si designul camerei lui in mare parte 🙂

Gata, merg sa il pup pe Perfectu’ meu, ca mi s-a facut dor de el instant!

P.S.: El e atat de fericit cand vine cineva in vizita si ii prezentam camera lui… e tare mandru de fiecare obiect in parte. Chiar si de hainele lui, pe care le mai scoate din rafturi si le pupa/iubeste, ca in ultima fotografie.

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EN: I can finally show you Vlad’s room, because it’s ready! It’s a joy to spend time together here, telling stories in the tent, being lazy on the couch or singing nursery rhymes as he slowly falls asleep in his bed-little house.  

Just as I did in the post about the attic, or the one in which I showed you the terrace, I will detail each object, hoping that our choices will inspire you:

  • The tent: is made by us, starting from a canopy from Ikea (see-through net), over which we have added a thicker fabric in beige- grey, so he can hide “in the dark”. Inside we put fake fur from Ikea on the floor and little pillows, so he has a comfy “nest”. He recently brought all his bears there…
  • The little house- bed: is inspired by similar houses on Pinterest. Since it was too complicated to order it from abroad, we had it custom made. We decorated it with lights, which create o nice atmosphere at night and with a small tree, received as a gift from my godmother.  
  • The couch- we love it! Everyone: him, me, Radu, the family, our friends, everyone who got to see it live. It has the perfect color- a soft light blue- grey, which we really wanted, and is also very comfortable. We ordered it from, and it’s from the Danish brand  Innovation Living. As you can see from the pictures, it has two backrests, which can be fixed in 3 different positions (straighter, lowered for relaxing, or completely flat, when you want to turn it into a bed, or to get a flat surface only on half). We also got an armchair which we keep in the sleeping room for the moment, but which you can place in front of the couch, to get an L shape- it fits into modular couches, without being as big as others from its range.   
  • The dresser: is made from the old dressing we had in our former house (which is from the ’50s). It was too beautiful to abandon, so we readjusted it to this space. It’s a story book element of the room. We wanted to give Vlad a strong image, which he can remember as he grows older: “When I was little, I had a huge dresser in my room! Up to the ceiling!” We replaced the original wooden buttons with ones made from porcelain with numbers on them, bought from The Home. In the bottom drawers we keep the clothes which he usually wears, and in the top ones I keep the ones which are “still too large” or “for giveaway”. Plus toys in the baskets below.  
  • The chest: we bought it from a second hand and vintage shop. It’s filled with toys.
  • The photographs: from all our vacations, with the family, from birth, placed in Ikea frames and on Ikea shelves.
  • The paintings: you already know some from his old room (Ikea), others are his gift for his second birthday bought from Artmark Gallery, or The Home.
  • The carry cot: is his carry cot from when he was a baby, a vintage piece from the ’70s. It can be folded easily, but he likes to play with it, to put his entire Mickey family in it, or hide in it, pretending he is still a baby.
  • The earth globe: is very old and we received it as a gift from his godparents (Adela and Radu), on his christening.
  • The light: two very big windows shed strong light into his room. The lamp is from Ikea, so are the festoons. The blue star which lights up is from Zara Home, so are the bed linens or the little carpet by the bed.
  • The radiator masks: are identical with the ones from the rest of the house, but since they have a metal plaque in the front, we use them as a board for magnetic letters and numbers
  • The wallpaper: with stars, light grey, only on the wall with the bed and the tent, from cu Zara Home.I hope I didn’t forget anything. If you have questions, don’t hesitate! The pictures are taken by me, so I am expecting congratulations. So is the most part of the design of his room:) OK, I’m going to give my Perfect One a kiss, I miss him already! P.S.: He is so happy when someone comes to visit and we show them his room…he is very proud if each object. Even of his clothes, which he sometimes takes out and gives them a kiss/ a hug, like in the last photo.
  • Andreea/ 26.01.2017Reply

    Buna, Dana! Imi poti spune, te rog, unde ai comandat patul? Cati cm are inaltime? As vrea unul asemanator. Merci

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