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Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3) – 5 Tips

Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3) – 5 Tips

Mai intai ati putut urmari portretul video al Laurei Gardu, de profesie pilot. Daca aveti frica de avion si nu ati urmarit inca interviul, va sfatuiesc sa o faceti. Inteligenta, calmul, modestia, felul ei de a povesti, va vor da curaj. Desi nu am apucat sa ne cunoastem decat prin intermediul acest proiect, dar si o data in calitate de pasager – pilot (cand i-am facut si invitatia, de altfel, sa fie eroina ep 3), am ramas cu convingerea ca Laura Gardu este un om deosebit. Cititi mai jos cele 5 sfaturi ale ei si o sa imi dati dreptate. Dar mai intai de toate, a sosit momentul sa vedeti exercitiul de stil pe care l-am facut impreuna.


EN: First you could watch the video portrait of Laura Gardu, pilot. If you have a fear of flight and didn’t get a chance to see the interview yet, I advise you to do it. Her intelligence, charm, modesty, storytelling abilities will give you courage. Although we didn’t get to know each other before this project, but also once as passenger (when I also invited her to be the hero of episode 3), I was convinced that Laura Gardu is a special person. Please read below her 5 advice and you’ll be convinced yourselves. But first of all, it’s time to see the style exercise which we put together. 

Acest exercitiu de stil, realizat cu ajutorul unei echipe profesioniste de stilisti, la fel ca si cele din episoadele anterioare ale proiectului, nu isi propune sa prezinte look-uri extravagante si inabordabile, ci mai degraba urmaresc potentarea frumusetii naturale a invitatei in proiect. In felul acesta, urmarind exercitiile de stil ale unor oameni ca voi, nu persoane publice, nu modele, nu oameni obisnuiti cu aparatul de fotografiat, am credinta ca va veti identifica mult mai usor si ca veti gasi constant surse noi de inspiratie.

Daca pe Laura o intalnesti pe strada, si nu la locul de munca, in uniforma, poti crede linistit ca e model. E cu un cap mai inalta decat mine, are picioare perfecte, este numai fibra, iar zambetul ei superb inspira incredere de sine si prospetime. Asadar, cred ca pentru intreaga echipa a fost o placere lucrul cu ea, iar imaginile de mai sus stau drept marturie.

Daaaaar, cum stiti deja, urmeaza trocul! Fiecare invitata a proiectului ofera 5 sfaturi din meseria ei si primeste cate 5 sfaturi de la stilistii care fac posibile sedintele foto. Iar noi, urmarind trocul prin intermediul blogului, avem de invatat de la toata lumea. Doamnelor si domnilor….. 5 TIPS:

5 tips-uri de la Laura Gardu (pilot)

1.Ma voi adresa in primul rand fetelor si femeilor care s-au gandit vreodata la zbor sau si-au dorit la un moment dat al vietii o cariera in aviatie. Lor vreau sa le spun sa nu ia deloc in seama stereotipurile culturale sexiste, ci sa isi urmeze calea cu rabdare si incredere si cu siguranta vor izbandi.

2. Intrucat sunt numeroase stereotipuri de gen cu privire la faptul de a fi femeie-pilot nu doar pilot, vreau sa subliniez ideea ca in aviatie nu trebuie sa conteze daca esti barbat sau femeie, ci sa conteze ceea ce reusesti sa faci si sa obtii, anume siguranta pasagerilor tai. Oricum aeronava nu stie genul persoanei aflate in dreptul mansei.

3. De-a lungul timpului mai multe persoane, provenind din diferite medii si avand varste si pregatiri diverse, au recunoscut in prezenta mea ca le este frica sa zboare cu avionul. Nu doresc cu aceasta ocazie sa le schimb parerea, ci doar sa amintesc ca zborul este, in primul rand, o depasire a conditiei umane, inaltare si lumina, tehnica si inginerie de nivel inalt, iar in zilele noastre a devenit o necesitate prin viteza cu care ne permite sa strabatem distante mari intr-un timp scurt.

4. Am fost intrebata frecvent despre asa-numitele `goluri de aer`. Poate ca nu va spun ceva nou, insa  ceea ce unii numesc popular `goluri de aer`, nu exista. In realitate, fenomenul resimtit in astfel de situatii este turbulenta, destul de neplacuta pentru pasageri, insa  obisnuita pentru echipajul de zbor. De adaugat este ca doar in situatii extreme acest fenomen poate conduce la accidente, iar astfel de cazuri sunt foarte rare.

5. Am primit multe intrebari si legat de semnificatia succesului in domeniul in care activez, de aceea va impartasesc parerea mea ca in viata nu conteaza doar succesul profesional, ci adevaratul succes provine din familie, din relatiile pe care le construim cu ceilalti, din capacitatea noastra de a nu ramane indiferenti fata de toti si toate cele ce ne inconjura, fata de oameni, natura, Univers.


5 tips-uri de la Irina Hartia (styling)

Laura arata senzational in tinute casual, fie ele relaxate, fie intr-o nota mai feminina. Am incercat trei lookuri diferite – o rochie cu print floral pe care am accesorizat-o cu o pereche de cercei tip creole; rezultatul a fost un look de inspiratie spanish care o prinde de minune pe Laura; o camasa alba petrecuta pe care o poate purta cu un jeans si se potriveste pentru orice ocazie si un look de inspiaratie sport, care e ideal pentru un weekend relaxat.

1. Experimenteaza cat mai mult! Ti se potrivesc mai multe directii de styling si e bine sa indraznesti, insa tine mereu cont de locul in care vei purta outfitul.
2. Iti sta foarte bine cu cercei! Incearca sa porti la fiecare tinuta o pereche de cercei mai masivi, vor schimba complet tinuta.
3. Adauga culoare! Iti sta extrem de bine cu nuante puternice si trebuie sa profiti – rosu, albastru si chiar si imprimeurile sunt doar cateva dintre cele pe care ar trebui sa le integrezi in garderoba ta.
4. Alege pantofi cu toc mic in locul celor sport – sunt chic, iti vor transfora tinuta si te vei simti in continuare confortabil.
5. Te avantajeaza rochiile feminine – pe timpul verii alege sa porti astfel de piese macar in timpul liber. Modele petrecute sau cele cu umerii descoperiti si talie marcata sunt variantele ideale.

5 tips-uri de la Alexandra Craescu (make up artist)

1.As opta pentru o textura lejera de fond de ten in cazul ei doar pentru împrospătarea și iluminarea fetei și as renunța la texturi ce camufleaza tenul.

2. Alegerea unui anticearcăn cu o putere de acoperire mai mare ar fi o varianta ideală pentru Laura, mai ales dacă amestecam produsul cu un iluminator cu tenta roz, pentru a neutraliza zona cearcănelor.

3. Linia ochilor arată foarte bine dacă o evidențiem cu tus sau creion printr-o linie ascendenta de la jumătatea ochiului spre exterior

4. Avand osatura definita nativ, nu as insista pe ten cu o conturare intensa, mai degrabă as opta tot pentru improsapatare prin nuante satinate de roze sau piersica

5. Pentru buze, la fel ca și in cazul ochilor, as miza pe culori calde pentru a reda un look complet luminos și as alege texturi umede precum glossul.

5 tips-uri de la Alex Claudiu Sarghe (hair style)

1. Parul, ca și Laura, trăiește cu intensitate la cote înalte și este opusul ei, indisciplinat. De cele mai multe ori, parul ondulat are și acest aspect frizat, de aceea e recomandat in îngrijirea de acasă sa spălam parul mai rar (minim 3 zile) , pentru a evita uscarea și frecarea in exces, și sa folosim un șampon hidratant.
2. Nu frecăm cu prosopul după șamponare și folosim perii din material antistatic cu dinți rari, descurcând de la vârfuri spre rădăcina.
3. Pentru a evita incurcarea parului in timpul spalatului, se recomanda pieptanarea acestuia inainte de udare si samponare. Ulterior, parul se poate pipetana usor doar după aplicarea tratamentului (fiola/masca/balsam). Pe acestea lasă-le sa acționeze minim 10 minute și apoi clateste abundent.
4. Pentru coafarea acasă folosește o crema de par hidratanta cu efect antifriz. Apoi lasă parul sa se usuce natural.  Buclele vor arată mult mai natural și frumos, perfecte pentru a un look romantic și lejer, accesorizat in funcție de preferințe.
5. Iar pentru zilele in care simți ca firele rebele nu mai pot fi controlate, poți oricând opta pentru un coc sau o împletitura tip spaniol. Cred ca i se potriveste Laurei, având in vedere temperamentul sangvinic.
Ii multumesc inca o data Laurei Gardu pentru implicarea si rabdarea de care a dat dovada in realizarea acestui episod, dar si echipei de profesionisti cu care am lucrat: Stefan Dani (fotograf), Irina Hartia (stilist), Alexandra Craescu (make up artist), Alex Claudiu Sarghe (hair stylist).
Acum, asteptam cu drag feedback-ul vostru!
Povestea Moon continua….

This style exercise, made with the help of a professional stylists team, just like in the previous episodes of the project, doesn’t aim to present extravagant and unapproachable looks, but more likely to boost the natural beauty of the one invited to take part in the project. In this manner, by following the style exercise of people just like yourselves, not public persons, not models, not people used to the camera, I am faithful that you’ll identify more easily with them and that you’ll constantly find new sources of inspiration.   

If you meet Laura on the street, and not at work, in an uniform, you could easily mistake her for a model. She considerably taller than me, has perfect legs, is toned, and her beautiful smile inspires self esteem and freshness. So, I think for the entire team it was a real pleasure to work with her, and the pictures above are the best proof. 

Buuuuut, as you already know, the swap is coming up! Each guest on the project gives out 5 advice from her line of work and receives 5 tips from the stylists who make the photo shootings happen. And while watching the exchange on the blog, we all get to learn something new. Ladies and gentlemen… 5 TIPS:

5 tips from Laura Gardu (pilot)

1. I will speak first and foremost to the girls and women who ever considered flying or, at some point in their life, have wanted a career in aviation. To them I want to say that they shouldn’t mind the sexist cultural stereotyping they’ll come across, but that they should follow their path with patience and assertion that they will succeed eventually.

2. Since there’s a lot of gender stereotypes related to being a woman- pilot, rather than just a pilot, I wish to emphasize that in aviation it shouldn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, but rather what you can do and achieve, and that means the safety of your passengers. The airplane doesn’t know the gender of the person behind the stick.

3. Over time, a lot of persons, coming from different backgrounds and having different ages and education, have admitted to me that they are scared to fly. I don’t want to make them change their mind, but I would like to remind them that flying is, first of all, overcoming of human condition, uplifting and light, high quality technology and engineering, and in our days it has become a necessity due to the speed which allows us to go on long distances in a short time.   

4. I was frequently asked by the so called “air holes”. Maybe it’s not new to you, but what people use to call “air holes” doesn’t exist In reality, the phenomenon felt during such situations is turbulence, rather unpleasant for passengers, but ordinary for the flight crew. I must add that, only under extreme conditions, this phenomenon leads to accidents, and such cases are extremely rare.

5. I received lots of questions about the significance of success in my line of work, that’s why I like to share my opinion that in life professional success isn’t the only one which matter, but that real success comes from the family, from the relationships we build with others, from our capacities to not remain indifferent towards everything that surrounds us, towards people, nature, Universe.

5 tips from Irina Hartia (styling)

Laura looks sensational in casual outfits, whether they are relaxed, or feminine. We tried out 3 different looks- a floral print dress which we accessorized with a pair of creole earrings; the result was a Spaniard inspired look which is great on Laura; a white wrap shirt which can be worn with jeans and which is perfect on any occasion and a sporty look, which is ideal for a relaxed weekend.  

1. Experiment as much as you can! Multiple styling directions are suitable for you and it’s a good thing to dare more, but always keep in mind where you’ll wear the outfit.
2. Earrings look great on you! Try to wear a pair of statement earrings with every outfit, they’ll definitely make a difference.
3. Add some color! Strong colors look great on you and you have to take advantage of that- red, blue and even prints are just some of those you should add to your wardrobe.
4. Choose low heels instead of sporty shoes- they’re chic, they will transform the outfit and you’ll still be able to feel comfortable.
5. Feminine dresses look great on you- during summer choose to wear them at least on your spare time. Wrap dresses or shoulder dresses with a waistline are the ideal options.  

5 tips from Alexandra Craescu (make up artist)

1. I would choose a light texture for foundation in her case, only for freshening up and illuminating the face and I would give up on full coverage ones.

2. Choosing a concealer with stronger coverage is an ideal option for Laura, especially if we blend the product with a pink illuminator, to neutralize the dark circles under her eyes.

3. The eye line looks very good if you highlight it with a liner through an ascending line from the middle of the eye towards the outer corner.  

4. Her cheek bones are defined by nature, I wouldn’t insist on contouring too much, I would rather choose to freshen up through satin shades of pale pink or peach.

5. For the lips, just like for the eyes, I would go for warm tones to give a full luminous look and I would choose wet textures like gloss.

5 tips from Alex Claudiu Sarghe (hair style)

1. The hair, just like Laura, lives with high intensity and is her opposite, undisciplined.  Most of the times, curly hair looks frizzy, that’s why it’s not recommended to wash the hair too often (minimum 3 days), to avoid dryness and to use a hydrating shampoo.  
2. We don’t rub the hair after shampooing and we use special hairbrushes, untangling the hair from the edges to the roots.
3. To avoid hair tangling during washing, it is advisable to comb it before washing. Afterwards, the hair can be combed easily, but only after applying some treatment (mask/conditioner). We leave those in for at least 10 minutes and then we rinse abundantly.
4. For styling at home, use a hydrating hair cream with anti frizz effect. Then allow the hair to dry naturally. The cursl will look more natural and beautiful, perfect for a romantic and effortless look, accessorized according to preferences.
5. And for the days when you feel like the hair is out of control, you can always choose a Spanish hairdo or braid. I thinkit suits Laura great, considering her temperament.  
Thank you again to Laurei Gardu for taking part and being so patient while making this episode, but also to the entire professional team we have worked with: Stefan Dani (photographer), Irina Hartia (stylist), Alexandra Craescu (make up artist), Alex Claudiu Sarghe (hair stylist).
Now, we are anxiously awaiting your feedback!
The Moon story goes on….
  • Ewa Macherowska/ 18.06.2018Reply

    Absolutely love it! 🙂

  • Diana/ 09.07.2018Reply

    Foarte interesanta transformarea. Seamana cu sora lui Penelope Cruz

    • Dana/ 11.07.2018Reply

      Chiar! Si noi am zis ca tot in zona Spanish girl…

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