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April 2017

Scoala cu totul si cu totul altfel

Unul dintre cele mai cool lucruri care “revolutiona” invatamantul generatiei mele era ideea de optionale. Puteam in sfarsit sa alegem, dintr-un numar de materii, cele cateva care ne interesau. Desigur, de mult ori alegerea era evidenta – fie alegeai ceva foarte usor ca sa poti obtine note cat mai bune, fie alegeai ceea ce te ajuta sa te pregatesti mai bine la alte materii importante cand se apropiau examenele mari. Vorbim despre cum era atunci si cum este sau ar trebui sa fie scoala acum:


EN: One of the coolest things which “revolutionized” education among our generation was the idea of optional classes. We could finally choose, from a number of classes, the ones which interested us most. Of course, most of the time the choice was pretty obvious- you either chose something very easy so you could get good grades, or you chose something that helped you prepare better for other more important classes when big exams were coming up. We are talking about how it was back then and how school should be today:

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