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O doamna in bucatarie

Deci, cum era? Doamna in societate si gospodina acasa. Eh, uite ca eu sunt doamna acasa, mai precis fix in bucatarie, cu cratita in mana.


EN: So, how was it? Lady in society and housewife at home. Well, I am a lady at home, to be more precise in the kitchen, holding a frying pan.

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Feeric Fashion Week – First Look

Anul acesta am participat pentru prima oara in viata mea la Feeric Fashion Week, aflat deja la a 9-a editie, si am fost cu adevarat impresionata. Pana si Radu, care stiti bine ca nu e vreun Fashion Addict, a concluzionat ca e o “saptamana a modei” care ar trebui si mai intens promovata atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, pentru ca merita!


EN: This year, for the first time in my life, I have attended Feeric Fashion Week, already on its’ ninth edition, and I was truly impressed. Even Radu, who you know all too well isn’t a Fashion Addict, concluded that it is a “week of fashion”, which should be promoted more intensely, both in the country and abroad, because it deserves it! 

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Walk Tall

Nu ma intereseaza barfele despre mine, nu ma las doborata de mentalitati invechite, nu cred in “nu se poate”. Pasesc cu incredere pentru ca stiu ca merit pe deplin tot ce am. Tot timpul am spus ca o femeie e mai frumoasa atunci cand e fericita, si cred in continuare asta. Numai ca fericirea in stare pura e doar un moment, o clipa. Asa ca revin la aceasta sintagma si spun ca o femeie e mai frumoasa atunci cand are incredere in ea.


I’m not interested in gossip about me, I won’t let myself be put down by obsolete mentalities, I don’t believe in “it’s not possible”. I walk tall because I know I fully deserve everything I have. I have always said that a woman is more beautiful when she is happy, and I still believe that. It’s just that happiness in a pure state is just a moment, an instant. So I go back and I say that a woman is more beautiful when she has confidence in herself.

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Reflexia personalitatii

De cand cu renovarea casei noastre, am ajuns sa petrec mult mai multe ore pe site-uri de arhitectura cotemporana, design interior, mobila, covoare, electrocasnice, decat pe orice site sau blog de moda si stil personal. Plus ca inspiratia pentru fashion se poate naste din orice, inclusiv din aceste surse. Am facut genul acesta de exercitii pe blog, in care am creat tinute pornind de la deserturi, de la cocktailuri sau chiar de la pesti! Largind aria de inspiratie, ajungi la rezultate surprinzatoare. Si orice, chiar orice poate fi o sursa de inspiratie!  Asadar, de data aceasta am creat doua tinute pornind de la noua colectie de electrocasnice Gorenje, al carei design este creat de unul dintre cei mai originali artisti recunoscuți pe plan mondial, Philippe Starck.


EN: Since the renovation of our house, I ended up spending more time on sites for contemporary architecture, interior design, furniture, carpets, electronic appliances, than on any fashion and personal style site or blog. Plus, the inspiration for fashion can come out of everywhere, including these sources. I already did this kind of exercises on the blog, where I have created outfits starting from desserts, cocktails or even fish! By broadening the inspiration area, you can come to spectacular results! So, this time I have created two outfits starting from the new collection for electronic kitchen appliances by Gorenje, whose design is created by one of the most original artists known worldwide, Phillippe Starck.

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Detalii delicate

Ador detaliile acestei rochite.

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