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Alerg catre noi destinatii

Rad de Vlad ca el cand vrea sa se deplaseze din punctul X in punctul Y nu merge, ci fuge. E prea entuziasmat de ce urmeaza sa descopere si vrea sa ajunga cat mai repede la destinatie. Cam asa sunt si eu acum. Alerg cu entuziasm catre noi “destinatii”, fie ca vorbim de un proiect de teatru nou pe care abia astept sa il incep, de un eveniment de fashion din tara ori un city break.


EN: I am laughing when Vlad is trying to get from X to Y but he isn’t walking, he’s running. He’s too excited about what he is about to discover and wants to get to his destination as fast as possible. That’s what I am like now. I am running enthusiastically towards new “destinations”, whether it’s a new theatre project which I can hardly wait to begin, a fashion event in the country or a city break.
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