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April 2018


Pentru mine, sa spun ‘Da’ lumii inseamna sa simt ca sunt de-a locului, indiferent cat de aproape sau departe de casa e locul acesta. In fiecare vacanta ma straduiesc sa caut cele mai autentice restaurante, sa traiesc cele mai interesante experiente. Iar cand suntem cu rulota, asa cum am fost in aceasta mica vacanta de Paste, imi place sa uit in ce zi suntem, unde suntem si mai ales sa nu imi fac niciun plan pentru ziua de maine. Pentru ca imi place sa cred ca o vacanta nu e doar o calatorie, ci o scurta perioada in care pui pauza la absolut orice si alegi sa fii complet prezent in acel moment si in acel loc.


EN: To me, saying “Yes” to the world means feeling like I belong there, no matter how near to or far from home that is. On every vacation I do my best to find the most authentic restaurants, to live the most interesting experiences. And when we are with the trailer, as was the case during our short Easter getaway, I like to forget what day it is, where we are and especially to not plan anything ahead. Because I like to think that a vacation is more than just a trip, it’s a brief period of time during which you pause absolutely everything else and choose to be completely present in that moment and place.

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