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Nu merg la referendum

Copilul meu este si va fi educat sa iubeasca oamenii indiferent de rasa, religia, culoarea, averea, statutul sau orientarea sexuala. Copilul meu va vedea filme sau piese de teatru si va citi intr-o zi romane catre trateaza subiectul homosexualitatii. Copilul meu va intalni cupluri formate din persoane de acelasi sex tinandu-se de mana in strainatate, chiar daca nu se va intampla asta la noi in tara prea curand. Homofobia, la fel ca si rasismul, se invata. Sunt convinsa ca nu ar fi nici socat, nici dezgustat, nici nu i-ar fi frica, nici nu s-ar simti amenintat, nici nu ar uri, asa cum nu a facut-o atunci cand a vazut oameni rugandu-se la Buddha in calatoriile noastre, si nu la Isus, ori cand s-a jucat cu copii de toate nationalitatile si culturile. El va fi invatat sa-i iubeasca si sa-i inteleaga si pe cei care iubesc diferit fata de parintii lui. Iar eu il voi iubi pe el indiferent de alegerile pe care le va face in viata. Nu inteleg cum vorbim atat de mult despre “iubirea neconditionata”, dar tocmai aceasta valoare nu reusim sa o aparam.


EN: My child is and will be educated to love all people, no matter their race, religion, color, fortune, status or sexual orientation. My child will see movies or theatre plays and will someday read novels which talk about the topic of homosexuality. My child will meet same sex couples holding hands, while abroad, even if this  probably won’t happen very soon in our country. Homophobia, just like racism, is taught. I am sure he would be neither shocked, nor disgusted, nor wouldn’t he be afraid, or feel threatened, or hate, just like he didn’t when he saw people praying to Buddha on our travels, and not to Jesus, or when he played with children of all nationalities and cultures. He will have learned to love and understand also those who love differently than his parents. And I will love him no matter the choices he may make in life. I don’t understand how we speak so often about “unconditional love”, but it’s precisely this value that we can’t seem to be able to protect.  

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