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Brambura prin Lume Tag

Sri Lanka (I)

Am avut de curand o discutie in familie si s-a votat in unanimitate ca cel mai bine de pana acum, din toate vacantele petrecute impreuna, ne-a fost in Sri Lanka. Pur si simplu ne-am indragostit de privelisti, de atmosfera prietenoasa a localnicilor, de tuktuk, de plaje, de plantatiile de ceai… de tot. Pregatiti-va pentru multe serii de fotografii…


EN: During a recent family talk, it was unanimously decided that, out of all the vacations we have spent together so far, we had the best time in Sri Lanka. We just fell in love with the views, the friendly atmosphere of the locals, the Tuktuk, the beaches, the tea plantations…everything. Prepare to see many sets of pictures….

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Brambura prin Lume: Ungaria I (ep. 7)

Cea mai buna replica a episodului, pe care nu am auzit-o la momentul respectiv, ci abia la vizionarea episodului, ii apartine lui Vlad: “Tata, tu iti rupi gatul!”. Va las pe voi sa descoperiti contextul.

P.S.: Nu uitati sa va abonati!


EN: The best line in this episode, which I only heard while watching it and not when he said it, belongs to Vlad: “Dad, you are going to break  your neck!”. You can find out what the context was while watching.

P.S.: Don’t forget to subscribe!

Brambura prin Lume – ep.2

Bucurati-va de al doilea episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume” si apoi, daca aveti chef si timp, lasati-mi un feedback. Aici si/sau pe YouTube.


EN: Enjoy the second vlog episode “Brambura through the World” and then, if you find the time and the mood for it, leave me a feedback. Here and/ or on YouTube.

VLOG: Brambura prin Lume (Ep. 1)

Azi am lansat vlogul de travel “Brambura prin Lume”. Parerea voastra despre primul episod, a celor care cititi constant acest blog, e foarte valoroasa pentru mine.


EN: Today I have launched the travel vlog “Brambura through the World”. Your opinion, of those who constantly read this blog, on this first episode is extremely valuable to me.

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